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Bondage Club Author: Doush
(Added on Dec 2, 2002) (This month 94244 readers) (Total 137966 readers)
The exposing of a world-wide conspiracy of powerful individuals dedicated to the kidnapping, torture, training and enslaving of beautiful women, and the murder of anyone who gets in their way ...

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 8
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Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: archetype (Edit) Rating: Oct 30, 2006
Very clever premise. It's been a while now. Anything more to report? or did the Angels catch up with you? (9/10)

Reviewer: muse77 (Edit) Rating: Apr 28, 2004
Enjoyed it VERY MUCH!! I think this author has an intimate knowledge what to describe and what to skim through in order to maximize reader's appetite and imagination. I must say what was implied made me even hornier than what he actually described in details. Great achievement, since if you say everything out loud, it's hard for reader's imagination to soar.
Having said all this, I'll be very interested to know what kind of training the ladies went through to reach that robot-like stage. Imagining unwilling ladies being forced to undergo such transformation is just delicious. However one nagging thought in my head is that perhaps it's all for the best to be left unsaid. Especially for that deliciously unfulfilled craving! (9/10)

Reviewer: Princess86426 (Edit) Rating: Mar 6, 2004
I was great but now I'm hooked and need to know what happens. Please continue!!!!! (7/10)

Reviewer: l_anguissette (Edit) Rating: May 18, 2003
i'm loving this story. i was engrossed from the start. please keep writing; i'd love to read more!
-anguissette (8/10)

Reviewer: Silenteyes (Edit) Rating: Dec 25, 2002
I found your story to be very interesting. I was engrossed in the reading but found it very short. I want to read more!!!!! Thankyou! (8/10)

Reviewer: Moggy (Edit) Rating: Dec 11, 2002
At least it's a better title than your last one! With such a brief intro I think you missed a chance to hook your readers. Now you've joined the ranks of 'updaters' when you haven't even really posted chapter one.
Sounds intriguing though. Let's hope you can stay one step ahead of those guys long enough to finish your tale. Good luck! (7/10)
Replied by: Moggy (Edit) (Dec 11, 2002)
This tales is slowly taking shape although just a snippet of text in each update doesn't allow the reader to fully savor it. It's like 'Eyes Wide Shut' the way it should have been!
Replied by: Doush (Edit) (Dec 12, 2002)
Thanks for the positive comments, and sticking with the tale, despite the brevity of its chapters. See my other reply to get an idea of what I have planned. I hope that addresses your constructive criticism - which I appreciate, btw.

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Dec 5, 2002
I really like what I've read so far. An original approach to a familiar theme.
BUT, and this is a big BUT, I've deducted two points for playing games with the readers. 16 kb in two installments dated two days apart? C'mon!
Installments are a convenient way to post stories here, and I use them as much as anyone -- 15 of them so far in JP II -- but they average 50 kb in length. Looking forward to more of what promises to be an excellent story, but please don't dole it out to us in tablespoonsful.
Replied by: Doush (Edit) (Dec 12, 2002)
You are totally right. The chapters are too small, but that was very deliberate on my behalf to try (evidently unsuccessfully) to convey the desperateness of the protagonist's situation.
When I originally wrote this tale, it was to an active forum. I encouraged feedback, and wound up incoporating that feedback into the tale. It worked wonderfully well for a time, as repliers became minor characters in the story. But as most of these things do, it spiralled out of control and ended up causing a bit of a shitstorm. Anyway, I wondered how it would work on a proper story site, so I dusted it off and began re-writing. We're fast coming to the place where I plan on continuing the tale with newly written chapters, and I will make sure these are longer (although there will necessarily be larger gaps between postings). Thanks for the feedback.

Reviewer: I_Surrender (Edit) Rating: Dec 4, 2002
let's go somewhere. I mean let's hear about the club, what happened, this is just an intro... lets see the story ... Please (5/10)

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