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The Chair Author: T W Cloth
(Added on Oct 7, 2002) (This month 52940 readers) (Total 70824 readers)
A woman tells her lover to surprise her with something extreme... and he does...

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: LadyLibra (Edit) Rating: Oct 14, 2002
8- really when telling the story need to switch text style's or tell just the taping then at the end add the watching of video events? The story is very enjoyable and lookimg forward to more storys. (9/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Oct 12, 2002
The story was capably written, but didn't really push any of my buttons. As Jonathan indicated, I think the author checked some of the wrong story descriptors. The dialogue was good, but the characterization less so; we don't know, and I didn't come to care, too much about this couple (7/10)

Reviewer: veru_skjava (Edit) Rating: Oct 9, 2002
I liked it, very nice indeed, your g/f is pretty lucky.
Enjoyable style, I have to disagree with some of the points made in the first review. (8/10)

Reviewer: tsosie (Edit) Rating: Oct 9, 2002
This story was very interesting to me. I didn't know what to expect going into it and was definitely surprised by the end. It kept me wanting to know what happened next, and then next. A few grammar issues and a slight jar when figuring out what the row of stars meant but after one realizes it switches time periods, it flows well. (8/10)

Reviewer: Jonathan (Edit) Rating: Oct 9, 2002
"I hope this sites readers fully appreciate it's nuances."
I'm not sure if the author set out to insult the readers of this site or
whether he simply failed to fully appreciate the nuances of his own statement.
Either way, a "pearls before swine" comment isn't exactly the brightest way to
preface a story.
I suspect the "nuances" referred to is the ping pong back and forth between the
actual event and the viewing of the event on tape by the main characters.
Although I could be wrong about that. Nuances are often something that is
picked up on a second reading and this story, in my opinion, doesn't merit such.
The ping pong thing is an interesting device and might have worked well if there
had been a story here to support it. There isn't. A guy ties his girlfriend to a
chair where she is forced to endure a mechanical dildo. They tape the event and
get turned on all over again watching the tape. That's all there is. This is another
one of those single sexual encounter stories with no plot and in this case not
very interesting or original sex. It's clear that the author has a foot fetish and
makes a point that our heroine is tied with her soles exposed at a 45 degree
angle, perfect for some tickling or whipping, but fails to deliver. Her feet remain
mostly unmolested. Nuances by themselves are insufficient. You still have to
have a story. I did like the beginning wherein the heroine is injected with a
soporific, but it proved to be a prelude to nothing.
As for the mechanics of the story, on the positive side, spelling, grammar, and
punctuation are far above average for this site with only a couple typos and a
flubbed edit. On the down side, the story is told in 2nd person perspective. I've
never read a story where 2nd person was effective, and that goes double for
this one. The narative is a bit wordy and could do with about half as many
adjectives. The dialog is reminiscent of E.E. Smith (the 30's science fiction writer
famous for florid dialog) and in spots almost makes me cringe.
The story is labeled "heavy, rape, torture". In my opinion, none of those
labels apply. If that's what you're looking for, keep looking. (4/10)

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