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2nd Chance - The Organization Series 3 Author: slave ruthie
(Added on Feb 25, 2003) (This month 135206 readers) (Total 208014 readers)
Continuation of The Organization Series, the experiences of a slave tested by her new Master.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 13
8 Votes
8 Votes
8 Votes
8 Votes
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4 Votes 8 Votes
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 0% 0% 31% 62%
Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: bibnsxe1 (Edit) Rating: Jun 13, 2006
hello slave ruthie i just finished reading your work. i enjoyed it emensly. one of the best stories of this lifestyle i have ever read.i would love to read the first part of this ongoing saga. one day i hope i could write as well as you keep up the good work. i think you could publish this. oh by the way my screenname has i typing error my screenname is bignsxe1 feel free to respond back (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 13, 2006)
hihi bignsxe1 :)
thank you very much for your kind review and rating! the series with Alexa starts with Encounter With Destiny, then 2nd Chance, then the last part (still being written) is Harvest of Tears. some of the other stories sort of connect into the Organization as Nikki in House of Ali is Alexa's cousin, as is Julie in The Performers.
i'm not sure i have any plans to publish this but its very kind of you to suggest it might be good enough to be in print. if people like a story i wrote its ok to copy and share it, and anyway soem parts have been revised by O/others so its not purely "mine" :)

Reviewer: Samantha (Edit) Rating: Feb 10, 2006
Brilliantly written both technically and aesthetically. I loved the portrayal of the Master as he dealt with his 'need' to feel absolute control over the slaves under his charge, his 'need' to control his deep emotions about each slave and the struggle he had when having to face these conflicting emotions. Well done slave ruthie and I thank your Master for permitting you to share your talents with us. Please think about joining the prequel and sequel and truly publish. :)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Feb 11, 2006)
wow! thank you so much, Samantha for your vote and encouragement :) i'm sort of stuck with a bit of Harvest of Tears and keep trying bits only to delete them as they aren't right (sigh). i became fascinated by the characters and motives of Dominants because its so alien to me as a sub - it amazes me that They can be so patient and interested in us, and i know there's the sex thing and the power thing but its soemtimes more than that...even love and affection can happen (i was lucky to be found by a Dom who took me as His slave then took me to be His wife). but Doms are as fascinating and mysterious and puzzling to me as subs soemtimes are to Them lol. i guess i'm trying to explore these things in my writing and i'm blessed by HUGE amounts of help and guidance from Doms and subs who are kind enough to read my efforts :)

Reviewer: tragedy3 (Edit) Rating: Jan 31, 2006
slave ruthie , you are truly gifted. your talent for keeping a reader entranced with your characters is amazing. thank you for making my days at home not so lonely. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Feb 3, 2006)
wow! another 10/10! thank you very much, tragedy3 :) i have a soft spot for little Alexa - the character who was only supposed to last a few paragraphs in a very short story but kept on insisting she had more to tell of her life...

Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Oct 13, 2005
Loved it...what can I say...Music playing is My Sweet Annette sung by Drive by'd like it... (9/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Nov 3, 2005)
i did! thanks for the kind review :)

Reviewer: wolfcub73 (Edit) Rating: Mar 13, 2005
Was an absolutely lovely story, and in some unexplainable way even more erotic *because* of the occasional breaks in the action. I really really got to know the characters and, well, wow.. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 3, 2005)
wow too!

Reviewer: longrover (Edit) Rating: Nov 23, 2004
Chapter 8 is wonderful, and I don't think there's any sex! There's a lot to be said for flashbacks, but Alexa's story makes more sense to me when read in order. Nine rather than ten for reasons given in my review of OS5. Well done! (9/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 3, 2005)
thank You :)

Reviewer: Wildcard (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2004
I love these stories and the characters. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jul 29, 2004)
thank You very much, Wildcard :)

Reviewer: gojack10 (Edit) Rating: Apr 9, 2004
I felt that this writing cold have been more stimulating, shall we say? (6/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Apr 9, 2004)
thank you for reviewing my story :) its difficult trying to balance the amount of umm "stimulation" against how much background a story needs to have to be plausible enough for most readers - when i started out with this story, i had no real idea where it would go or how long it would last (still writing the prequel and then i can take the sequel further so i STILL don't know lol)
and then i re-read my efforts and wish THIS was changed and THAT was developed and WHY did/didn't i...(sigh)
all i can say in way of explanation is that i hope i'm learning as i continue and that ANY review is like gold dust to the writers on this site :)
...and 60% hopefully means you awarded me a pass certificate, gojack10 ;)
with love & respect

Reviewer: smiley010 (Edit) Rating: Oct 16, 2003
All the stories in this series are well written and most enjoyable. Keep up the good work (9/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 23, 2003)
thank you, smiley010 :)

Reviewer: KathiSlut (Edit) Rating: Jul 15, 2003
It's amazing, you can spend your entire time searching through places like here, the alt.* groups, ... you name it ... but you have to look -very- hard to find something as well written and thought out as this story.<p>The interaction between the characters on an emotional level is deep and powerful, and shows a very good understanding of the emotions that are inherent in most lifestyle slave/owner situations. <p>Whilst the story fulfils the desires of many readers to read about cruel and deep torture and punishment, the protagonists shine through with real personality and feeling.<br>It's rare to find written work in most locations on the subject that don't rely on the shock value of the scenarios, but can let the feelings shine through.<p>The only real criticism is the ending, it seemed to tail off, coming close to employing deus ex machina excuses. Perhaps the length was responsible. Speaking as a published author, though, I have to confess to being very impressed with the way the author has managed to incorporate the proper elements that true literature requires, even down to the internal conflict of the protagonists.<p>This story could just have been another poorly written "he tied her up, he whipped her, she bled all over the place, he raped her" cloned story, but it never came anywhere near.<p>Someone should really look at giving the author a chance to write more of this, and release it. I sincerely feel the author could produce a work on the level of the O series, given the chance.<p><i>Kathi</i> (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 6, 2003)
i am so amazed by this review and so very very grateful :) i am trying to express what my slavery means to me through my writing and to go deeper into the motives and desires of the least that's what i HOPE i'm doing! and yes, i think the end of 2nd Chance isn't quite ummm whatever - i had enormous difficulty and nearly gave up on the whole project because i couldn't see the end. it was my wonderful slave-sis, theresa who pointed out that i could write the sequel (Harvest of Tears) and that is what i'm struggling with (lol) just now! there is a possibility of getting a short story published with illustrations by Gary Roberts but i won't be able to believe it until i actually see a copy in my hands (will i even then???)<br>and to be even thought of in the same review as the amazing Story of O - if i could write to that standard i would be truly graced - all i can do, all any of us who share our work here can do is to write the best we can and hope it works for others...<br>love<br>ruthie[Phil]<br>XXXXXX;)

Reviewer: veru_skjava (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2003
This story most certainly can compete with published work, it is filled with incredibly delicious tortures, while simultaneously conveying the heart, mind and indeed the soul of a slave, the relationship between master and slave. The author has a fantastic style, that exceeds even published works read by this reviewer. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 6, 2003)
ohh my wonderful sis - you are so very kind :)
love n hugggggggggggggggs

Reviewer: Kray (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2003
Something valuable.
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 23, 2003)
thank You, Kray :)

Reviewer: Lady Classy (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2003
This one has to be my favorite. I love how alexa was ready to give up her life when her Master died. Absoulty great writing ! (10/10)
Replied by: ruthiesb69 (Edit) (Mar 2, 2003)
a slave humbly thanks Lady Classy for Her kind words :)
slave ruthie

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