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Marie, The Unlucky Housemaid Author: Jessica Verdi
(Added on Aug 6, 2002) (This month 76394 readers) (Total 123348 readers)
The story of Marie, the sweet and innocent seventeen-year-old housemaid, and her unfortunate experiences within the strict discipline of Smethrington Manor. (Complete Story)

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 8
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: BigCat (Edit) Rating: Nov 7, 2005
Really well done Victorian period piece. Captures the strict class divisions and the injustices within that system well. (9/10)

Reviewer: Abe Froman (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2005
A good story and a glimpse into a larger world. I would like to read more of Marie and the society she serves. (8/10)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2003
If I could pick out one word for this story it would have to be enjoyable. I concur with the comments of brother bocca (but then I usually do). Interestingly I disagree completely with ladys maid, I loved the caning and thought the second chapter better than the first. That goes to show that you can never please everybody and when you are the author write to please yourself! (9/10)

Reviewer: ladys_maid (Edit) Rating: May 25, 2003
I really enjoyed this story. It created a nice period atmosphere for the most part and flowed well. It is a fairly gentle story compared to many posted here and that was refreshing, erotic and realistic. I am especially looking forward to Part 2!
I found Part 2 rather grim and dour compared to the first chapter, though there is a happy ending and it is still a good story. A few of the scenes were a little far-fetched (would a lady really allow her coachman to look upon her naked daughter like that?) and I had difficulty reconciling the nice, erotic and (relative) gentleness of the first chapter with the brutality of the second. Overall, I have to reduce my rating. (7/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: May 10, 2003
Jessica, you have outdone yourself this time, taking the interesting setting and characters from the promising "Hog Heaven" and infusing them with new life. The hog-tie scene was a bit static (as one would expect, I guess), but the caning and handcuff scenes were nicely charged with erotic electricity. I am also impressed by Jessica's familiarity with Victorian underthings; it all sounded very authentic to me. I am sure I am not alone in anxiously looking forward to the further adventures of Isabella and Marie -- each of whom seem endowed with most fetching Upstairs and Downstairs as well. Only one complaint -- the title of chapter 1; I didn't mind the story line attached so much, but the title was a turn-off for me.
(part of the original Hog Heaven review follows below)
The writing showed good imagination, so far, and I have the sense, which I don't always get, that the author is capable of making this a good story. I may well revisit this review later. (9/10)

Reviewer: rainee (Edit) Rating: May 9, 2003
Ms. Verdi is not only an accomplished BDSM author, but a well crafted story teller !!! With each of her stories I am able to place myself right there, to feel what the characters feel !!!Part 2 can't get here soon enough !!! (10/10)

Reviewer: redEva (Edit) Rating: May 8, 2003
Very nice, well-told story. I enjoyed the gentle, flowing of events and anticipation. Looking forward and hoping for the sequel. (10/10)

Reviewer: stephens (Edit) Rating: Aug 6, 2002
Well told Victoran/Edwardian period drama. Reminded me of "A man with a maid" one of my all time favourites. (7/10)

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