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Slayerettes' Fantasies Author: Jayne
(Added on Aug 22, 2002) (This month 49510 readers) (Total 59564 readers)
The fantasies of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Reviewer: le forgeron (Edit) Rating: Aug 13, 2003
Slower Pace!
There might be material for a full chapter per character, not a paragraph.
Also, some characters are too much 'out-of-character' (and some others of season 1 are missing...) (5/10)

Reviewer: omechron (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2002
Dun really follow buffy but I have seen an ep or two. I'll do my best anyways.

TOO FAST PACED! Hit the brakes and describe a little. Also, isn't willow the magic addict? I'd think her fantasy would involve magic.

Xander: Much better pace. Much more IC since I seem to recall him being kind of a sleeze. Cut out WAY too soon though. Unless Xander has a mental condition, his fantasy HAS to go farther than this!

Buffy: Doesn't buffy have a thing for Vampires, not Nazis? Or did I misinterpret her dealings with Angel and Spike that I saw/heard about? Anyway, moving too fast again but not so bad as Willow's. Take your time.

Spike: Stupid question. Dru. Definitely Dru. I never thought spike was gay and from the episode I saw he is more into domming slayers than vampires. Buffy's actions do not match her costume at all. Still much too fast.

Tara: I blinked and missed it. SLOW DOWN.

Cordei...uh...the next one: More too-fastness. I dunno who this person is so I can't coment on OOCness.

Anya: MUCH better on speed but still a little fast. Dunno who Anya is. I assume she is some sort of oogie boogie if she can squeeze that hard?

Faith: Wow, this one is great! The pace is only a little too fast here, definately showing improvement! No wonder the Sailor Moon one was so much better! The fantasy itself was very creative. I assume Faith is a bad person? Interesting name for a villainess... (5/10)
Replied by: omechron (Edit) (Nov 1, 2002)
woah, I just realised I kinda dumped on that story. Sorry, that was not my intent.

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