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Multi-electrode and Imaging Analysis Author: Dr. Wingate
(Added on Aug 9, 2002) (This month 78737 readers) (Total 115162 readers)
Trinity has completely disrupted her family's life and as a last resort, she is sent to volunteer for a very special project just funded by the government -- the detailed study of Xtrypereon. The doctors promise that her delinquent behavior can be modified in only three months though the 'volunteer' will have to undergo some rigorous medical testing ...

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (3/10)

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Reviewer: jrnd711 (Edit) Rating: Aug 31, 2012
The story is offbeat and brilliant. I don't know what is meant by 'partial story'. Very hot, progressive development. (10/10)

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Mar 8, 2006
Very special story, above the average. Not only sexual attractive, but it goes also deeper into minds (suspect it was the purpose). Something quite different. Very good. (9/10)

Reviewer: Silenteyes (Edit) Rating: Apr 26, 2003
Funny how people think differently! I love reading stories a bit at a time. I find it keeps me cumming back for more. I found this story to be different from the others on this site! I like that! Your style of writing is very good. I love your attention to details, I find that exciting and inteseting. I can't wait to read more of your story and I hope you will be posting soon. A refreshing change of pace! Thankyou! (9/10)
Replied by: Pooka (Edit) (Apr 29, 2003)
Hello Silenteyes and thank you so much for such a wonderful review! :) There will definitely be more to come though I can't say for certain at what 'pace' the installments will come out. Unfortunately, real life tends to interfere with our writing at times -- but my husband and I enjoy particularly enjoy this theme (as well as the Modern Midwife :) so it will continue! :))
Like you, I tend to enjoy teasing myself by finding the stories that keep on giving over time. *grin*
Thanks again for taking the time to comment!

Reviewer: Marcus (Edit) Rating: Aug 14, 2002
I can't see what the problem with partial stories is. There are always more updates than new stories. Part-stories give the writer a chance to solicit feedback that could steer the story, or even persuade the writer to give up on a bad idea without wasting more effort.
This story is well-written and with more attention to details and a little more 'heat' it could easily develop into a good (and hopefully original) story. (6/10)
Replied by: Pooka (Edit) (Aug 19, 2002)
Hi Marcus,
Thank you for your review! :)
Heat is coming (eventually as I'm a slow starter :), but I'm interested in the attention to details part as my husband and I are writing this together, so obviously our editing and working together is showing some lapses. Is there one specific example you can point out so that I can edit more carefully? I was really trying to pay attention to details as I know I am weak in that area in general, but in my excitement at getting it all down and incorporating my husband's work I must have missed a few things. :(
As for original, I'm not sure. I think it will be as I haven't seen this particular theme covered (though I have seen a few other medical setting/mind control stories), but then again, until I found this site a few weeks ago, I wasn't reading much BDSM stuff either. LOL!
Pooka (aka Dr. Wingate)

Reviewer: soulsearching (Edit) Rating: Aug 10, 2002
i really enjoyed this story and i am looking forward to the conclusion. :o) (7/10)

Reviewer: Jonathan (Edit) Rating: Aug 9, 2002
I rate this one a little higher than Hyphen did, but many of my objections are
the same as his. As I've stated before, one of my pet peeves is the posting of
incomplete stories. I'm not interested in reading story fragments. The only
reason I read this one is because it looked like maybe we had a good argument
(or at least a discussion) brewing and I wanted in on it.
I like stories that have an actual plot (which this one might--we don't know yet)
and I also like stories that start off slow and build. But a story that starts off
slow and then stops is not what I had in mind. My question for the author is:
why post an incomplete story? Are you trying to piss people off? Finish the
story, then post it. The "everybody else does it" justification is not an argument
that I would expect to hear from an adult.
The other problem is that once you've posted the first chapter, you're stuck with
it. Often, especially if you don't have the entire story laid out yet, things occur
in later chapters that require modifications in the early chapters to maintain
consistency. That's a problem if you've already posted them. Why paint
yourself into a corner?
So, all we've got so far is: a girl's parents take her to an experimental clinic in
the hopes that they can modify her behavior. That's it. I gave it a couple of
extra points because grammar and spelling were good, but other than to voice
my opinion regarding partial postings, there isn't much to comment on. (5/10)
Replied by: Pooka (Edit) (Aug 10, 2002)
Hello there Jonathan. Had you let me know your preference for only completed stories to be posted, I would have been able to take that into consideration. There is nothing on the site to indicate that it is a requirement and some people do enjoy the slow, sensual, intellectual tease of reading a story in parts.
I don't see posting what I've written as a liability as my stories are fully outlined before they are written so that I don't write myself into a corner, so please don't fear that on my account. I guess I like to tease those looking for instant gratification, a pet peeve of mine. :)
So, perhaps you can check back in about 10 update cycles and read the entire story. Even if each and every chapter had been written in final form already, I would not have posted all parts at once ... I'm such a bitch! *grin*
However, this does remind me that I do have a completed story of about 10 parts I should post here. Gabriella and the Brotherhood. Maybe I'll post the first chapter in the next update. :)
Dr. Wingate

Reviewer: hyphen666 (Edit) Rating: Aug 9, 2002
Now let me get this straight, this is only a prelude to an epic that you really haven't finished writing yet. Well so far it's pretty boring old chap and I detect just a wee trace of about a hundred stories I've read that probably could or will become incorporated into your epic. Outside of that catchy title which could easily go into Science without attracting any notice, there is precious little of anything that could entice me to invest any more of my time into this work, even though it is well written. My rating is for degree of completeness,pretentiousness, originality and heat. If you don't know what heat is, then you shouldn't be posting here. (3/10)
Replied by: Pooka (Edit) (Aug 9, 2002)
I was unaware that posting here required that epics be completed already. From the number of updates listed here, it seems that chapters are written and posted as the story progresses.
As for your other comments regarding the story, I find them rather premature as the story was indeed listed as being slow and an introduction. You presume an awful lot if you think you know where the story is going based on the first segment.
Please feel free to pass on future segments of my incomplete epic, but thank you for your comments. It's good to know that it was at least read and invited a comment, even if it wasn't necessarily a constructive one. ;-)
I'm very puzzled however at your conclusion that the story is pretentious. As for heat, well, you'll have to wait and see if you are interested. ;)
--Wina (aka Dr. Wingate)

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