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War and Peace Author: Iphigenia-at-Aulis
(Added on Jul 3, 2002) (This month 62813 readers) (Total 87006 readers)
Another tale about Jenny, stripped, caned, and sexually tortured by the unrelentingly diabolical dean of girls at the High School of aberrant fantasies.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Apr 20, 2004
no need for a wordy reviewm HOT< HOT, great story, plot everything :) (10/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Apr 26, 2004)
Then no need for a wordy reply. Thanks so much for the encouraging words. :)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Dec 18, 2003
An intermediate piece. Harsher than the first story but without the dream-like quality. Here the eroticism is more overt than in "Courage" but not as skillfully handled as it is in "Capture the Flag". The c.p. aspects are also more pronounced than in the other two stories but less skillfully handled. Definitely a transitional story between two masterpieces. This was the authors first attempt at a longer story and the strain is telling. It will be interesting to read about the further adventures of Jenny. I do hope a fourth installment is coming. Keep up the good work. (8/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Jan 14, 2004)
Thank you for reviewing this story. You are correct that at the time I wrote this, it was the longest story I had ever written. Although not long by bdsmlibrary standards, it felt so long to me that "War and Peace" came to mind. The idea of using that for its title stuck for other reasons.
Some of its shortcomings might be related to the way I approach story writing. I just start with a vague scene or punishment in mind (like the thistles punishment) and stumble forward blindly with no idea where I am going. Sometimes I get lucky and story hangs together fairly well, as in Capture the Flag, which you also reviewed. Other times, as here, such a blind approach yields a slightly disjointed story.

Reviewer: crickette (Edit) Rating: Oct 4, 2003
I really enjoyed your story. I liked the way you handled Jenny's erotic response to receiving and giving pain. I also liked the role Mick played. It was the perfect touch. I look forward to reading the previous story. (8/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Dec 16, 2003)
Thanks so much for reviewing the War and Peace story. I am pleased that you liked Mick's role. It took me about three versions (and comments from readers at other sites) to get him to where I was satisfied. I wanted him to be strong yet conflicted between roles of her white knight protector and her sadistic dark knight tormentor.
I consider my stories to be "top-bottom" or S/M stories and not D/s Dom-sub stories. My problem with D/s stories is that it is so difficult to give the Dom an adequate range of human character attributes. It seems that Doms aren't allowed to be uncertain, conflicted, vulnerable, and therefore interesting. On the other hand the top in a top-bottom S/M relationship can be all those things.
Jenny and Mick grapple with their roles in my newest story, Capture the Flag. I would welcome any comments, critical or otherwise.

Reviewer: Taisho (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2002
Another wonderful 'Jenny' story. Can we have more, please? Only thing - I always personally think its more humiliating for a girl to be stripped down to shoes and socks than to be totally naked for some reason :) (9/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Dec 26, 2002)
Thanks so much for reviewing my two stories at bdsmlibrary. I am very pleased that you liked them. I will post another in a month or so.
Your comment about keeping shoes an socks on (while being otherwise naked) was curious to me. Everyone is different in what appeals to them. But I think understand your point of view. In fact, in my upcoming story Jenny does get stripped down to shoes and socks, outdoors. She is not too pleased about it. But such indignities seem to be her fate.
If I could attach some shoes-on images to this reply, I would. But I can't.
Thanks again for your kind review.

Reviewer: Powerone (Edit) Rating: Jul 4, 2002
Great story, good plot. (9/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Dec 16, 2003)
I apologize for being so tardy in thanking you for your review of War and Peace. That you liked it means a good deal to me because I consider you to be a very fine writer and an extraordinarily prolific one.

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