Title: Re-education part 2
Author: slaveboyusa
E-mail: slaveboyusa@yahoo.com
Date: 4/22/10
Michelle Li will never forget watching her friend Samantha Ambers getting raped by Agent Y and humiliated by Agent X. She can’t forget it, because she has spent the last month watching it happen every day for the last month on a monitor suspended from the high ceiling in her cell. The agents know how long she has been in there, but Michelle lost track of time after 10 days, these things happen when date and time have no meaning (and you have no communication with the outside world). Michelle was starting to worry that no one was looking for her. When you get raped by someone and you can’t even call the police to protect your rights that usually means you are in prison.
Michelle Li is a 25-year old Asian-American actress. Her parents put in long hours at their dry cleaning business to send their only daughter to Julliard acting school (she earned it be keeping a 4.0 gpa in high school, after all, someone in the family had to go to college). After college, she put in her time, as a teacher and doing voice acting for corny children cartoons. She finally broke into the big time by staring in her first off Broadway play and it was her first and last success. The next morning, following her big debut, she opened the newspaper to disheartening news. A new piece of legislation was passed and it called for the end of the entertainment business. She called her manager, who confirmed her worst nightmares. Broadway and all other theater venues are to be shut down (not to mention all entertainment venues for now on). He wished her well, and said it was a pleasure doing business with her, but there was nothing he could do to save her acting career. It wasn’t fair. Her parents were immigrants who toiled and sweated to put her through a prestigious college. She worked hard to overcome the negative stereotypes of Asian women, going as far as turning down modeling work and the easy money that came with it, because she refused to be seen as a sex object. Her parents deserved better. She deserved better.
“How are your wrists feeling, Ms. Li?” asked Agent Y into the 2-way intercom.
“How are your balls, after I kicked them?” asked Michelle.
This was a conversation that goes back. The third time Agent Y raped Michelle; she managed to give him a good kick to the cajoles. He was “out of the game” for about a week after that. From that point on, Michelle was tied down, before being raped. Agent Y found the roughest material possible for the wrist straps. Michelle’s cell looked just like Natasha’s (in fact, all the cells on that floor looked and functioned the same), except for the two O rings on the wall that were specially built for Michelle. This was ideal for strapping Michelle spread eagle against the cold and rough texture wall, and doing what Agent Y and his old army buddies would have called a “ramdoggle”. A 2-part word that translates to, to ram, as in with great force and doggle as in to fuck like a horny dog. It wasn’t poetry, but just because you are in the service and being shipped out all the time, doesn’t mean you have less needs.
Michelle has not had a shower, or even been allowed to wash her hands since she has been in her cell. Agent Y kind of liked the way her stink and his sweet filled the air, when he raped her. It brought back fond memories of his days in the battlefield. Michelle however felt gross. Her hair was literally standing up on its own it was so filthy. In fact, the only time Michelle was allowed to “freshen up”, was on days that she was offered to wear purple eye shadow, and in exchange, she was promised 3 hot meals and something cold to drink. Michelle hating wearing eye shadow, it made her look and feel like a whore and the agents knew this. Agent X called it positive reinforcement. Agent Y said he liked his whores to look their best.
“Michelle, wasn’t Kelly Hu a great actress? I really enjoyed that really old movie. What was it called, oh yeah, The Scorpion King? Especially the bath scene” said Agent Y.
“Kelly Hu was nothing but a B-level actress who flaunted her body. I would never do that” said Michelle.
“Do what, Michelle?” asked Agent X.
“Willingly show off my body, become a sex symbol for men to drool over” said Michelle.
“Would you consent to be a whore, to make sure your parents never have to see footage of you being raped?” asked Agent X through the intercom.
Michelle Li became very quiet and serious looking.
“I know your parents worked 6 days a week, 12 hour days to put you through college, and we know it would break their heart, if they were to see you being raped, and even worst, it was presented and packaged as a porn film. How would your parents feel Michelle? If your parents thought you have became a porn star, having rough sex with strange men for money? Remember, they are aware that the entertainment sector in this country is outlawed, but for all they know, you sought another line of work. Don’t let them think that line of work is selling your body. Wouldn’t that just break their hearts?” asked Agent X through the intercom.
“You leave my parents alone!” Michelle yelled.
“You have our word; we will not hurt a hair on your parents. But we are prepared to take 3 hours of footage of you having sex sessions with me, Sergei and the several other men that paid for the privilege, package it as a porn movie, and send several copies to all your family members, former classmates, former professors, friends and former employers. You will make every former actress that ever showed skin, look like a saint.” said Agent Y through the intercom.
Michelle had to work hard to hold back her tears. The last thing she needed was for her family to think that their little A+ student was a slut fucking for a living. At the same time, she didn’t want to show weakness. Michelle was strong when she didn’t get into the sorority she wanted to get into. She was strong when she turned down the bikini modeling job that would have paid her enough to get her own apartment when she was sharing a studio apartment with a slob of a girl who kept eating her top ramen. She sure as hell wasn’t going to quit being strong now.
“There is only one thing we need to know. Can we trust you, to follow our orders for the entire day, and in exchange, we will make sure that no one outside this compound sees footage of you having sex?” asked Agent X through the intercom.
Michelle nodded her head vigorously.
“For now on, to say yes or show that you agree, do your best submissive girl bow, do it now for us” said Agent Y through the intercom.
Michelle stood there, looking uncertain.
“Do it now, or we’ll show your sex footage to your friends Natasha and Samantha” said Agent X.
Like clockwork, Michelle brought her arms to her side, lowered her face and bent at the waist. Her perky boobs hung like 2 perfect eggs. It was an 8/10, it would have been a 10/10, if her hair didn’t look like Medusa and her beaver looked like a yard after weeds attacked it.
Agent Y turned off the intercom and turned to his partner.
“So, let me get this straight. You say this is a skinner box?” asked Agent Y.
“Yes. Here is how it basically works. You put a mouse in a cage. You reward the mouse with a food pellet when it does a desired action, like press a lever, or run on a wheel. The more times the behavior is rewarded, the more frequent the behavior comes, and the opposite is true. The desired behavior we want in the women in the re-education institution, is to become obedient whores, domestic servants or whatever else would work” said Agent X.
“They do whorish things, and we make sure they have semi-sanitary conditions and food” said Agent Y.
“B.F Skinner would have been proud” said Agent X.
The Agents turn on the 2-way intercom again.
“Michelle would you like to take a shower?” asked Agent X.
Michelle gave a submissive bow.
A wall panel turned and a jar of peanut butter sitting on a shelf appeared. Michelle looked confused.
“Michelle I want you to take the jar of peanut butter and sit in front of the door and then I want you to open your legs and spread the peanut butter on your inner thighs” said Agent X.
Michelle hesitated and contemplated asking why, and then realized she was not in a position to negotiate. She did exactly as she was told; she has been deliberately kept naked for the purpose of priming her for this experiment.
“You will be allowed to take a shower, once you complete this simple task. Once you are done spreading the peanut butter, a cat will be let into the room. The cat will lick the peanut butter off your thighs. If you so much as squirm or try to push the cat away, you will be denied a shower” said Agent X.
Michelle now had a worried look on her face.
“Come now Michelle, try to enjoy it” said Agent Y.
Michelle did as she was told. The spread of peanut butter on Michelle’s inner thigh looked like an arrow pointing at a specific location, the sexual equivalent of a neon sign. A grey cat walked in, who happened to have a fondness for peanut butter (wasn’t trained to like it, just happened to be spotted licking some peanut butter of the floor one day. In fact, that’s what inspired this experiment). The cat picked up the scent and the sight of the delicious, nutty flavor and went straight for its prize. The cat’s sandpaper tongue tickled Michelle’s sensitive thigh. She wasn’t a stranger to sex anymore (before being raped by Sergei, she was an endangered species, a woman who wanted to save herself for the right man, she was a virgin before being put in the cell), but it was the slow and gentle tickling that drove her up the wall. The kitty started licking the peanut butter on the right thigh, just above the knee and working its way in. Michelle thought she was clever, spreading a lot of it, so that it looked like she was really trying to do the job well, but she couldn’t have calculated that it would just prolong the torture. Michelle had beads of sweat drip down her red face, her heaving breasts and her moist vagina. Michelle wanted to kick that damn cat away. The cat was getting really close to her vagina, so much so that its whiskers were tickling the inner thigh of both legs. Michelle starting breathing harder, this seemed to encourage the cat.
Needless to say, Michelle needed some “relief” right about now. Good things cats like tuna, and better that cat’s respond to scent. The cat puts its tongue to work on the soft skin of Michelle’s vagina. Michelle was a strong girl, a very strong girl, but even strong girls have needs. Michelle’s weak arms slid to the ground and her back rested on the floor, allowing her to spread her legs wider and the cat too really get in deep. Michelle felt good, but not from an orgasm. After a month of suffering gang bangs from boys and men over the last month, a cat’s tongue would hardly do the job. She felt good because she was going to get a shower. She was strong enough to do the task and earn a shower. She didn’t mind if she had to let a cat use her womanly parts as a dish and somehow felt not completely degraded, when she moved her vagina around to make sure the cat’s tongue touched her most sensitive parts.
The cat left the room from the little door that it came in after giving Michelle’s cunt a 10-minute tongue bath. Michelle sat up and thought that she should be mad or somehow bothered by what happened. Did she enjoy being used inappropriately; was she just doing what had to be done? So many questions.
A wall panel turned and on the other side was a shower with soaps and shampoos. Michelle was eager to take a shower, and that’s the exact response the Agents wanted to see. Michelle really enjoyed her shower, and wanted to wrap a towel around her, so at least it felt like she was dressed, but the agents told her to put the towel into a laundry drop. She was naked again, but at least she doesn’t have saliva and excess peanut butter on her thighs anymore.
“Would you like some clothes Michelle?” asked Agent X.
Michelle gave her signature bow.
A package dropped from a shaft in the ceiling. It was her new outfit, but Michelle could not have known that, and she wanted to be obedient and pass all the tasks. The agents smiled when Michelle hesitated to rip open the package and get dressed; it meant she has at least learned to wait for commands.
“That content of that package is your new outfit. You will recognize it right away, it looks exactly like the outfit that the girls wore in the sorority that you wanted to get into at college, but was not accepted into. You may get dressed now” said Agent X.
Michelle opened the package and put on the: blue skirt, white blouse with a Greek symbol on the right breast pocket, a blue hair tie (if a girl in that sorority had long hair, she had to have it tied back) black dress shoes and socks, and white bra and panties. The clothes felt good, even had that fresh out of the washing machine smell.
“You will walk out the door and take a right down the hallway. Go through the door at the end, and don’t try to run away, all the other doors are locked and we have cameras. That room that you will enter is designed to look exactly like a sorority house. It is not the sorority you wanted to join; it’s a mock one called Phi Kappa. In that room are 3 ladies that are senior members of Phi Kappa. It is your final task to join Phi Kappa. Once you enter the room, take a seat on the couch and wait for the other ladies to join you. They are the senior members and you have to do what they say to join. If you are successful in joining, no one will see that video. Fail, and know that all your family members will know you are a whore and lose any and all respect for you” said Agent Y through the intercom.
Michelle walked out of her room and walked down the hallway. The agents turned off their intercom and watched Michelle’s actions through the monitors. They would chime in when they needed to. Agent Y turned to Agent X and asked if there should be some kind of punishment for Michelle not bowing when given an order. Agent Y reminded Agent X that Michelle always struggled when she was raped. Her defenses are wearing down; she is starting to be more obedient. The agents have leverage on her now.
Michelle walked through the door she was told to go through and found herself in the living room of what was a nice looking living quarters. A large painting of a Greek symbol, matching the one on her blouse, hanged above the fire place. One of the walls had a book shelf that was lined with academic books. The other wall had a brown leather coach for four people. A door on the left had a sign that said “bathroom” and the door on the right had a sign that said “rooms”. Michelle took a seat on the couch.
Three ladies came from the door right and walked into the center of the living room. They all looked at Michelle. Two of the girls laughed and covered their mouths and the oldest looking one smiled devilishly.
The oldest looking one was a blonde girl named Natalie. In terms of age, her looks put her a day after high school graduation. She was dressed just like Michelle (everyone in the room was). Natalie had perky boobs, well sculpted legs and a round face that allowed her to give a nice big grin. She is an upper-class English woman who thought it would be “lovely” to go to college abroad. Her rich father also arranged for her to take part in this sadistic experiment. Natalie had an ego that couldn’t fit in most rooms. She was too excited to learn that she would get a chance to humiliate a former actress.
The other two girls are brunette twins. They are part of the experiment, because they get to watch, and help with disciplining Michelle. There is something surreal about twins wearing the same outfit, don’t you agree? They are younger than Natalie, and that is the point. What could be more humiliating than being bossed around and abused by people younger and weaker than you? Their names are Kate and Jane.
“Get off that couch and stand up you Cow. Why are you in our sorority house?” asked Natalie in a thick British accent, indicating her and the girls behind her.
Michelle stood up and explained that she wants to join Phi Kappa.
“How did you hear about Phi Kappa? We are a private sorority.” said Kate
“I happened to walk in, and I recognized the Greek symbol above the fireplace. I knew I wanted to join right away” said Michelle thinking on her feet.
“And where did you get that Phi Kappa blouse?” asked Jane.
“I….I found it in my dorm and it was the only clean thing I had to wear” said Michelle.
“Liar, you stole it, didn’t you!” said Jane.
“Yes, I stole it” said Michelle, figuring it would be easier to play along.
“Well, then Ms. I steal clothes that aren’t mine. Take it off right now or I’m calling campus police and having you arrested as a pervert” said Natalie, referring to the guards in the compound.
“You can’t be serious. You want me to take this blouse of right here?” asked Michelle.
“No, of course not you dim witted bimbo I was joking, that wouldn’t be polite. We here at Phi Kappa are more civilized than that. Let me introduce you to the sorority. My name is Natalie and these girls here are Kate and Jane, each girl doing a curtsey as their name was called to let Michelle know who was which. And you are?” asked Natalie.
“My name is Michelle and I wish to join Phi Kappa” said Michelle.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Michelle. Now, let me tell you this in a polite way. Michelle, take off that shirt or I will have Kate and Jane do it for you. Is that better?” asked Natalie.
Michelle’s face was flush; she has never been so embarrassed. Was this sprite of a girl telling her to undress on the spot? How dare she?
“Can I at least borrow one of your shirts?” asked Michelle.
Natalie had a bothered expression on her face and took out her cell phone. Michelle quickly realized she was failing the task she was given. Michelle unbuttoned the blouse as fast as she could, folded it and walked over to Natalie to give the blouse to her.
“No you bitch. I want you to kneel in the opposite corner of the room and walk on your knees over to me, with the blouse in your mouth and give it to me that way.” Said Natalie.
Michelle didn’t have to think twice, she kneeled in the corner and put the blouse in her mouth. This task was hard for 2 reasons. One the floor was hard wood and hurt her knees and two the skirt went past her knees, so she had to lift the skirt so her knees wouldn’t trip over it. The walk was murder on her knees, but she managed. Good thing she wasn’t wearing lipstick, least she leave a stain on the shirt. Michelle lifted her chin to offer the blouse up to Natalie. Natalie awarded Michelle with a slap across the face, Jane and Kate laughed in response. Michelle dropped the blouse from her mouth and had an angry look on her face. How dare this British brat slap her? She is (correction, use to be) a respectable actress, she was not going to take this.
“Pick up the shirt with your mouth” demanded Natalie.
Michelle was too angry to move, she just scowled at Natalie.
Natalie thought about slapping her again, but thought of a more appropriate reaction.
“Stand up” said Natalie in a more relaxed tone of voice.
Michelle was pissed off and wanted to smack this little bitch. Standing up was a first step.
“I’ve decided to let you petition to join Phi Kappa. Now take off your panties, not your skirt, just the underwear” said Natalie, enjoying looking into Michelle’s angry eyes.
Thinking that she got a foot in the door, Michelle quickly took off her panties. She managed to slide them off without revealing anything. Michelle kept her solid stare at Natalie.
“Your first task is to drop your panties on the floor and go lay down on the middle of the floor” said Natalie.
Michelle did exactly like she was told. The floor was cold on her nearly bare back. Natalie picked up Michelle’s panties off the floor and stuffed them in Michelle’s mouth. It was obvious that Michelle was very upset right now, you can hear her breathing hard through her nose.
“This is the proper way to discipline little bitches that don’t do as they are told by their superiors” said Natalie to Jane and Kate, while taking off her skirt and revealing crotchless panties.
Natalie stood over Michelle’s head, with her visible vagina directly over Michelle’s face.
“I had a lot of tea today, and I really need to take a pissa’h” said Natalie.
It took a second for it to dawn on Michelle what was about to happen, and when she did, her eyes opened and she screamed through her panties. Natalie released a golden shower all over Michelle’s face. At first Michelle tried to stand up, but Natalie pinned Michelle down by standing on Michelle’s shoulders. Natalie had a very full bladder and poured every last drop on Michelle. The three ladies that were standing laughed really hard, the kind of laughter where you close your eyes and bend over a little. The kind of laughter where you wonder that, if you had been drinking milk, would it come out your nose? Natalie shaked her vagina a bit to get the last drops of urine of her. Natalie thought about making some cliché comment about “cooling her off”, but decided that looking down on Michelle with a smug look on her face was just as satisfying (to her). Natalie’s finale was to do a squat and hang her ass about 6 inches over Michelle’s nose and rip a loud fart. Natalie, Jane and Kate laughed harder than they ever laughed before. The stench would have burned Michelle’s eyes, if they urine wasn’t already.
Michelle starting sobbing. She has never been degraded like this. All the rude comments, all the back talking that girls do, can never compare to the humiliation of being peed on (or farted on for that matter). The urine felt acidic. It burned her nostrils, her mouth and her scalp. What has she become? A diaper for other people to act out their piss fetish? Michelle was sobbing, because she wasn’t strong anymore. Michelle Li is now a diaper, a soaking wet and smelly diaper.
“On your hands and knees bitch, you’re going to clean this mess up” commanded Natalie.
Michelle did as she was told and waited patiently. She had a complacent look on her face. Jane walked up beside Michelle and ripped Michelle’s skirt off and threw it over the puddle of pee. Jane instructed Michelle to mop up the piss and Michelle did.
“Go to the bathroom, take all your clothes with you, throw your clothes away in the waste basket and take a shower. You’re stinking up our nice sorority house” said Jane.
“And you better not get a drop of pee on the floor, or I’m going to kick your ass” said Kate.
Michelle followed the orders right away. She walked faster when she Kate threatened her. The agents were still watching from their separate observation room. They were smiling, because they could see the conditioning of Michelle was going swimmingly.
Michelle went into the bathroom and threw her soaked clothes away immediately. The first thing she looked for was some mouth was and she found it in the medicine cabinet. She took the bottle of mouth wash, poured some in her mouth and gargled. When she picked up the bottle, she noticed a note under the bottle of mouth wash. Michelle spit out the wash and picked up the note and read it.
“To Michelle Li. I can’t tell you who I am or how you can contact me, but I can tell you that I am watching you and I will rescue you from this institution. What they are doing is wrong and I can’t stand by idly while innocent members of the entertainment community are abused. I beg you to be patient and destroy this note once you read it; no one can know I am trying to save you. I will contact you again in the near future. Take care”.
Michelle tore the note into small pieces and flushed it down the toilet. It gave her some hope to know that someone was looking out for her. She took a shower and dried off. Was she allowed to wear a towel, was she supposed to go into the living room naked? At this point her feelings didn’t matter, might as well do what the other women would want. It’s not like she had any dignity to save. Michelle walked into the living room butt naked. The other ladies were talking amongst themselves.
“Phi Kappa had a meeting and we decided we will let you try out for the sorority. Jane and Kate are going to double team you. You are going to be on your hands and knees while one of the girls is going to fuck you in the ass and the other is kneel in front of you and you are going to eat out her vagina. If you agree, bow for us” said Natalie.
Michelle gave a bow, just like she performed for the agents. Michelle got on her hands and knees in the middle of the room. She could hear one of the girls putting something on, it was the sound of putting on the harness of the strap-on. Jane appeared in front of Michelle and she took off her skirt and panties. Jane kneeled in front of Michelle and pushed her face into her vagina. Michelle’s face was forced into the girl’s crotch and her nose was pressed shut from being tucked inside the tight vagina. Michelle had to open her mouth to breath.
“Use your tongue to service me slut” said Jane.
Michelle pulled her nose out a little and lifted her chin so she could lick the vagina. Michelle’s tongue slipped in and out easily. Jane was expecting this and was pre-wet. Michelle could hear someone else kneel behind her.
It was Kate wearing a strap on. The lubricated end poked like a curious finger at the opening of Michelle’s ass (Michelle lost her anal virginity to a broom stick on her second day in her cell). Kate grabbed Michelle’s hips with her warm hands and slowly inserted the strap-on dildo. Michelle tensed when it went it. The dildo was cold and slick, like being fucked by an icicle. Kate responded by giving Michelle a pinch on the ass. Michelle relaxed and the rubber train entered the station. Kate started pumping Michelle’s ass, which lifted a little each time the dildo went in and relaxed every time it went out.
Michelle was busy licking Jane’s vagina like a dog. Jane started to moan and her girl juices started to drip all over Michelle’s face.
“Lick my juices, I want to hear you swallow my girl cum” said Jane.
Kate plunged the dildo deep into Michelle’s ass. Kate reached around Michelle’s hips and shoved two fingers into her moist vagina and starting pressing them in and pulling out in a sensuous way. Michelle was getting hot and bothered. The smell of Jane’s twat was turning her on and all she could think of was having an orgasm.
Michelle couldn’t stand it anymore, so she took one of her hands and starting masturbating herself, and it felt damn good. She was so horny; it took less than a minute to orgasm. Her scream was muffled by Jane’s vagina. Michelle lowered her head; she was exhausted and was spent for the moment. Jane’s vagina juice was dripping into her hair, but she didn’t care. It was a better fuck than the one’s she has been having for the last 30 days. The 3 women took 5 and then Jane and Kate switched positions and did the sex act over again.
…to be continued.
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