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Human Shield Author: Jessica Verdi
(Added on Mar 17, 2003) (This month 55783 readers) (Total 74573 readers)
An idealistic political activist goes to Iraq to act as a 'human shield'. The brave young woman is taken to her post and firmly attached to it. She begins to have doubts.

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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
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Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: Taisho (Edit) Rating: Mar 29, 2003
Superb writing style, excellent scenario, fantastic imagery. But Jessica I wish you'd finish or update your older stories more frequently before starting new ones! Poor Deena has been left hanging in limbo for months :) That story was developing wonderfully, although personally I felt the last chapter was slightly disappointing in that it was a little short and wasn't told from Deen's point of view so we missed out on most of the action. Just meant as constructive comment...
Anyway that's a different story and I've really no right to criticise because you're sharing your wonderful stories with us. Good luck and here's looking forward to the next installment! (9/10)
Replied by: JGVerdi (Edit) (Mar 29, 2003)
Thanks Taisho. The conclusion of this story is ready to post but I'm concerned about current sensitivities. I was hoping for better news before I posted it.As for poor Deena; mea culpa, I've been lax, but I didn't know anyone still cared about it! In defence of Ch. 5, it was 26k (4500 words) which was longer than most chapters in the story and twice the length of the average short story on this site! I had to decide which character to follow after the abduction and it seemed more natural to follow Nurse Jenny. The next chapter is nearly ready to post, and guess what... Deena tells her side of the story as they are driving to the pub. I hope that will redeem the story. Many thanks for the feedback.
Replied by: Taisho (Edit) (Mar 30, 2003)
*slaps head* Doh! It did strike me that would be a good course for the next Deena chapter. Ignore everything I wrote as I know nothing. And yes, some are still very interested in poor Deena's fate (as well as our 'human shield's')!
BTW JD Weatherspoons are my favourite pubs though the good thing about them is they don't play music! (sorry couldn't resist :))
Replied by: JGVerdi (Edit) (Mar 31, 2003)
Taisho, remember that the Deena story is set in the future (2015). That gives me a chance to finish writing it before it becomes a historical drama :-))).
Along with a few other cultural references, e.g. they were watching the latest episode of Friends on TV, the Weatherspoon reference was meant to be ironic.
(Note to self: Refrain from further attempts at irony and satire when writing stories for the BDSM library ;-)
Replied by: Taisho (Edit) (Apr 1, 2003)
WHOOOOSHH!!! What was that? Was it a bird? Was it a plane? No it was 'irony' going over my head ;-)
Hehe, no, I love the satirical titbits you cunningly infiltrate into your stories 'specially for us Brits. David Blunkett as PM of the British Republic, hehe love it! (wow, this is turning into a forum thread...sorry). All the best, Jessica

Reviewer: neal_123_4 (Edit) Rating: Mar 21, 2003
I enjoyed this story very much. As warned, it is not politically correct, but that is very refreshing in itself. Jessica very effectively conveys the idealism and the naiviete of her heroine which creates a very exciting backdrop for what eventually happens to her. Jessica writes quite well and I found myself drawn into the story very easily. Frankly, I did not understand an earlier review feeling that the heroine's torments were not sufficiently bizarre. I found her victimization (once the framework was set) entirely beliveable and frankly even likely. In particular, though I was very taken by the psychological and emotional description of the heroine's evolving confusion, dismay, shock and horror as the event's unfolded. I am eager to read part II and am very much looking forward to other stories from this talented and creative author. (9/10)

Reviewer: Barbara Anne (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2003
Yikes! --- To think that I nearly volunteered, myself. Very topical story but just a touch unrealistic I thought. I'm sure that Iraqui men are far more imaginative than Jessica seems to believe. Are you sure that you don't work for the US administration in the PR department. If you don't, you probably missed your calling. (5/10)
Replied by: JGVerdi (Edit) (Mar 20, 2003)
Sorry that you thought it unrealistic, I didn't fancy going there to do the research just for a little BDSMLib story. Does anyone come to this site for realism? I hope not.

Reviewer: rainee (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2003
Another stylish effort from this proven author.A very interesting storyline made even more intriguing by the real events of the day...Can't wait for the continuation !!! (9/10)

Reviewer: BruceBoxer (Edit) Rating: Mar 18, 2003
Different concept, well executed and an enjoyable read. (9/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Mar 18, 2003
I have followed the work of Jessica Verdi -- La Diva Divina -- with interest and admiration for some time. It will come as no surprise to her legion of admirers that La Bella Signorina has written another exciting novella. In this, her newest and most thrilling adventure to date, her comely heroine ultimately finds herself trapped between Iraq and a hard place. Worse, her idealistic political beliefs result in the application of the much dreaded poll tax. Check that -- better make that pole tacks. I for one will wait with bated breath to see if the allied forces, will, um, come in time to free our heroine from her terrible plight. Brava, Jessica! (8/10)
Replied by: boccaccio2000g (Edit) (Apr 5, 2003)
Has anyone else remarked on the curious fact that the American female POW who was recently rescued is also named Jessica?

PS Judging from the conclusion of the story, that must have been our activist heroine that I saw on the BBC news recently protesting nuclear weapons with the sign "Gone Fission".

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