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Corruption of Snow White Author: Jayne
(Added on Aug 22, 2002) (This month 49456 readers) (Total 56033 readers)
Jessica Rabbit domination of Snow White is interrupted by Roger Rabbit.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: le forgeron (Edit) Rating: Aug 29, 2003
Well in tone!
Can it be found in DVD yet ?
The base idea is fine, and even if I first found Snow white not the right character as a sub, her story with the queen put her back right for the job.
The Roger part is the most vivid and toonish (and I liked it), but snow white missed that aspect anyway. (9/10)

Reviewer: omechron (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2002
nice, though I generally prefer anime. I suppose I could make a stretch and consider this Kingdom Hearts fanfiction instead... that adds a point or two.
I haven't seen WFRR in years but it seems to me that Jessica was more of a manipulator than an outright controlling domme... Everybody else seemed nicely in charachter and the cameos were entertaining.
a few little things:
1) why didn't the queen just disfigure Snow White when she had her tied down like that? The huntsman thing sounds slightly insane considering she would have had to untie her first!
2) While you were doing cameos, where were Sleeping Beauty, Wendy, and ... umm ... the gypsy from the hunchback of notre damme who I will remember the name of as soon as I click submit...
3) Your couples seemed a tad random. I would think Mulan would be rather disgusted with Cindarella. Alice would gravitate toward Jane from being both english. or else someone her age like Wendy or Kairi. Mulan would get along better with Pocahontas. Cinderella and Belle would probably also hit it off. Not sure who Aurora is...
On the whole, very nice. Add references to Riku, Sora, Kairi, or the Heartless for some aditional bonus points since that makes it KH fanfiction fo sho.
Please branch out into some other anime too... do you watch Gundam Wing, DragonballZ or Yugioh? There is almost no Yugioh stuff to be found, despite obvious sexual tension between Mai and Tea. Most of what I HAVE found is either Yami/Yugi (wierd...) or Bakura/Yugi... (6/10)

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