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Modern Mid-wife Author: Dr. Wingate
(Added on Apr 5, 2003) (This month 66326 readers) (Total 89264 readers)
Jake and Emma are expecting their first child and receive the very best in modern medical care at a very special Institute. Never has being a mother-to-be been so exciting!

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 10
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Dos-x (Edit) Rating: Feb 27, 2006
i only gave a 9 out of ten because it needs more.
what sorts of things does Jake demand of Emma and Audrey as the pregnancy advances.
do we find out if Emma is having in fact twins insead of a single baby? please continue this awsome story! (9/10)

Reviewer: Sweep (Edit) Rating: Sep 27, 2005
What an interesting concept!
I like the way that the women are believable characters and the story unfolds progressively with lots of very erotic ideas. I also like the consensual aspect of the story with the women willingly enduring the procedures involved. Well written (9/10)

Reviewer: lil-rrh (Edit) Rating: Aug 13, 2005
I echo the sentiments of more more.....
Very well written and erotic, loved the equipment descriptions - and usages ;) (9/10)

Reviewer: pippa (Edit) Rating: Oct 11, 2004
OOooo. I ADORED this story which I have just found (courtesy of a redEva post (thanks).
I like this type of story much more than the usual woman abusing stories, many of which are very unrealistic. The thing also is * grinz* I am due for an "internal" next week ( nothing serious) so I am just praying I can forget this story before then ( I wont *giggles*. Thanks again and I and so disappointed there is no next chapter :(( (10/10)

Reviewer: karlao2001 (Edit) Rating: Jul 27, 2004
this is a great story! More! More! (10/10)

Reviewer: gillian (Edit) Rating: Mar 16, 2004
I hope that this story continues, it would be a shame to end it half way through. (8/10)

Reviewer: Heinrich (Edit) Rating: Nov 19, 2003
Quite nice, but maybe too kind (9/10)

Reviewer: redEva (Edit) Rating: Apr 11, 2003
Great, wonderful, fantastic.....
love the fact that Emma is trying to resist, and is controlled, guided and forced so sensibly, and almost unnoticeable. I'm looking forward (hoping) to read more about Emma and her training as the pregnancy continues (maybe? please :). personally in sucker for body modification – so more the better …
Replied by: Pooka (Edit) (Apr 11, 2003)
Glad you enjoyed it redEva! :) I'm already hard at work on the next chapter and I'm a sucker for body modification as well so I hope you'll be pleased. *grin* Actually, it's a toss up as my husband introduced me to the whole concept in the first place. LOL!
Thanks for a wonderful review -- my husband and I greatly appreciate such positive feedback :)

Reviewer: castle2001 (Edit) Rating: Apr 6, 2003
Good approach to third party control. (8/10)

Reviewer: Marion (Edit) Rating: Apr 6, 2003
Found your story to be a very interesting approach, but it was a little long to what was, for me, a dissapointing conclusion.I was anxious to enjoy Nurse Audrey's discipline and I would have liked to read a little more of Emma's humiliation as well as a little more erotic discription of the distending of her nipples. Her kneeling on all fours as the sucking machine distended her nipples seemed to invite the humiliation of how necessary it was for her to extend her utters and provide milk for her husband as well as her child. That she is not unlike a cow or some other dumb female animal whose main purpose is to provide release for men and to procreate the species. Like her labia I would have like to her further embarassed and humiliated by the shape of her breasts and that it was necessary for her as a fat pregant slut to enhance her attractiveness to her husband. I also hoped that we would learn of her submission to the doctor and to interns at the clinic and that this submission would excite her husband, who would encourage this slut like behavior. I don't wish to sound critical, I read the entire story, but my imagination was seeking things you did not include. It may have been my fault, but I would have been more satisfied if the build up and been shorter and her submission and discipline a little more vivid. (8/10)
Replied by: Pooka (Edit) (Apr 6, 2003)
Thank you Shadow for your excellent review. :)
I know exactly what you mean about imagination seeking more than was written and it is our purpose to provoke the imagination in that way without adding to many elements that would detract from that. The reason we (my husband and I) began writing was because we often like ideas presented in a story, but not the mood or vice versa. Often the setting and characters are appealing, but the story is presented in crude language or too 'pat' series of events. When I read, I am always putting my own spin on the story and I enjoy doing that immensely. I like character and situational development, building slowly and it is likely that there will be more to the story of Jake and Emma. The Institute has been a background piece of our fantasies for years and so has much than can be written about. I like being subtle, I like describing the changes a woman may grow through as she learns to fully accept her sexuality and while some would consider it 'slutty' I'm not as comfortable with that word because our society has placed such a negative emphasis on that word.
Neither I or my husband (we generally work stories together) tend to treat women as sluts or dumb female animals though you may disagree upon reading other stories we plan to post. :) A healthy sexuality is a vital ingredient to happiness and that will always be the premise behind all we write. So, stay tuned as Emma heads down the slow and gentle path to the acceptance of her own sexuality, with the help of her husband and Dr. Wingate of course. *grin* Some things in life just need a little push now and then. :)
My husband posted a story of his own that hopefully will appear here soon titled ... oh damn, what was the name of it? White Wizardess Training or something to that effect. And I know there is another segment ready that he will likely upload as well called Grey Training which is a related story.
It will be listed under Drandar the White and it is a Fantasy story about a Wizard and his training methods. It is meant to be set in another world where women who become magic users must be carefully trained by their wizards and it is shorter, more intense, and very kinky. :) White Training is written as if it were a scientific paper of ancient time, imagine Aristotle writing about kink in a scientific way. *grin* The Grey Training story is one I helped with and is written more as a diary.
Thank you again for your kind comments, I appreciate them!

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