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A Friend in Need Author: Pete Greenman
(Added on Mar 12, 2003) (This month 278727 readers) (Total 496064 readers)
A lonely young wife and mother falls into debt and into the clutches of cruel money lenders who use and degrade her.She is introduced into a ring of wealthy sadists with whom each experience is more gross and humiliating than the one before.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 9
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2010
A story which I've read quite a while back, and one I remember vividly because of the rollercoaster ride it was.
Peter Greenman established himself from the word go as something of a writer-extraordinaire with this first entry.
Great storytelling with neat descriptions of both characters and the things they do.
"A Friend In Need" has one major flaw, and that is the blackmail set-up (and the overly cliché scene in which June throws herself at dolly's feet with the overused and scrotum-shrivelling line "I'll do anything you say, just anything")
That whole thing reeks of taking the easy road to get from point 'A' to point 'B', point B being the main course in the form of doing the nasty with fraulein june...
Sadly, that set-up makes the rest of the story completely unbelievable and berieves it of a perfect ten, despite of how well written it is.
Okay, so a perfect nine isn't bad either, heh?
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: chink1167 (Edit) Rating: Jul 25, 2005
Extremely enjoyable and my favourite story in this library. A story depends on taste but for me its just right as heavy stories, excess bdsm, violence puts me off but I truly enjoyed reading about her humiliations and degradations. I know some reviewers have stated the black girl section was their favourite but that was my least. It was brialliantly written. Only complaint is where's the fisting? (9/10)

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Mar 31, 2005
Great Story, (9/10)

Reviewer: jeanne (Edit) Rating: Apr 14, 2004
As other said, this story's naughtiness can only be English! I always proof a story before reading it but this time I had no choice but to proof one-fingered! Delicious scenes keep cropping up, ranging from the lascivious to the horrific!
I loved the writer's insistence on the visual effect of a long, stiff, erect clit jutting from a bald pussy, betraying a victim's true feelings as she walks to her fate. This is gorgeous and I never can get enough of it!
The preogression from almost vanilla BDSM (spanky-spanky) to serious matters (going to an island where jackasses will anally rape her, and death sentences are carried out on occasion) is well handled! the nice thing being that the victim obviously is eager to go there!
I do not know if the book will have a sequel, with June's adventures on the island a central topic. I obviously hope so. But in any case, the ending, hinting at just such a sequel, is a perfect one. Hint: a good ending is an opening!
The whole episode with the Black slave is exquisite. Pity there is no more.
Now for the (small) drawbacks: so many nouns are written with an uppercase letter! Why? You are not writing in German.
And I was a bit mystified about that funny intermede in the Pain mansion, where the naughty Ceelia keeps feeding June. There's nothing to indicate why June should not feed herself, or at least wipe herself when Ceel drops food on her tits on purpose. Is she bound? (no indication in the text.) Is she ordered not to use her hands? (ditto). Since the author generally is prolix with delicious detail, this is kind of a letdown..
But as Ceel says... I'm begging for more! (9/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Dec 21, 2003
hope there is much more to come, (9/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Nov 17, 2003
"This one has a great deal of potential, but trying to cover a period of many years is a daunting task in light of what has been provided to date. I hope this is not going to turn into one of these epics that falls over from its own weight. I patiently await your promise for future, more extreme installments." Since I wrote this the author has delivered the promised goods, big time! I love extreme material that is over the top, and this qualifies in spades.Therefore my revised rating reflects this fact. I look forward to more adventures in this mad, mad, mad universe that seemingly only the Brits can create and occupy. (9/10)
Replied by: greenmanx (Edit) (Mar 14, 2003)
Hi Lex,
Don't know where you get the 'many years' from.
In my mind the full story,so far, would only cover about 4 or 5 months at most.Anyhow, thanks for your support. I'm glad you liked the story.
Best regards. Pete.
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Apr 7, 2003)
To answer your question about why I thought you were going to cover years, please go to chapter 6 paragraph 4. George states clearly to Mrs. Stern that "we have all the time in the world, years in fact."

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2003
The writing was lively, and the dialogue engaging, but the plot is unfortunately rather hackneyed, (at least so far). Also (and I give the author credit for warning us in the codes) he takes one aspect of the young lady's humiliation rather fart-her than I personally find erotic. But, like they say, there's no accounting for, um, tastes. (7/10)
Replied by: greenmanx (Edit) (Mar 15, 2003)
Hi Bocy
Thanks for the review. All constructive criticism wecomed.Judging by your, um, tastes, so far, I guess you may be put off by some parts of the coming chapters. But thanks again, anyway.
Best regards. Pete.

Reviewer: alphie712fr (Edit) Rating: Mar 12, 2003
Very good story indeed.Please keep it going. (8/10)
Replied by: greenmanx (Edit) (Mar 12, 2003)
Hi alphie,
Thank you for your kind remarks about my work. I really appreciate your support. There's a lot more to go with this story and it gets more extreme as it goes on. But it all takes time so I hope you will bare with me.
Best regards. Pete.

Reviewer: Powerone (Edit) Rating: Mar 12, 2003
Love the humiliation of the wife, forced to show herself to them, put into humiliating positions. Then each time she is made to cum as they sexually abuse her body. Such a great story. (9/10)
Replied by: greenmanx (Edit) (Mar 12, 2003)
Hi Powerone,
Thanks for your kind support. I've a lot more of this story to go. Just got to polish it up before I post it. But, as you know, it all takes time. One thing's for sure. This story gets more extreme as it goes along.
By the way. I'm a great admirer of your work and have been for some time.
Best regards. Pete.

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