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The Solution Author: Julia McLoughlin
(Added on Jun 24, 2003) (This month 53448 readers) (Total 67126 readers)
A secret society, THE SOLUTION, will answer the call of any woman or girl who has been raped or mistreated by men. They will punish the perpetrators with vehemence. They will travel all over the world to revenge the misdeeds of men.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: Moggy (Edit) Rating: Jun 30, 2003
I enjoyed some of the scene-setting in terms of the people and location. The problem for me is that the author's idea of eroticism seemed to derived solely from the violent revenge visited upon the rapist. (6/10)

Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Jun 29, 2003
A pity, really. If this story had been given the proper story codes, I would never have reviewed it. This is an F+/m story, not an F/f or F+/f. I avoid male submissive stories and would have been quite happy to avoid this one. (4/10)

Reviewer: don11 (Edit) Rating: Jun 26, 2003
Shows precisely why so men stories from men abusing women are sick making.
This is the corollary. (4/10)

Reviewer: Firepager (Edit) Rating: Jun 24, 2003
this is they way to handle men (10/10)

Reviewer: Rooster (Edit) Rating: Jun 24, 2003
This story contains some interesting themes. The authoress describes two sophisticated women (one a vet) who enjoy classical music, but their deep hate for men drives them to perform terrible deeds. The first part of the story portrays them as caring human beings, but then their darker sides emerge, like that of a dr. Jekel and mr. Hyde, like the old story of good and evil.
The theme of biblical justice, ‘an eye for an eye’, ‘a tooth for a tooth’, ‘the cause and the effect’, ‘the crime and the punishment’, appears in the story with the idea of ‘a sticky tape for a sticky tape’. This touches on the profound problem of how trauma can shape one’s future. These forces not only influence individuals, but also groups, cultures and nations. They lead to quarrels, fights, and even wars.
In the beginning of this story, the women wear a brooch for identification, but ironically, this backfires in the end. In spite of all their efforts to eliminate all evidence from the crime scene, one of them accidentally drops a brooch in the grass, where the police could find it. This raises interesting possibilities for the next chapter.
The authoress shows real talent and we look forward to her next episodes.

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