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Jessica Rabbit Abused Author: Jayne
(Added on Aug 22, 2002) (This month 49824 readers) (Total 58094 readers)
Jessica Rabbit stars as Gaston's victim in this erotic SM thriller.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (3.5/10)
Average Rating: (3/10)
Highest Rating: (4/10)
Lowest Rating: (2/10)

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Reviewer: le forgeron (Edit) Rating: Aug 4, 2003
I remembered Jessica Rabbit as 'femme fatale' character interacting with real world.
The role really does not fit Jessica.
The story could be better with the screwy squirrel
... at least It might have worked with more rythms and humour.
By using Jessica, it made it impossible to be full-cartoon, someone else had to be real, and it was not Gaston... (2/10)

Reviewer: omechron (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2002
...not really as well planned as your other work. This is far too fast paced. I also get the feeling I missed something between this and Jessica Spanks Ariel. Plus it's hard for me to imagine Gaston like that. Several disney charachters could have pulled it off easier, such as Clayton from Tarzan, Horace and Jasper from 101 dalmations, or Xanatos from Gargoyles (They are on Toon Disney, that's disney enough for me).

Slow down and think harder about the pace and interactions. The nice thing about not getting paid is that the story is done when you damned well say it is done, and the audience can't gripe too much about the delay. (4/10)

Reviewer: sasha202 (Edit) Rating: Aug 22, 2002
Spoofs always make me wonder. They seem to be more of a cheap fantasy by the author inspired by a cartoon. It would appear that is was written in the time it took the author to masturbate while writing it. (3/10)
Replied by: omechron (Edit) (Nov 1, 2002)
A mini MST for a stupid and pointless review.
Spoofs always make me wonder.

Vegetta: I don't wonder any thing in particular.
Goku: Spoofs make me look to the sky and imagine possibilities.

They seem to be more of a cheap fantasy by the author inspired by a cartoon.

Trunks: Sounds like Erotic Fanfiction to me...
Gohan: It is, they just use the misleading "spoof" tag instead
Goku: What makes it cheap? Is this a pay-per-view site?
Vegetta: Nope, Sasha just doesn't like cartoons because he is too "mature".

It would appear that is was written in the time it took the author to masturbate while writing it.
Gohan: "Is was written"? What?
Trunks: must be a hell of a typist...
Vegetta: No kidding, one handed and everything!

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