Story Codes:
M+/f interracial Young spanking B/D BDSM Rape job nc Forced Heavy Serious
The year is 2100 and the world economy is in bad shape, so much so that its time for a serious economic reshaping. The government of an unnamed country has decided to strip all the wealth from the elite and redistribute it among everyone else. It was decided that the entertainment industry is the least practical of all sectors and therefore should be the first to pay. Movie and music studios and sport venues across the country have been closed down and any and all movie, music and sport contracts of celebrities are null and void. While some of these celebrities can accept this change as a result of the ever changing economy and can afford to live off their investments, there are those that cannot accept that their fame and fortune are gone. This is the story of the re-education of those actors, musicians and athletes that protested the abrupt change in society.
Size: 73 kb |
Added on: Feb 26, 2010 |
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Whole Story
(WARNING: the story may be very long and may take long time to download)
Part 1 |
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(added on Feb 26, 2010) |
Part 2 |
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(added on Apr 27, 2010) |
Part 3 |
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(added on Oct 27, 2010) |