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Missing Sisters Author: John F Drake
(Added on Sep 16, 2012) (This month 95445 readers) (Total 125703 readers)
First person. Two sisters are abducted from a small town, and attempt to protect each other from their abusive new “daddy”

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
67% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33%
Weighed Average (?): (4.5/10)
Average Rating: (4/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: Erisian23 (Edit) Rating: Sep 27, 2012
You can call it a novelization if you wish. Doesn't matter. Unless you have permission from the original creator and give him credit. It's still plagarism. (1/10)

Reviewer: MrDang (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2012
Unless your name is Ted Owen, you have clearly plagiarised from a Fansadox comic written by Owen called "The Basement."
You've changed:
"The Valentino sisters" to "The Cadence sisters".
"Chelsea" for "Raven"
"Ariel" for "Arael" (Really? That's the best name you could come up with?)
And a whole bunch of poorly made edits to convert a comic to a written story.
It's okay to use other source material for inspiration, but you've pretty much copied entire text from his Owen's comic. If you're going to re-use somebody else's work, at the very least you should give them some credit.
For the comic: (1/10)
Replied by: PhallenFoenix (Edit) (Sep 24, 2012)
Uh, except three things.
One, I say its a novelization of The Basement.
Two, Ted Owen didn't write it, Sandow did. Ted Owen drew it.
and Three, it was based on a script submitted by a third person, named Hansmoleman.
You should get your facts straight...
Replied by: MrDang (Edit) (Sep 24, 2012)
You're absolutely right, I stand corrected. I'm not as intimately familiar with the comic as you are and it's clear that you've obviously done your research on which comic to blatantly copy. I wasn't aware that that "novelization" was a new word for "plagiarism" these days.

Reviewer: Soyev (Edit) Rating: Sep 23, 2012
"lynched fairies"? That is art. Perfect (10/10)

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