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Karen Author: E.Z. Riter
(Added on Jul 24, 2002) (This month 52634 readers) (Total 66663 readers)
Karen meets the man she can't resist - the man who can do anything to her and she will love it - and him.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 18, 2009
So good it almost hurts.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: meaxx (Edit) Rating: Apr 23, 2005
Thank you for the wonderful story - see my reply to Sir Draconis' review. (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 8, 2005
Ever story you have done is a 10 plus (10/10)

Reviewer: Kelly Jackson (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2002
This is an awesome story! Now in my 40's I was suddenly attracted
to someone I could not resist in my late 20's when married to
my first husband.
I still recall my heart beating in my stomach, my breasts throbbing
and instant lubrication of my vagina. Because of my relationship with
my husband I went out with the girls and used to see him at local
winebars. One night he took me home via his house, and put me on the sofa.
It was November and I still had my raincoat on!
He opened the coat, Pushed up my skirt, pulled down my knickers and
sank it straight in! I screamed - with pleasure. With no concern for safe
sex or pregnancy he waited until after my orgasm before filling me.
I just lay there sobbing shaking and desparately happy.
Eventually we got married and lived very happily ever after.
We have an intersting sex life although with children around one sometimes
has to happy with reading about it. I perform a number of submissive acts
(with an occasional light whipping!) but the feelings are still there and I
know that the pleasure is shared.
The author must write more like this.
Replied by: Nitrofox (Edit) (Jun 9, 2003)
... and your monologue has <I>what</I> to do with this story? I'm sure we are all touched by your past, but if you'd like to relate a story, by all means, submit, but don't put it in a review.

Reviewer: tuffybug1 (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2002
Just yummy!! (9/10)

Reviewer: Sir Draconis (Edit) Rating: Jul 26, 2002
This is a very well written tale with a great deal of inner insights which
add a
tremendfous amount of eroticism to the mix. The desperation of the female to
is wonderfully portayed as she fails to do so. This tale is, I am quite
happy to
say with confidence(from expereince) an accurate porttrayal on both halves
the equation, from both the male and female view.
The one lack exists only in the scope not the substance and that is this :
The male ego would demand more blatant surrender than is portrayed here.
While the Discipline of the whip is apt and well done the resistance
albeit feebly, would nonetheless raise a challenge that the Male would NOT
allow to pass.
I would (and do) expect more humiliation, more enforcement of the actions
which clearly demonstrate that, despite her resistance, she has in fact
The mantra is a nice device but making this woman say, do and feel things
are wholly beyond her range and gamut of expereince is the very heart of the
Crawling, begging, humiliating acts such as a rimjob, self inflicted pain to
"prove" to both of them that she has surrendered. Earning His touch through
such acts, even to the point of creating a 'rating' system for actions she
provided of course that punishment for 'failure' is also included.
On balance this is a well done tale which I heartily reccommend and look
forward avidly to the next chapter.
Sir Draconis
Replied by: meaxx (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Considering the relationship of the two (he future son-in-law, she much older formerly faithful housewife) I don't find it surprising that he dominates her slowly, without the full range of punishment meted out from the very beginning. I find the emphasis is on her accepting mentally the fact of her submission - it goes click in her head and not Thwack!!!! on her ass....
And the repetition of the mantra (and this I know from experience)is an ideal method to display her gradual transformation as it is in essence not a type of hypnosis, but an increasing awareness on her part of the only important thing in her life, the here and now of submission.

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