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Janet's Ordeal Author: Master Mick
(Added on Jul 12, 2003) (This month 259546 readers) (Total 483764 readers)
Janet is a courier during World War II. She is caught and first she is put into some really severe interrogation. When all this is done the Commandant decide to transfer her to a very cruel training block for female slaves. Here she is subjected to the most cruel, humiliating and painful treatment thinkable. The story is a role-play meaning it is written by a woman named janet and I.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 149
50 Votes
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43 Votes 50 Votes
43 Votes 50 Votes
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43 Votes 50 Votes 32 Votes
43 Votes 50 Votes 32 Votes
43 Votes 50 Votes 32 Votes
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: bettejeneadams (Edit) Rating: Jul 17, 2016
This is one of the good ones! I am enjoying the great read. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. (9/10)

Reviewer: poruwa (Edit) Rating: Apr 18, 2012
Good story (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 19, 2015)
Thanks for you nice 9-vote... :-)

Reviewer: gillen (Edit) Rating: Jun 15, 2010
very good (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 19, 2015)
Thanks for a nice 10.. :-)

Reviewer: Iceman1955 (Edit) Rating: Dec 20, 2009
I am just into the middle of reading this exciting story which is extremely good. The way it has been written you do get the feeling that you are actually there. Some stories just gloss over the details but yours is in depth and thus there is a huge amount of excitement and stimulation from the read.
I look forward to continuing the read and your next story that follows.
Iceman1955 (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 5, 2010)
Thanks a lot for you kind words. I really loved writing it at the time I did it with sweet Janet.
I think we all change and our lives changes as well.
I am sorry to tell you and all others who have written a lot for encouraging me to continue that I think my era for writing these stories is over. It was fun and exciting writing them but my life has simply changed too much for doing it more.
I thank all of you for the support and especially you who supported me when I was blamed for my English. I actually never managed to find a proof-reader ready to do the work it would be to correct it. I especially remember mistresscyn and some others who in the beginning really defended me.
I also remember Moggy and Equalizer who felt pain reading the story as they felt my poor English hurt their eyes. I always answered them politely and suggested them to find another story to read.
I have until now answered every single review as I felt it was a must when you took the time for writing the review.
Thanks for being with me in this part of my life.

Reviewer: J-Go (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2007
BORING!!!! Redundant!
I could take the poor English, but I could not take the predictability. How many times can you cram a steel dildos up someone, have them scream in pain and then hang them by there tits for a while and still have it be stimulating. I just waited for the poor girl to shit so something interesting happened.
How did you possibly stay interested enough to write 9 chapters? Wow keep the day job.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 11, 2008)
Thanks for your review
All I can tell is that I respect your opinion but with regards to the other reviews I think you are pretty much alone with your opinion.
I think it is wonderful as this is what it is all about; simply to accept we all are different and that some peoples like a specific story while others simply don’t.
I’m sure you will be able to find other nice stories reflecting your special needs.
Kind regards

Reviewer: dumboldon (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2007
Well to start with, if as you make clear English is not your native tounge, we have lost a real talent! Super clear and a real turn-on even if the main focus is on piss and poo, far from my turn-ons! I prefer to feed slaves only liquids and insert an electric cathider...but your way really works for me! (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 11, 2008)
Thanks a lot for your kind review.
I'm sorry I have been silence for that long but my life has changed a lot making me have to reconsider it all and pay attention to my future.
I won’t bore all of you with the reasons in details but I want you to know that the nice reviews have meant a lot to me and made me continue until my life drastically changed.
Kind regards

Reviewer: carlo (Edit) Rating: Aug 20, 2006
Compliments for your job, approximately your story – fantasy, I think a particular scenery for you stories.
In South America torture centers, a beatiful women of 40 - 45 years old is questioned in presence of her own adolescent son.
Reading the documents of human associations rights, I have written article about real tortures cases, happened in tortures centers of South America, during the military dictatorship years 70 – 80.
The photos and the text of my article are not imagination but they describe cases really happened in a center of torture. Real it are the types of torture described, the victims' reactions, the the confessions of victims and their jailers. All this is written in documents of human associations rights.
Every form of human perversion is possible in a torture center, a universe of pain and human evil.
In Argentina, Uruguay, Chile in 70 – 80 years, very people was tortured, after to be kidnapping in them house; many of these people were women.
In Argentina, nobody was immune. Male and female; young and old, babies and teenagers; pregnant women, students, workers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, and teachers; Argentine citizens and citizens of other countries; nuns and priests, progressive members of religious orders-all swelled the ranks of the disappeared.
Of all the dramatic situations in clandestine prisons, nothing can compare to those family groups who were tortured, often together. Brutalizing a mother in front of her son and torturing a man in front of his wife were favorite ways of trying to make the women talk. The entire affective family world, constructed over the years with very difficulty collapses. This is a special technique of torture within the title of psychological torture, it is named ‘family torture’.
In much in torture centers and in police stations, very women of 35 - 45 years old were questioned in presence of their adolescent sons. This very perverse interrogation method was a method often used when the women were attractive and her son a adolescent boy.
First because, the jailers are perverse and sadistic people,
Second because this interrogation method it is very effective, a terrible psychological torture: for every mother, the fact of being naked in front of a his son and suffer to sexual tortures is a terrible shock; besides every mother knows, how much this experience to be traumatizing to her adolescent son.
Silvia Martinez Basso a woman journalist and member of important association of human rights wrote this about the technical of mother-son interrogatory: In this perverse form of questioning the woman is submitted to tortures more psychological than physics. In particularly it is employed a method of psychological torture named “small talk in distress”.
The woman is put in front to her own son, if not already naked yet, the woman is forced to strip to assume obscene and embarrassing positions; while talking to her, the interrogator puts her in distress: verbally abused she, fondling her breasts and her vagina. She is questionig in this manner about one hours, after to give her a deeper emotional shock, she is bound in a very uncomfortable manner and she is submitted to a slow and minute cavity search, vaginal inspection and edema.
These are the real testimonies of some victims:
Maria S., a beautiful women of forty five years old, psychologist in Buenos Aries University, wife of a important member of opposition party, was kidnappings together of her son Pablo a adolescent boy, student in second years of college.
Tell Maria with great shame about her tragic experience: << I was forced to obey to their orders why they threatened to torture my son, they poor me in a very obscene position: naked with the legs fall open, exposing my sex to the men, and to my adolescent son....I would have preferred to die rather than to put in that position in front my son to me. I am a woman much modest, never I undressed me in presence of my son....You cannot imagine the shame that one mother tries in that situation.... I implored the jailers to give mine me dressed...>>.
I was motionless for fear and embarrassment while two young boys fondled my breasts, touched my vagina and verbally abused me: << You are a teacher in university, you never wear panties when you teach class. You like to sit in front of the room and spread you legs, so all the boys can see you pussy and in particular in front you son......Look Pablo, you mother show her pussy.....Are you is excite for the mommy show?>>.
I felt horror and shame for this obscene act in front of my son, but every reaction was impossible: my life and the life of my son, was in power of these criminals.
I remember that terrible moment. I found the strength to tell him: <<Please Pablo...please don't listened any of this.........We will survive>>. I said this crying.
All this can be defined torture. The psychological torture can be more effective than that physics, in particolar the cavity search.
Maria rememder: I was belted down to a wooden platform with me legs held open. Mercilessly I was investigate in my intimates parts in front of my son and he was forced to watch...>> During the body search a men asked me: <<Are you embarrassment? You son see all >>. I cried silently because I didn't want to frighten my son. I heard a lot of shame, and I was desperate thinking about the shock that my son was trying.
Pablo the son of Maria tells with great shame and embarrassmentremember: <<I was forced to watch my mother interrogatory...... She was submitted to vaginal insertions and electro tortures……..She was deprived of hope and she did not have courage to watch to me.... …..The member of torture team they often repeated to me:<< You must be excited, when you see you mother questioning. If you are excited, We stop to torture She>>.
This is how much it really happened during a questioning, in particularly real it are the methods of torture used and the reactions victims here described.
The psychological tortures was not the only form of tortures to which to woman is submitted in presence of her adolescent son. In many cases to the psychological torture it followed that physics torture: breast tortures (breast press and breast hangings), electric shock low voltage for nipples and vagina, wooden pony, caning, bastinado (caning on feet shoes), insertions of toys (dildo, pump dildo, vibrator) in vagina and anus. These physics tortures are painful but they don't provoke in the woman you damn permanent, because it are type to low intensity. In the cases of “family torture” the psychological torture is more effective than that physics torture.
The boy is forced to assist to the questioning of his own mother, while a warder slowly masturbated he. The warder don’t get dirty the hands with the sperm of boys, wound the sex of the boys in slip or pantyhose, of mother boy. The underclothes that the mother of the boy, had been forced to get away or that we had torn from her during the questioning.
The boys try a strong sense of shame and anguish however happened and they are lowers the head and often cries; this is the more orrible and embarrassing aspect of this terrible experience.
Erection and ejaculation it are common physiological reactions that escape the control of every adolescent boy especially in drammatic situations as that just described. This happens because in age of puberty the organism of every adolescent boy is submitted to strong sexual hormonal secretion, and therefore it is very sensitive to every form of sexual stimulus; moreover the torture team, creates in the victim boy a relationship among sexual stimulus and cessation of the mother pain: the various forms of torture physics to which the woman is submitted are interrupted when the boy ejaculates.
Perverse this way operated to has the purpose to upset the mind of the victims.
In Argentina torture centre every forms of violence and perverse acts were practicable, even the incest.
B. Shaw a psychologist told: “In torture centre, forced mother and son in incest acts was possible, because the victims were exhausted, after weeks of torture physique and psychological, for then every resist was impossible.
For understand this type of situation is necessary reflect about the victims, then physique and psychological condition.
The mother and son are under blackmail, In these desperate situation, every mother accept every perverse acts, for save herself and her son from pain and dead.
I believe important a very realistis scenery and story. More realistic photos, video or story, more it are exciting for the human mind.
Many people don't speak of these imaginations because they feel shame, but this imagination is very frequent, it is the dark side of our mind.
Real protagonists.
The son, he is adolescent boy in age of puberty, student of college.
The mother she is a women of 40 – 45 years old, you do describe a real mother that you know: name, physical aspect, age, habits, job, as she is dressed normally, in this way the story is more realistic. You can describe your mother if you have fantasy about she.
Realistic emotions.
The mother: Fear, pain, embarassament, because she is interrogate in front her son.
The son: Fear and horror , he see his mother under torture and he can not react, because is tied up a chair and gagged. Embarassament, for his physiological reactions……..
The woman is dressed as the classic mother. She doesn't wears erotic underwear or latex, it isn't realistic. She wears normal clothes: skirt and blouse; simple underwear: bras, brief, pantyhose. She hasn't tatoo
Other sceneries are possible around mother-son stories:
During WWII Gestapo officers a woman and mans questioned a woman of 40 years old in presence of her teen-ager son.
Mother & her adolescent son are held captives by a local gang. The gang uses the mother as a sexual play toy, forces her to prostitute herself for them or to work as actress of porno film, and even makes her have sex with her son and his friends for their business and pleasure.
A teen-ager boy discovers that his own mother works as actress of porno film. The woman to do this dirty job because she is blackmailed by a gang of usurers.
What do you think about this? Are you able to write a history with this scenery
Best regars Carlo
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 21, 2006)
Hi Carlo
Thanks a lot for your review and your vote.
Please don’t write ‘approximately my story’. It is my story. I was very careful not using text from other stories. I did sometimes gain inspiration from other stories but I never used parts of the text in the story. I actually once removed a part of a chapter Janet had written because I recognized it from another story. She had problems finding new ideas and therefore she used a part from another story but I just didn’t accept it. If you write ‘approximately’ becuse I used ideas from the nice reviews you are right but this was a part of the plot. I wanted it as an interactive story giving the readers the possibility to affect the guide lines for the story but still in accordance to my main idea with the story.
Concerning your last question I can answer it quite simple: No, I would never be able to write stories reflecting the ideas you have mentioned.
Then I guess you would like me to write a little more explanation. I’m sorry to tell that I can’t make it that short as I will have to explain more issues concerning my desires.
Long time ago when I was a young boy I found out I had this weird desire. In many years I felt terrible about it as I didn’t understand why total pleasure for me meant that a sweet woman had to suffer for me. I have always liked to be good to others, to help the poor peoples, to see peoples happy and therefore I felt sometimes even disgust concerning my own desires as it didn’t reflect these nice dreams concerning helping others peoples at all. I have even been thinking about committing suicide due to my desires as I sometimes just couldn’t live with them.
Later I found out that some women actually wanted a life like that. Gradually I began to accept my desires as I had the opinion that if it was possible to live with a woman who wanted it and do it for real because it was a mutual agreement then I believed it was OK and even beautiful and lovely. My key element would be and still is safety. I would and will always make sure she is able to stop it at any time she wants it to stop.
All these thought made it all make sense to me and I really began to accept it. I loved the thought concerning having my own slave/sub who actually loved me because I am as I am and who never would want it to change. I would love her as well because she fulfilled my dreams and because she gave me what I had always been dreaming about. She would be the most precious person to me and the love would be true and real. Right now I’m actually searching for such a woman. I might have found her but I’m not sure yet. Therefore I would still be happy to hear from women who want a life as a slave/sub in accordance to the agreements we make together.
During the writing of Janet’s Ordeal I regretted the plot several times. The story could have taken place anywhere and it didn’t have to have anything to do with the dark time I had chosen. I really didn’t want to make any peoples sorry or to bring up bad memories. Sweet Janet who helped me didn’t want it either. But I first realised my fault when it was too late and too difficult to change. Therefore I decided to use the reviews for telling how I felt about and to tall I was sorry if it made some peoples upset. I really wasn’t meant to. I wanted it as pure fiction and nothing more and I wanted it to be enjoyable and exciting to read the story for peoples like sweet Janet and me who actually love it that hard.
So in order to go back to your question I can simply tell you; No way, I would never write such a story. I hate snuff, I hate when children are involved and I hate when it is too close to the real thing actually going on. My deepest dream is that the world could be a place for everybody in which, we can live in peace no matter if you are black or white, gay, lesbian or strait, Muslim, Christian or any other religion and a lot of more differences. All that in my opinion matters is that the way you are must never mean that other peoples have to suffer for real. It’s OK to suffer if it is a part of a mutual agreement and if all love it like that but I still think it is important that the person or persons who are suffering are able to stop it at any time it is preferred.
I hope this answer explains what I stand for, if not then please feel free to ask me more questions.
Take care………….
Love, Mick
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 21, 2006)
Sorry, I uploaded the same reply twice, therefore I have deleted the text in this reply.

Reviewer: fischy7 (Edit) Rating: Oct 21, 2005
I really enjoyed reading this story... Great ideas and fascinating turns in there. Please keep up your work! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 22, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your review and your nine vote!!!!! It really was fun and exciting to write this story with sweet Janet as my co-writer. Reviews like yours really make it worth to have done the work combined with writing the story. I have started a new project up. The new story is named The Old Courtroom. Sweet Janet had to leave me due to personal reasons. I have later found out that our relation was a kind of unique as it seems to be extremely difficult to find a new female co-writer to take over her place. I still hope I will succeed as it is more fun to write the stories together with a submissive woman. I have even asked for a cruel Mistress to be a part of the new story. If you would like to read the new story then use the link for reading it.
Replied by: riadelsol (Edit) (Apr 27, 2006)
Great story, I can't put it down. I just started reading, such vivid details. Keep up the good work, and please keep writing!

Reviewer: tiffany love (Edit) Rating: Oct 2, 2005
I have not read it all but the part that i read was hot (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 12, 2005)
A 10 vote!!!! Thanks a lot. It's lovely to receive feedback from readers and I really love when it is women writing they really like the story. Thanks again. I have some problems to find women interested in being a part of my next story (the old court room) as well as I need some proofreaders ready to make the corrections needed. I hope I will succeed. You can read the story by using this link: Take care.

Reviewer: aspersonals (Edit) Rating: Sep 11, 2005
Thank u veery much 4 providing us with this amazing story. It is really gaood i like it so much it really turns me on. i enjoy reading it keep up the good work
thanks again (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 11, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind words. It’s been a while since I got reviews for this story. I have started up a new project but it really cause me troubles as it seems to be impossible to find a woman like sweet Janet to participate as well as it is difficult to find someone ready to do some proof-reading before uploading the chapters. I hope I will succeed finding a submissive woman later as well as a proof-reader who can be either male or female. If the ones interesting are afraid that it is too much work you don’t have to be afraid as we just slow down if needed. Try to read the story using the link The story contains details for participating as well. I have actually written chapter three for my new story the old Courtroom. It just needs some proof-reading before uploading it. Right now I’m quite busy at work but I think I will get more time for this later.

Reviewer: cheese (Edit) Rating: Apr 12, 2005
I was very pleased with the story so far, i loved Janet's Ordeal and this looks great. The only wish i have for the story is that i would like to see her go through all the things she is told are going to happen to her, not change halfway through. Otherwise its perfect. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 14, 2005)
A ten vote!!! Thanks a lot!! I’m sorry if you have the feeling that the story change differently than you expected after reading the first chapters. It’s not something we have planned to do. I think the change you have noticed is caused by the fact that I later in the story regretted the historical fundament for the story. But I’m still happy that you think it’s a perfect story save for your complain concerning change in the story. I hope you will be with me in my new story as well. I have almost chapter two ready for this story. I have already received 18 reviews for it and it really looks promising.

Reviewer: peter de sade (Edit) Rating: Apr 1, 2005
I am very impressed by the story line in “Janet’s Ordeal”. The setting is perfect as the dungeon is suitably terrifying while the WW11 background is ideal as it makes Janet’s punishment dark, extreme and relentless. I love the cages, the black leather fetish gear of Helga and Ilsa and the inventive bondage, especially all the gags and the rubber discipline helmets. And the tortures are all suitably harsh: I particularly love the pony girl scene on the treadmill and I liked the piercing, ringing and electric torment to Janet’s labia and nipples. Amazing! There are many more detailed comments I would like to make especially about the style but it is certainly a story that keeps one rivetted throughout; I am only half way through and have just reached the delights of what Block 3 and the meeting with Mistress Olga have in store for our hapless heroine!
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 11, 2005)
I just love your review and I know sweet Janet does as well. It is like you almost couldn’t stop again but you just had to as you was excited to continue reading it again….just great!!!! I’m sure you loved the rest of the story as well.
I’m sorry to tell that Yahoo has deleted the group for the story. At the end it had almost 1000 members as I didn’t wait for the review anymore. I hope to see you all again in a new story I have planned to write.

Reviewer: anupmah (Edit) Rating: Mar 26, 2005
its great time reading the story. the story is long but not slow (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 11, 2005)
Thanks a lot. A short review but still telling that you did like the story. Thanks again.

Reviewer: sandsmiths (Edit) Rating: Mar 11, 2005
Very graphic. Amazing how writing like this can actually paint such a picture! Could not leave it alone, wanted to see what happens next. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 13, 2005)
Thanks a lot!!! Its music to both Janet’s an my ears! Reviews like these really make it worth that we spend a lot of time writing this story. I just hope I later will succeed finding one or more women ready to be co-writer and one of the “poor” victims in another and maybe even more exciting story. Thanks again for your kind words!

Reviewer: LuvDevil (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2005
this is simply the best story i have ever read! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 10, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind words. A very short review but it tells it all!!! It's really nice that this story has received all these nice reviews and it is voted that high. It really indicates that Janet's and my efforts for making the story exciting has been successful.

Reviewer: Tomatin (Edit) Rating: Feb 24, 2005
Torture and interrogation. What more does a story need? (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 26, 2005)
Thank you very much for your kind words. I have already told that Janet and I tried to make this story reflect a lot of "dark" (and wonderful) desires. Almost all reviews written for it indcates that we have succeeded doing it. I hope I will succeed uploading another story reflecting these ideas. All I still need is a woman or more women ready to be with me as co-writer(s). Take care, Mick

Reviewer: curtisce (Edit) Rating: Feb 9, 2005
Great story - I loved reading it. Hope to read more like it in the future. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 12, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your review!! I hope I will be able to upload a story later as well. I will depend on if I ever succeed finding one or more women interested in being co-writer(s) and be a part of the story. I have told about it in the introduction for some of the chapters.

Reviewer: spooky_girl (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2005
Love it and although at times it was some how confusing because the change of person (at a moment is retailed in first person and the next in thirst) the story is beliveble and it makes me realy horn almost all the time. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 11, 2005)
Thanks a lot; I love to receive reviews from women loving this story. I still hope to find one interested in being a co-writer in my next story. Sorry about the grammar, but as English isn't my native language I know I make faults. I have told about this in some of the older replies for reviews.
I will end this reply to ask once more for women interested in being a co-writer in a story of the same type.

Reviewer: dko1020 (Edit) Rating: Feb 4, 2005
This story is powerful. The author's imagination and descriptive text is unmatched for those seeking non-vanilla bdsm script. It makes you want to be a part of every scene. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 11, 2005)
A ten vote more!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot. Janet and I really have received a lot of nice reviews for this story and it means a lot to us. I especially love to receive reviews from readers who want to be a part of it. This must mean we have done well and made it as detailed as I wanted it to be. Thanks again...

Reviewer: soeemis (Edit) Rating: Dec 19, 2004
Very good one! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 20, 2004)
A nine vote more.....thanks a lot. Though your review is very short it leaves no doubt that you like the story. All these nice reviews can't help making me hope I will succeed finding a new co-writer for my next story. So I hope all women who love this story will write me a mail and tell me if they are interested in being a part of a story like Janet's Ordeal and your name or nickname mentioned n the introduction for a story uploaded this site. I have the idea and some of it is already written but it is really no fun writing it alone not being challenged during the writing. Write to if you are a female and interested in being a co-writer and help me writing the next story.

Reviewer: fishan20029999 (Edit) Rating: Dec 8, 2004
Well done. Obviously much time was invested in the story. Clearly a labor of love. Will look at your other works as well. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 9, 2004)
a nine-vote!, thanks a lot. Your are right that much work have been invested in this story. But I think it was worth it as both Janet and I had fun writing it. Furthermore it's really nice to read all these reviews. Some of them really have helped us keeping the story on the 'track'.
All I hope now is that I will succeed finding one or more submissive who are ready to be co-writer(s) and suffer the pain, training and humiliation she or they will have to endure in the next story. I'm sure that they won't be disappointed if they like Janet's Ordeal. It will of course be different but still extreme and har. Furthermore it will be free of any historical events. All data for writing and asking to participate is written in some of the replies below and in the introductions of some of the chapters of Janets Ordeal.
SO PLEASE HELP ME TO FIND SOME WOMEN INTERESTED. When thinking about how difficult it is to find a new co-writer I think we all need to be grateful that sweet Janet was ready to do all the work combined with Janet's Ordeal.
Finally I wan't females interested to think on that it doesn't have to mean that much work. We just agree the speed of preparing each chapter and how we do it. It always have to be fun doing it not a pain in the ass!!!

Reviewer: jgrandgarcon (Edit) Rating: Dec 6, 2004
While this story begins as an interrogation of a WWII courier, it moves beyond that to a more timeless theme which could be almost anywhere.
It doesn't try to glorify the Nazi regime, so that initial setting should not lower its rating. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 7, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your review. I'm especially happy that you have noticed the change in the story after I found out that my choice of fundament was misunderstood. Both Janet and I are happy that you liked the story.
As mentioned in the some of the other reviews and in the story I need a new co-writer for the next story. I really hope one or more women interested will show up and write to and tell me that they are interested.

Reviewer: mix000 (Edit) Rating: Nov 25, 2004
It’s just lovely to read a review like this.
Thanks a lot.I greatly enjoyed your story.
I like upload a new story
Keep writing, please (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 7, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your review and your vote. Both Janet and I are happy that you liked the story. I really try to continue the next story but right now I desperately need a new female co-writer who are ready to take over Janet's place. I have already told that Janet due to personal reasons had to tell me no to participate in my next project. I hope I will succeed finding a new one. So if you are a woman reading this story and reply; please contact me on mail using the address if you are interested in being a part of the next story. I have already written some pages for it and I really think I have found an excellent plot for it.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Nov 21, 2004
I loved the story,but due to you usinmg the Nazi as a setting I have to give it a 2, i changed my rating because the use of Nazi atrocities in ANY story based on what happened to millions in ww2 is total unacceptable but any story like this I love, the genere is what I enjoy the most
Janet has no idea what type of trouble she can get into with these people and as she finds out, you MUST cooperate with those who hold you
And althou she doesn't realize it, she soon will that what ever the camp and slave traders want from her, they will get, one way or another, Pain, Humilation is no big deal to them, and in most cases the more pain she suffers themore her trainers will enjoy her torment
If you like female sub stories, with rough interigation especialy when the victim does not as first realize that things will evenualy get worse for them, I reccomend this story
It also gives huge insight as to what really did happen during the WAr to those femmales who where captured, but some faired far worse then others
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 23, 2004)
Below this review is my comment for your first dated Aug 6, 2003
Here is my comment for your new review: Well, you are right in your statement. I think I have told several times I did regret the initial plot but it was a bit too late as the story was up and running. It’s a bit strange that you change your vote from 10 to 2 after reading it all because it was only the first parts that really had something to do with this dark time of the world history. After these chapters it changed to an extreme slave story, which could have been anywhere. Finally I think there is a major difference in Janet’s and my story compared to what happened during WWII. In our story no killing is accepted. Both Janet and I did love to make it really hard for the “poor” victims but we never accepted any killing. I think it is important to make this clear.
It’s not that I don’t agree with you, if I didn’t I wouldn’t have written all I did concerning this aspect in the initial words and I wouldn’t have changed the setting to be more like an ordinary but extreme slave story. I just think it disappoints me that you didn’t vote it two in the beginning due to the WWII fundament and then I actually think it would be fairer changing it to ten later after reading the last chapters when you found out it had changed but this is of course only my opinion.
I still think it was a dark time of history and I really hope it will never happen again. Unfortunately we all have to accept that evil acts quite similarly to what happened during WWII actual have taken place after WWII and it still occurs no matter how stupid it sounds. I just think we never learns no matter how much I hope we someday will be able to live in peace no matter if you are black, white, Muslim, Christian, gay, lesbian, hetero sexual etc. What sometimes makes me sad is that I deep in my heart know that it will probably never happen. But I still believe that if people like you and me continue to do what we can to make the world a better place we will head in the right direction.
My first comment to your first review: One more ten vote! It's just great. This really indicates Janet and I are on the right 'track'. We will do what we can not to disappoint any of you who love this story. I have sent part 3 meaning it will be uploaded this site soon depending on how many updates for other stories the site has received. I’m sure you will all enjoy this part as well. In the medical block the ‘poor’ inmates have to endure extremely cruel treatment to provide science with data. In the slave block Janet realises that they are serious concerning her slave training. They are ready to do what they think is necessary to make her a good obedience slave ready to do whatever they want of her. They really love exploring her pain limits.

Reviewer: Den Sethos (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2004
I must say that I was really uncomfortable about the setting of the story. Nazism is no laughing matter in my family. So I am grateful that you did put the aknowledgement about Nazis crimes in your story (Even if it is not complete: not only Jewish people sufferred at their hands).
About the story itself : I find it well written (even if I prefer Thndrshark's writing, hence 8 and not 9 or 10).
I particularly like the sensory deprivation scenes, combined with the scat and forced feeding elements.
All in all a very good work. Keep writing, please! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 7, 2004)
I know about the NAZI plot but I think I have told enough about this aspect in both the story and other reveiws. I haven't read anything written by Thndrshark but I will do later trying to make the next story even better (provided I ever succeed finding a new co-writer). It's nice to read about the particularly parts of the story you have mentioned. Thanks again for your review.

Reviewer: dewaken (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2004
I enjoy this novel. I love Woman Prison Fiction (movie like "ILSA" , novel and others). I think this novel is a wonderful work in my W.P.F life so far. Janet is very beautiful !! Thanks for your job.
I want to join your Group. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 7, 2004)
A ten vote!!!! Thanks a lot. Your vote leaves no dpubt concerning what you think about the story and both Janet and I love to read reviews like this one though we of course love even more when they have been written with more details. But sometimes a short review can tell it all and I think this one did it.

Reviewer: greta (Edit) Rating: Oct 22, 2004
An excellent read - Whilst only 2/3 way though, I am slowly reading the remainder as I do not want this story to end.
The story really captures Janet's humiliation and disgust over her treatment and I have twice dreamt about being in her predicament.
Well done to the authors (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 23, 2004)
A nine vote! Thanks a lot. I'm happy you like the story that much and I know that our sweet Janet is as well. It's just great to read that you have been dreaming about the treatment twice, I love to read that!! It really is humiliating and disgusting treatment that our sweet Janet must endure, but brave as she is she is able to go through it and even begin to love the treatment. If you love it that much I really hope you would consider if it was an idea to be a part of my next story. Please write me a letter to and tell me about your expectations and desires if you were a part of a story like this one. Should other women be interested I will of course be happy to hear from them as well. Once again thanks for your nice review!
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 7, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your nice review. It's lovely to read about a "fan" reading the story slowly to make it last longer. Janet and I really tried to capture Janet's humiliation, disgust and discomfort during this extreme treatment. Another aspect we tried to include was her feelings during all this and I think we succeeded pretty well. I think Janet was the best to include this side of the story. Thanks again for your review. I see this is the second reply but it's better with several replies than

Reviewer: theNetrunner (Edit) Rating: Oct 2, 2004
Really good story, although i have even read a few chapters! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 3, 2004)
Concerning the next role-play the woman interested will have a place in the next story like Janet had in Janet's Ordeal.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 3, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your nine vote. It must mean you really like it and even though you only have read a few chapters!!! I hope you enjoy the group Friends of Janet's Ordeal as well.
Remember that I'm still searching for females ready to participate in the next story as co-writers. Though I prefer a submissive "slave" I'm open for females who want to be the dominating part in the play as well.

Reviewer: luketaylerwilliams (Edit) Rating: Sep 25, 2004
I greatly enjoyed your story, it was truley amasing and inspiring. I usually hate reading but your story is well worth reading reading. My complements to you it is a true achievenent.
User name: luketaylerwilliams
I would aprechiate approval for your group. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 26, 2004)
A 10 vote more!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot!! I’m truly happy that you like our story especially as you tell you normally hate reading. I’m sure our sweet Janet appreciate your kind review as well.

Reviewer: aliceleed (Edit) Rating: Sep 14, 2004
Fantastic story! I'd love to see more "bladder inflation" espisodes. Consider adding episodes with chastity belt, diaper used as restraint (rather than a convenient way to let Janet relieve herself), AND tight form-fitting jeans or pants. Janet'll be so sexy holding back her pee, locked up in diapers and chastity belt and tight jeans. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 26, 2004)
A 9 vote more…thanks a lot. It’s just lovely with these nice reviews. You are right with the diapers and we did use diaper in the story as you know. It can be quite enjoyable to keep a slave like this for a while until she feel extremely humiliated and disgusting just begging for release but she will just have to wait. Dressing her in tight fitting rubber knickers under the jeans makes sure no leak occurs. Public exposing just wearing transparent rubber knickers will surely teach the slut a lesson as well. In the story we tried to make it a mix of dirt parts and real torture. When I read all the nice reviews I really think we succeeded. Now I just hope I will succeed having my next story uploaded.

Reviewer: meierlohr (Edit) Rating: Aug 31, 2004
really great story. Facinating the many ways to humiliate janet. Go on! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 5, 2004)
A nine vote more!!! We really tried to humiliate sweet Janet in a lot of different ways and in accordance to your review we must have succeeded. I’ll try to go on with a new story but presently I’m a little stocked as I desperately need at least one female co-writer to help me as I have planned to make the next story a role-play as well. I actually have written some pages for it but right now I don’t know if I will succeed. This was review number 120 and still 8.5 as avarage vote, it's really great!!!

Reviewer: paulys12 (Edit) Rating: Aug 27, 2004
Fantastic story!, chp1 through to cht9. i read it from a submissives veiw and loved it. The description of scenes was wonderful, clear and concise. The feeling of the submissives pain and fear was quite evident and certainly beleivable and enviable. i was able to place myself in Janets position and share in her ordeal.All this because of the great writing of a great story.
9/10 (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 5, 2004)
A nine vote…thanks a lot. I’m happy you like it that much and that you are able to put yourself in Janet’s place. It must mean that you think it is as detailed as necessary to do this. I’m happy you did like all nine chapters and I know Janet is as well.

Reviewer: kizmet200 (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2004
i have enjoyed this story so far. i am up to the barn with the mounds of women. usually long stories start to bore me this one has not. other then some writting problems,it has been a good well paced story (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 13, 2004)
Thanks a lot; seven is a good vote though I of course would be happy for more. I'm happy you feel it is worth continuing reading the story though it is long. During the process of writing the story Janet and I did think a lot about how to make it continue being exciting and not boring because it began to be the same with only minor variation. The chapter with Olga’s treatment later in the story actually was written because sweet Janet made me realize that I was about to continue in the same track. I’m happy she saw it and I really think she wrote an excellent chapter in order to make the story continue to be exciting. Furthermore all the nice reviews really helped us as they both told us if we were loosing track and they gave us idea for new chapters.
Finally I can tell that I still have a minor hope that the next story will be uploaded as I have been contacted by a women sounding very promising as she has written a long story before meaning she knows what it takes. Hope to ‘see’ you there if I succeed.

Reviewer: doloreamo (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2004
This story had all of the components of what I consider to be great BDSM fiction. For me, it has all the components of a perfect S & M piece, including whippings, spiked ball gags, electrical punishment, and enemas. I enjoy the stories that are identified as heavy or serious and this one hit the spot.
I have emailed to ask you if you are still looking for female to participate in a future story. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2004)
Hi doloreamo, Thanks a lot for your nice review with a nine vote!!! It seems like we have included what turn you on. We have tried to let it include a lot of different treatment and ordeals meaning there should be a chance that it will meet the desires of a lot of peoples who love real hard stories.
I have already replied you letter concerning participating. I’m still interested in new submissive women who want to be a part of the new story and who are ready to do the work needed for making it public as Janet’s Ordeal. I think some of the concerns might be that those who are interested think it is too much work. It will mean some work but remember that it will also mean a lot of pleasure and enjoyment during the writing. Furthermore I have heard from some women participating that it really give them a kick each time they read their own name in the story. The most important part of it is to have the first chapters uploaded. Then I’m sure the readers will be ready to wait for the next chapters, provided the first chapters really are something. I really hope I will succeed as I think I have mad an excellent fundament for an exciting story.

Reviewer: bobbirobi (Edit) Rating: Jul 25, 2004
I liked the situations and many of the images evoked by the story. I prefer stories that describe more detail about observable symptoms (for example goose bumps, extended nipples, redening of specific bodily areas with subjects embarrassment, fluids -- their color and scent, visual description of involuntary or automatic muscular movements, skin colorations, vocal pitch, description of clitoral oscillation during orgasm, etc. This story is told in the first person. Sometimes describing specific observations can be easier expressed in the third person.
bobbirobi (6/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2004)
Thanks for your review. You might be right concerning writing in third person but I really wanted to tell it like Janet told the story.
I know that the story might miss some details concerning the aspects you have mentioned. I think we have told about it in some of the chapters. Sometimes it is difficult to describe these aspects in details, especially when you are not a native English writer as a lot of the words used for this aren’t the words you are normally taught during the English lessons and some of them you maybe don’t even know in your own language but I will think about it.

Reviewer: Wiz62 (Edit) Rating: Jul 24, 2004
in the past 3 months i read erotic fiction a lot. this story is for sure in the upper quarter of ranking.
1. it has a plot. there is a story beyond bdsm.
2. the author developes the feelings of the people in his story and transfers them up to the reader. this is happening not only in a single sentence but the hole development of feelings is layed out.
Beside this review there is a remark/question:
i found part of this story (the training as a cow and doing the udders) some time ago in an other story where white slavers in the carebean captúred slaves and delivered them to a secret training center. i am sure its been the same words over a big part of that story, but i dont remember the site i found it. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your detailed review. I’m happy to read why you like it as it describes how both sweet Janet and I tried to do it.
Concerning your remark I can assure you that it isn’t taken from another story. I was extremely careful not using any chapters from other stories as I wanted the story to be unique. I know that a lot of the ordeals have been seen in other stories and that the way it always will be, but we still tried to make it different by for instance make it more sophisticated or to combine more cruel treatment in the same ordeal. I don’t know the story you are referring to.
I can tell that Janet actually did include some paragraphs from another story in one of the chapters because she had difficulties adding something new to the story. Lucky to me I did know the story and I told her about it and we agreed that we would never use anything from other stories. I must of course confess that I have had a lot of inspiration reading other stories but I still made it different in Janet’s Ordeal if I used some of the ideas.

Reviewer: gerold01 (Edit) Rating: Apr 27, 2004
I love this story. It's very good written and makes me horny. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 27, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your review. Though the story is completed we still love to receive these nice reviews. I still hope I will be able to upload the next story, which will reflect the concept in this story though it of course will be very different.

Reviewer: jeanne (Edit) Rating: Apr 27, 2004
This "story" illustrates that in BDSM fiction, merely posting private exchanges does not cut the ice. Boring and badly written - it is OK if "master" Mick found it enjoyable, but inflicting this on others is self-delusional.
Good erotic fiction is for the reader to masturbate to - not the writer.
The number of ratings is plain unbelieveble, too. (2/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 27, 2004)
Thanks for your review jeanne. I’m of course sorry that you don’t like the story but I just think we all have to accept that we can’t make everybody satisfied. You are right that the stories are for the readers to masturbate to but I believe that if you want good BDSM-fiction it is important that the writers are excited when writing it as well. Janet and I did love to write it. We did sometimes write chapters that weren’t that exciting for us. The reason for this was all the nice reviews you don’t understand. In some of them there are suggestions for new chapters and we really tried to reflect these suggestions as well. Before ending this reply for you I can tell that I have received more letters from both men and women telling me that this story really made them wet and horny. I have received these letters both during the writing and after completing the story and I did always tell sweet Janet about them. She loved to hear about it as well.

Reviewer: kaeiria (Edit) Rating: Apr 11, 2004
one of the few stories I've read that gets me wet (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 11, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your review. I have been a little busy and therefore I haven’t got the time needed for replying your extremely nice reviews, I’m sorry. I will write some comments for all reviews we have got for the story later. I hope the three other reviewers below this one read this short reply. We still love to receive these reviews as it tells us that the story wasn’t that bad….smile. I have tried to start a new project up but right now I have severe problems as my co-writers have problems offering me the help and support I need due to personal problems, work, and private life and so on. Furthermore Yahoo has deleted the group we made for writing the story. I still haven’t given up as I think you all deserve to read this new story as well but it really is difficult. All this means that if you are a woman and you love the story Janet’s Ordeal and you would like to be a part of the next story and maybe have your name in the introduction as co-writer then please send a letter to my email I will stop again but once again thanks for your review, we really love all the nice reviews we have received for this story.

Reviewer: coolair001 (Edit) Rating: Apr 3, 2004
This is a very well written and quite exciting piece i enjoyed the begining........Great story
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 27, 2004)
A ten vote more!!!! thanks a lot!!! It really encourage me to do my best making the next project work so we are able to upload a new story.

Reviewer: mcasey062000 (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2004
Only 1/3 through and had to join bdsmlibrary to compliment authors! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 27, 2004)
Thanks a lot!!!! It’s just lovely to read a review like this and it really encourage me to do what I can to be able to upload the next story. We do of course love more detailed reviews as well because they give ideas for new stories. During the writing of the story they did tell us if we were about to loose the track

Reviewer: cris812469 (Edit) Rating: Mar 5, 2004
after writing a detailed review and then in the process of sending it, it was lost. sorry, i can't afford the time to write it again. the story turned me on in the first chapter. the later ones started to get boring, but still fun. (get someone to help you on the spelling and grammar.) (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 27, 2004)
Thanks a lot. I’m sorry that your first more detailed review disappeared. That’s my reason for always writing them in word before posting them. I will tell you as I have done before; it is difficult to make everybody happy. For you the first chapter was the best and the later ones more boring but you did at least read them meaning you had to make sure it didn’t change later and you didn’t find them so boring that you had to stop reading it. Concerning grammar and so on I suggest you read some of the former reviews and my introduction for some of the chapters. I have done what is possible to have somebody correcting them befor the upload but I have had no luck. That means; I have probably found one now but I will use her for the next story.

Reviewer: BaronPainmaster (Edit) Rating: Mar 1, 2004
This is one of the best stories I've read, and I've read quite a few. It has all my favourite elements: hard genital torture without mercy, electrical torture a plenty, catheters, enemas, dilations, rape, forced bisexual service. Not too keen on the filth and diaper rash bits, although its just a personal thing. Well done authors. I thought I had a perverse imagination. I doff my cap to you ! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 3, 2004)
Thanks a lot for your review! It’s nice to see that there is still new readers who like our story. I know that there is readers who don’t find the dirt part exciting. It will always be like this. Personally I find this aspect exciting as well as you really are able to humiliate and degrade the ‘poor’ victim. I’m not into scat at all but I still find using it as a part of the extreme humiliation to break the victim exciting. In some of the other replies for reviews I have explained the basic idea with the story. We tried to make it a story appealing to a lot of readers with our common desires. If you read some of the other reviews you will notice that in some of them the dirt part of the story is accentuated as their reason for loving to read this story. One of the reviewers has told me that he would love to be trapped in the solitary confinement boxes just to make it clear that some readers like this part of the story as well. When reading your review we just can conclude that we have succeeded making a story for a huge crowd of readers because it includes a lot of different exciting treatment of slaves. Then we just all have to accept that there always will be some parts of the story we love more than others.
THE NEW STORY I HAVE PLANNED TO UPLOAD: I still have some problems with the new project. I really think I have succeeded to make an exciting fundament for a new story and the women helping me agree with me in this statement. The problem right now is that the private life for my ‘poor’ sluts in this role-play has made it extremely difficult to participate in the extent they really want to. Therefore I still hope to find more female readers interested in being victims in this role-play. The more we are participating the less work it will mean as long as I’m able to control it. Furthermore it is possible to stay in the background if the normal life demands it as there always will be others to take over and continue the project. As I think it is a great story I really hope I will succeed having it uploaded for all of you.
All this means that IF YOU ARE A WOMAN AND YOU LOVE THIS STORY THEN PLEASE SEND ME A MAIL IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A PART OF THE NEXT ROLE-PLAY (the mail-address is written in some of the introductions for this story). I both need at least one cruel skilful Mistress and more willing sluts who would love to be victims in the new role-play. If you are into this I promise you won’t be disappointed as I have written and made a lot for this new role-play. If there is a Mistress interested who would like to treat MALE-SLAVES as well I accept it as long as it isn’t predominant in the role-play. All that I request is that she is responsible for introducing the male-slaves as well as she will be responsible for finding the ‘real’ male-slaves on the Internet if she want to use real slaves who will be able to write feedback and participate. If you are a male-slave and you would love to be a part of this then send me an email. Then I will store your letter and email address and do what I can to introduce you if I find a Mistress who loves to treat both women and men. Right now I have one Mistress who has planned to introduce male-slaves in the story but she presently has severe problems to participate.

Reviewer: mad148w66 (Edit) Rating: Feb 13, 2004
This is an excellent story! I felt like being there... when i was reading this... ;) <br>I think i will use some of your torture ideas on my sub... ;) (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 13, 2004)
Thanks a lot. I'm happy you like it. It means a lot that you almost felt like being ther as this means we have done well. Please remember to carry out the ordeals in a scaled down version if you try it with your sub!

Reviewer: davyrider (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2004
Wow, This is a great story with many different fetishes covered, lots of torture and some great bdsm ideas. I myself would just love to see some you what is described in this story in real life. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 11, 2004)
Thanks a lot, a ten-vote more! We are happy you did like our story and I hope to see you later when I (hopefully) upload the next story. If you like Janet's Ordeal I'm sure you will love the next story as well though it will be different compared to this story.

Reviewer: herr_schneckle (Edit) Rating: Jan 29, 2004
Its an interesting story, but a modern background is better for me.
The idees for the cruel world are nice. lets make the world better.
A compliment to the writers of the story
Sorry for the short review, but i can not writ very good in english. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 7, 2004)
A ten vote more!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot. You are right that we all need to do what is possible to make the place a better place to be. Let us all do what we can to make everybody realize that though we have different religion, if we are black or white, if we are hetero, bi, gays or lesbian and much more we are still able to friends and even close friends!!!. Though your review is short it leaves no doubt concerning what you think about our story. I’m happy you love it and happy to tell that the next story will take place in a modern world. I’ll let you all know when it is uploaded! Take care….Mick

Reviewer: adj68 (Edit) Rating: Jan 11, 2004
Only read this story if you want your Fiction brutal and uncomprimising. The story is well written and flows smoothly, which is essential for such a long and detailed account. The English is good (it is not that easy to tell that the Author is not a native English speaker) and it certainly does not detract from the enjoyment of the ordeals depicted.
The trials that Janet is forced to endure at the hands of the inventive captors are outstanding in their complexity and inventiveness, always exceeding what you thought would come next, but keeping it within the realms of what is theoretically possible for a slave to endure. My particular favourites would have to be the solitary confinement boxes, which combine such a large number of elements (sensory deprivation, cramping, exhaustion, scat, forced feeding, electicity) into one tantalising package.
It is a story that I am sure readers will find themselves revisiting again as it doesn't lose its impact over time. I think the ratings pretty much say it all.
Well Done Master Mick. 10/10 (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Jan 14, 2004)
Thanks a lot…a ten vote more!!!! It’s really a pleasure reading your review telling us that you think we have done well during this.
I was quite proud about the chapter with the solitary confinement boxes as well and I know Janet did love it too.
It’s right that some of the treatment is within what a slave will be able to endure but some of it really exceed limits and borders that might be dangerous crossing in the real life. Therefore I hope you all are extremely careful if you try some of this for real and make sure you think about safety!
The good news for all of you is that I presently think we will be able to upload the new role-play/story, which will take place on a very special castle. I don’t think I will have to tell what is going on this place? But I can assure you that we will include some brand new ideas. We are presently a group of five doing the writing. I have already made a group for this role-play as well. I have presently uploaded more than 150 pics and one of my co-writers has uploaded about 20 that all are reflecting the main idea with this new story meaning there is a lot to look forward to. It will of course still depend on if I succeed having it uploaded in corporation with my new co-writers.

Reviewer: t1220 (Edit) Rating: Jan 2, 2004
I liked the bdsm story details very much, that's the reasonfor the rating 'excellent', the political/historiclal background of the story is not of so much importance for me.
And for me as a foreigner the english sounds quit good (much much better than mine!!).
What I liked much is the big varity of ideas you have (as yourself mentioned below: leather, steel, rubber both restraints, bags and suits, canvas suits, dirty cells, cages, Scavengers Daughter, feeding masks, various types of gags, different devices for restraining the sluts etc.). This makes it very enjoyable to read, an I myself enjoyed also the piss/scat scenes very much, e.g. the diapering of the two girls... The idea of beeing restrained in a clumsy canvas suit, forced to stay in the messy diaper for 5 days antil released is overpowering.
The cramping (internal/external), the gadgets (like the pain inductor for the teeth, the harp for the feet and toes, the device that sqeezes the balls of Hans) are described in much detail, and I love it.
One remark: Sometimes the Thoughts/feelings/experiences of the people not directly in the center of the story (like the two diapered girls, or the girls which get's the cunt sewn shut) could have got more attention.
Another remark (not criticism, rather a question): You never mentioned things like tight corsets, straitjackets, tight boots.. But maybe that would be too much in one episode.
Keep on going with that kind of excellent work!
Thomas (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Jan 4, 2004)
A ten vote more!!!! Thanks a lot and what a long and nice review!!!
I’m happy to notice that you have read some of the other reviews before writing yours as I have explained a lot in my replies for all the reviews.
I know about the historical and I did sometimes regret that I made this choice when I later found out that the interest for the project was that huge. I have explained this before not telling that you have written something bad about this.
I’m happy that you love the variety of ordeals and equipment. Janet and I really tried to make it different as we know it can be quite boring to read if the restraints and ordeals don’t change during the story. Furthermore we tried to include different desires to make it appeal to a larger reader crowd. When reading your review it seems like we did succeed doing it.
You are right that we often didn’t express feelings for women not directly involved in the story. We did include these women in order to make the readers feel it was a huge prison area. I think we didn’t tell that much about their feelings because we were afraid to loose the track and because we were afraid that they would ‘take over’. We always wanted sweet Janet to be the main character. We did make sure she remained like this by only peripheral describing feelings for other women peripheral. I agree with you that we sometimes could have described it more detailed without losing this part of our ideas with the story.
I will think about your idea concerning tight corsets, straitjackets, and thigh boots for the next role-play provided I succeed getting it started. I really hope so and right now it looks quite promising. I hadn’t forgotten about your suggestions I just think we had enough ideas without using these aspects.
I will do what I can to upload a new story. Right now the plan is to use the plot I have told about in the introduction for part 8 and 9. I have found a main co-writer who seems to be quite seriously about the project. Furthermore I have found three and maybe four women ready to be ‘poor’ victims in this role-play. My plan is to have more women (and maybe even men) participating in this play. I think (and hope) that more peoples participating will mean more fun and pleasure for all of us and less work. I just hope I will be able to control it during the process.
Once again thanks for your review. Both Janet and I really love reviews as detailed as yours!!! And thanks for your kind words concerning my English.

Reviewer: wtbarnes716@yah (Edit) Rating: Dec 23, 2003
A very interesting yet potrntially dangerous story. I'm glad tou included the disclaimers about the Jewish people in Nazi Germany, and thet these types of things never happen again, Anywhere! There really are no noticeable translation changes. Keep writing and English will become eassier
Thank You (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 23, 2003)
Thanks for your kind words! I did what I could to make all readers understand that I by no means did want to upset anybody. I don’t think we ever did expect that huge interest for this project. I have previously told about my reason for choosing this fundament and that I actually did regret my choice during the writing process.
I’m truly happy to read what you tell about translation changes. I actually think my English has improved during this.
I do of course hope I succeed starting up my new project. I will take some months before we will be ready to upload this story. We still would be happy if more women interested would write me a letter. If we succeed starting it up I really hope to see all of you again as both Janet and I think you have all been great!! Thanks for your support during this!!!

Reviewer: Erwin Puts (Edit) Rating: Dec 22, 2003
The story is quite interesting and has some nice new ideas about how to treat female slaves. I would have preferred to use a modern setting and not a historical one. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 23, 2003)
Thanks for your review! As told in some of the previous reply for reviews I did actually sometimes regret that I did choose this plot for a story, which became that popular. That’s my reason for almost leaving it in the last chapters.
Both Janet I still think we succeeded to create an exciting story with a lot of different and creative ordeals. All these nice reviews leaves no doubt that a lot of you agree with us.

Reviewer: antoin123 (Edit) Rating: Dec 21, 2003
By reading the story of Janets Ordeal opens a new world for me. I think its a very exiting story about how cruel the world can be.
Im curious to see the Yahoo group.
A compliment to the writers of the story (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 23, 2003)
Thanks a lot! I'm happy you find the story exciting. You are right that the world sometimes is cruel. I think it is important that we all do what we can to make sure the world will be a better place for all of us.

Reviewer: Katherina969 (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2003
I have spent a lot of time reading Janet's Ordeal and must admitt that I have enjoyed even more. I have also read some of the reviews below and somewhat surprised by the harsh words.
Yes, grammar and spelling could be better but the time and the effort that have been put in to writing it to begin with is amazing + considering that English isnt the mother tongue of the writers I think it commendable that they even took the step.
For my part, I really didnt pay that much attention to the story line as such as to the scenes ...... the ideas behind them and the equipment used were great ....... even got a few new ideas of my own to try out real life ;)
So well done!
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 18, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your kind words Katherina. It really means a lot to our sweet Janet and me!! I’m happy that you agree with me that it is possible for a no-narrative English writer to write a story like this one. I know there are some faults but as long as the story is loved by a lot of readers visiting this site I don’t think it is that important. Furthermore all this writing has improved my English (I hope some of you agree with me…smile)
I will be fair to a lot of the reviewers who have written a review for this story. I don’t think there are a lot of reviews with harsh contents. The major part of the reviews really is nice and both Janet and I are grateful for this. I do even thank the bad reviewers as they sometimes made it clear to us that we had to do our very best in order to make the story as reader friendly as possible for us.
I will end my comments with telling that I’m happy we gave you some ideas for real life ordeals. I just have to warn you when doing it as a lot of the ordeals in this story is extremely dangerous meaning you have to be careful and pay a lot attention to safety when doing it. I would be extremely sorry if I ever read about accidents in real life caused by this story!! Remember that all written in this story is pure fiction meaning a lot of the ordeals exceed limits, which must never be exceeded for real!!!!

Reviewer: pnut (Edit) Rating: Dec 15, 2003
The story is a little tired. Notwithstanding that a story on Nazi atrocities is not politically correct, the storyline has some promise. it could have been set in N. Korea, South SAfrica, Iraq etc and be more relevant.
The characters do not have much substance- they are treated as inaminate objects (this is the author's style) but we do not get to understand any emotions. Also, there is too much scat/urine and this subject is repeated so boredom sets in after Ch 3.
The idea of using a femle writer is good...but the style of female and male is rather similar so the effect is lost.
I believe Mike alos bid Bondage Sisters and again he labours one particular type of bondage/restraint over and over. (5/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 16, 2003)
Thanks for your review. You are right in some of your statements but I think some of your critics aren’t fair. I will try to explain.
You are right concerning the Nazi plot. After the initial phase it could have been everywhere. I can tell you the reason for this. I have written in some of my replies for all the nice reviews that I actually did regret that I decided to use the Nazi-plot as some readers got it wrong due to personal feelings though I had written in my introduction for some of the parts that we by no means did sympathize with the peoples doing all these cruel things to the Jewish population during WWII. I did due to this more or less leave the Nazi plot in the last chapters.
You are right concerning the emotional part when thinking on the other ‘poor’ victims used in the story but I don’t think you are right if you feel the same when reading the chapters involving our sweet Janet. I really think we have managed to include her emotional feelings during the story. It might not be as intense as you would prefer but a lot of readers find it boring if it include too much of this.
You are right that the story does include some scat/urine but I really don’t think it fair to call it predominant. It does include a lot of other aspects concerning the treatment of ‘poor’ Janet and the other females kept this place that doesn’t involve scat/urine. If you read some of the other reviews I think you will agree with me.
I don’t think you are right when claiming the effect of using female and male writer is lost because we are similar. I really think we have managed to make it reflect both the female and the male point of view. Janet and I do of course have common desires otherwise we would never have been able to write this story. If we weren’t equal concerning this there would have been no connection between Janet’s and mine adds for the story.
I don’t know the Bondage Sisters you are referring to but I don’t think you are right when claiming we are using the same type of bondage over and over again. We have both tried to include different types of restraints and devices to make it more exciting and I will again claim that we have achieved that goal when reading the other reviews. We haven’t used ropes that much and that is because Janet and I don’t find this as exciting as using the other types of restraints and suits (leather, steel, rubber both restraints, bags and suits, canvas suits, dirty cells, cages, Scavengers Daughter, feeding masks, various types of gags, different devices for restraining the sluts etc.)
I think this will do it as comments for your review. I will end these comments with stating that no matter how hard you try it is impossible to satisfy all readers with our excellent common desire. There will always be some readers who will find it either disgusting, boring or something else though the fundament for story basically reflects their desires.
I did like your review because you did not just write that you found the story bad as some other readers have done. You did explain why and you didn’t even mention bad language as a reason for your bad review! You did explain what you found boring when reading the story giving some examples and I really appreciate that! This is the kind of feedback that would have been useful in the initial phase of the story.
If I succeed starting up the new play I hope we will receive reviews like this one both positive and negative making it possible to improve the story during the process. If we do it will be possible to improve it and make the bad reviews disappear or at least almost disappear. I don’t think it is possible to make them completely disappear as there will always be some readers who don’t like the story though the plot is reflecting their erotic desires.

Reviewer: malle (Edit) Rating: Dec 15, 2003
great story I would enjoy to be one of the guards. It would be great if someone could draw a few pics (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 15, 2003)
Thanks a lot. I don’t think you are the only one who would love to be guard in this play. I think some of our readers would like to be in the beginning and some would like to be it in part 9….smile. I would love if some of you precious readers were able to draw some pics and either send them for me or upload them in the group for the story.

Reviewer: jboy69 (Edit) Rating: Dec 14, 2003
Outstanding story. Bravo! look forward to reading more stories like this one! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 15, 2003)
It’s just music in my ears. Janet and I just love these reviews. I’ll do what I can to start up a new play as written in some of the other replies for reviews and in part 8 and 9.

Reviewer: kathytheslave (Edit) Rating: Dec 14, 2003
I really liked the story. It was well written and had the detail to keep me involved. I look forward to reading more. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 15, 2003)
Thanks a lot kathy both for your review and the high vote!!! I’m presently doing what I can to make the new role-play a reality. I do presently think I’ll succeed finding peoples for it. I was wondering if you are interested. It doesn’t have to mean that much work. I just love to have ‘real’ slaves as the victims in the role-plays. It’s more fun when writing them. Read the introductions for part 8 and 9 to have more details concerning this and drop me a letter a tell me if you are interested and how much you can add to the play.

Reviewer: Corde (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2003
We suppose *ordeal* means few hours or few days of torture sets against a poor innocent victim. THIS *ordeal* means a 4-hands' work running for days and days against a female victim, Janet, pulled and pushed by a dramatic number of organized torturers, [Sorry. I'm not a natural-born english] (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 14, 2003)
Ordeal can be translated to hard test of the slave’s pain limit and endurance. To test how much she can take without fainting or break down. She will be left in an extremely painful condition for a while to check if she are able to take more. If she is the pain will be increased and she will be left in this condition for a while again to get used to it and this goes on until she is screaming and begging for mercy. This was the basic idea when using this title for the story. Janet really have had to go through a lot of cruel ordeals during this story as well as other ‘poor’ victims have been treated ‘kindly’ during the story. I hope you did like reading it. Don’t worry; I’m not a native English writer either.

Reviewer: daemon_net (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2003
A very well done story with a huge amount of details. Keep up the great work you've done. I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories in the future! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 14, 2003)
Thanks a lot!!! It means a lot to Janet and me. I think I will succeed starting a new role-play. I have received some letters from women interested in the new role-play but I would still be happy if more women interested in the new role-play would send me a message. You can read about it in the introduction for part 8 and 9.

Reviewer: cdwchcnd (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2003
Normally not a fan of historical stories, but love the role reversal of Olga and the extreme pain for all. Also, a wowan's touch is always appreciated! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 13, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your kind words and your high vote!! You are right concerning this historical aspects and therefore I have decided to make the next role-play free of this giving us freedom to do what we want to not upsetting anybody save for the ones who don’t find this kind of writing exiting. If I succeed have it up and running I’m quite sure it will be at least just as popular as Janet’s Ordeal has been. I know that a lot of the readers love when there is a switch in the story making the former tormentors have to suffer the very same pain the ‘poor’ victims have suffered. I think and hope you all agree with me that the story has a happy ending.
It really has been fun and pleasure writing it! But though Janet and I feel sad ending it I think it is great that we have ended it before we began to receive bad reviews for loosing the track making the story boring to read.

Reviewer: stanjenkinsuk (Edit) Rating: Dec 6, 2003
i think this story is very arousing and look forward to more of your work
very well done (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 11, 2003)
A ten vote more!! Now we only need 9 more votes to make this the first story with 100 reviews on this site.
When receiving all these nice reviews I’m sorry that we have to end the story but on the other hand then I think it is great that we end it when it is still highly voted. I have just uploaded part 9, the final part of Janet’s Ordeal. It will be there as soon as they upload it on the site. I think we have made an exciting ending that might surprise some of you. Please read the introduction for the final part as it contains some important news for you. I still hope it will be possible to launch a new role-play with a new female co-writer. As the interest for Janet’s Ordeal has been great I’m sure it will be possible to find one or more women interested. Furthermore I hope some women interested in being the ‘poor’ victims in this new role-play will send me a letter. I have written some suggestions for the initial planning of this new role-play and I have written some pages for the first chapter. If you are a woman and you are interested in this then please send me a mail and tell me about it. Then I promise to reply and send you my suggestions for this new role-play.
Finally I hope a lot of you will write a review for this final part as I really think our sweet Janet deserves after all she had done for you.
Take care all of you; I’m very excited to read some comments for this final part of Janet’s Ordeal. I have uploaded some pictures and video clips in the group for underlining the last parts of the story.

Reviewer: slave_george (Edit) Rating: Dec 5, 2003
A great well done story with an awesome amount of detail. Double thumbs up. Keep up the great job. Look forward to reading more of your stories in the future!!!!!!!!! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 6, 2003)
Thanks a lot! It means a lot to Janet and me to receive reviews like these. Double thumbs up tell it all and we appreciate it!! I hope it will be possible for me to continue with a new role-play now that Janet can't do it anymore due to personal reasons. Hope to see you again in a new story written by me and one or more women interested in role-plays like this one.

Reviewer: gerda6969 (Edit) Rating: Dec 4, 2003
This is the most exciting story I have ever read. I am lesbian(see my profile), a subbie and I am a masochist.Over the years I have been taught to love and fear wearing many forms of rubber. Most of the events described struck a deep chord within me and I am so sad that Janet can no longer be involved in the story writing. Pain is less my thing than pure humiliation and total degredation. That is why so many of the scenes involving human waste made me long to be there being used as a human toilet and sealed in hot heavy rubber as I stewed in my own wastes. I will willingly offer my services to help keep this or another story going . Gerda (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 6, 2003)
A ten vote again!!! Thanks a lot.
Your review leaves no doubt concerning what you think about the story. I really love when lesbian women subs like you enjoy our work that much!!! It’s just lovely that you imagine yourself being treated like our ‘poor’ sweet Janet! We have almost completed the next and final part for Janet’s Ordeal. Though I know a lot of you are sorry that it has to end I think the best is to make this one stop and then try to start up a new one with a new co-writer. If you are willing to be a part of a new role-play I suggest you write me a mail to my private email. The address is in part 8 for the story. Then I’m quite sure we can make an agreement for a new play. I have already written the first chapter for a new and exciting role-play. Janet thinks it is an excellent fundament for a new role-play.
Once again thank for your extremely kind review!! It means a lot to me and I actually think it means even more to our sweet Janet as she though she is sorry she has to leave love to have these nice reviews before she leaves if not for good then for a long time.

Reviewer: rac616 (Edit) Rating: Nov 30, 2003
Great story line. descriptions of characters and events are well written. Keeps you waiting for more chapters. Good Job! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 6, 2003)
Thanks a lot... it is just so nice to receive reviews like these. I have written my part of the next chapter. Our sweet Janet is reading it and when she is through it will be uploaded.

Reviewer: suresh (Edit) Rating: Nov 26, 2003
one of the excellent storis i have ever read (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 27, 2003)
A ten vote more!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot. Your short review leaves no doubt what you think about the story and our work. All these nice reviews really make me hope that I will succeed finding a woman ready to start up a new role-play. I have asked for a woman interested in part 8 because our sweet Janet due to personal problems can’t continue any longer. It means a lot to her to receive reviews like this one as well. Thanks once again!!

Reviewer: shengho (Edit) Rating: Nov 25, 2003
Althought my English is not too good and taking a long time for me to read the whole story, I relly like it.
Thanks. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 25, 2003)
Thanks a lot. We are happy that you like it!! My English isn’t the best either but I’m very happy I did give it a try together with my sweet cyber friend Janet. It really have been fun and enjoyment writing it especially when receiving all these nice reviews. The reviews have been ours reasons for continuing uploading new parts. All this means that I’m extremely sorry that Janet have had to stop it but I really understand her reasons for doing it. I hope some of you will write some reviews especially for her as I think she has done an excellent job during all this. Furthermore I really hope the introduction for part 8 will make some women write to me because they are interested in taking over Janet’s place in a new role-play. I have already written the first part meaning if I do find one or more women interested it might be possible to upload a new role-play on this site. Janet has read the concept for the new role-play and she really think it is exciting and that it is a good fundament for an exciting story. Furthermore I will be happy if some women interested in being ‘the poor victims’ in this new role-play will write me a letter as well. It is more fun writing it for ‘real’ victims than writing pure fiction. All this is written in the introduction for part 8.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 29, 2003)
Sorry, I did by mistake place a reply for another reviewer here. I can't totally delete it, therefore this short message.

Reviewer: jkw117 (Edit) Rating: Nov 17, 2003
This is a really good story, I have spent a few days reading it. The realism is intriguing, and some of the actual acts would be very exciting to see. The ordeals were probably the best I have heard in a long time. I agree with Tomy about the animal torture, but possibly some suction torture could be added as well. I did notice the ant torture, and I found it exciting and different. I just was wondering if it would be continued in future chapters. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 8, 2003)
A 9-vote….thanks a lot. It really is kind words! Reviews like the one you have written means a lot to Janet and me and it makes it worth continuing. We try to do our very best and when reading review like this one it looks like we have succeeded creating a story that is unique meaning it is not seen everyday on the Internet. We will think about animal torture but it is as told before included in part 7 and there is a little about ants in one of the former parts.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 19, 2003)
Thanks once again!!! It really is nice with a review like this one. Both Janet and I are happy that the poor reviews only are few and that a lot of you enjoy the story without thinking that much about the fact that the language sometimes isn’t the best as told in some of the introductions for the parts of the story. I have introduced some animal torture in part 7. I had actually written the chapter before Tomy suggested ants and bees. The ants have been used slightly in a former part and the bees is used in part 7. Hope it reflects some of your requests.
I have uploaded part 8 meaning it will soon be there. I hope you will all read the introduction carefully as it tells some important news concerning future stories.
Thanks once again. It’s nice when some of you who have already written a review feel for adjusting it and tell more.

Reviewer: Equalizer (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2003
There's only one reason this story has so many good reviews: New members of a particular Yahoo group are required to write one.
From Aug 11: The writing is awful. I could give some examples but the whole story IS an example. As I read it, I tried saying to myself "it's OK, he's from Denmark", but it doesn't alleviate the pain of this reading experience. (1/10)
Replied by: Compurunner (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
If you are experiencing pain by reading the story, then don't read it.
There are more then enough readers who enjoy the story without having problems with the writing.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
I'm happy that reviews like these are few. Furthermore I'm happy you just can delete the file and forget about it. Thanks for your review. It really encourages possible writers who don't have English as their native language to give it a try hoping the readers will be kind and apology the faults caused by this fact as they know the authors are doing their very best. Furthermore I do of course think it is fair that your only reason for voting it that low is language. I really understand your reasons for voting like this; the content doesn't count at all meaning all that matters when reading it is grammar, sentence construction and so on!!
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 14, 2003)
Hi again Equalizer. Thanks for your kind words. You might be right in your statement but we actually have reviewers who have written nice reviews without applying for joining the group connected to the story. Furthermore I have never written that I only accept members who have written a good review, I would even accept you if you wanted to join! Finally I can tell that we got a lot of nice reviews before I decided to make this group.
I now know that you are a true sub who just loves to experience pain otherwise I’m sure you would have forgotten about this story. I’m happy that our story can help you to feel the total sexual pleasure. If you weren’t a true pain slave I don’t understand why you continuously return to this story. If it is because you need some help to start a project like this I will be happy to help you.
I will stop again and I really wish you all the best. I hope you will be able to find other stories on the Internet with poor language but be careful as the body can’t take that much pleasure without feeling exhausted and sore.
Once again I want to thank for your kind words and I wish you good luck with “hunting” other stories with poor language. You really deserve it!!

Reviewer: kjlass (Edit) Rating: Nov 11, 2003
So far I have really enjoyed this story. The only improvement might be with some of the dialog exchanges but other then that I look forward to the next update. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 14, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your review. It’s really nice that you are a lot who don’t feel about the story like Equalizer does as you can read about in the review above this one. You might be right concerning the dialog exchanges. I would be happy if you would be kind sending me a few examples of how you think it should be. Maybe copy a few lines from the story and then write your suggestion then I will read it and think about it for future parts. I have planned to upload part 8 soon. I only need some information from Janet before writing the introduction and then I will upload it. The truth is that our sweet Janet has presently some personal problems that cause her troubles participating in this role-play. Therefore I have planned to ask for another woman who will be interested in a play like this one. As Janet has been the main actor in this play I think the best is to make this role-play stop and start up a new one with another woman. I really hope I will be able to find one who is interested. I know that a lot of you want it to continue but I don’t think it will be possible for me to continue it without our sweet Janet. I will tell more about this in the introduction for part 8.
Equalizer claims that all reviews is due to the Group but the fact that we have got a lot of reviews without any apply for joining the group clearly indicates that this isn’t the whole truth. Remember that I need the review name, the email address and the email name to approve a lot of you as I can’t find out when the review name and the email name is different.

Reviewer: adler24 (Edit) Rating: Nov 9, 2003
Very well written, one of the best stories on the net. I like the the creative torture, especially one that involves endurance. Thanks for that good Story (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 9, 2003)
A 10-vote!!!!! This is really great!! This really makes us do what we can to meet these huge expectations. I really think we will fulfil your wish concerning endurance as the cages mentioned below really test the endurance of the sluts in training. Just wait and see!!! I don’t think you will be disappointed. Furthermore it really includes severe humiliation of the ‘poor’ victims. I bet you will love this part as well. We are truly happy to receive feedback like this!!! Thanks again! Your vote did actually make the avarage rating increase from 8.0 to 8.5!!!

Reviewer: leerik2 (Edit) Rating: Nov 9, 2003
I have enjoyed this series and wait for the next update. I love the torture scenes. Please write faster.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 9, 2003)
A 9-vote more...thanks a lot. It really makes us happy and makes it worth continuing. I don't know for how long we can continue but we will do our very best. I have decided make it stop when we are beginning to find it difficult to introduce new aspects in the story as I think it will be a pity if we started to receive bad reviews again because we did try to continue a story with no more new to introduce in order to make it interesting and still exciting reading it. I think the best is to make it stop as long as it is still on the top. We have written about 13 pages for part 8 meaning it won't be that long before it is there. We have introduced some new aspects in this as well as the ‘poor’ sluts in training will have a lot of ‘fun’ in some specially made cages. We will finish it as fast as we can but we both have a normal work to do as well. But thanks again for your review.

Reviewer: nounours (Edit) Rating: Nov 8, 2003
good work but mind control will be very interesting to introduce in this story (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 8, 2003)
Thanks for your review. We are both happy that you think it is good work. You are not the first one who has suggested mind control. I have not used it that much in the story as I don’t know exactly how to include it. I’m a little afraid that my lack of knowledge about this subject might cause the standard to decrease if I decide to include it. But if I got the right idea I will try to include it.

Reviewer: miss_jenis_boy (Edit) Rating: Nov 5, 2003
I loved the torture scenes. Even though I am a amale I wanted to be Janet and suffer like her. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 8, 2003)
Thanks a lot. Janet is happy that she is not alone suffering all this pain….smile. Both Janet and I are very happy that a lot of you love the story that much that you want to be a part of it. If any of you dreaming about suffering like Janet were suffering like this for real I really hope it would be in a scaled down version….smile. But once again thanks for your review.

Reviewer: tomy (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2003
Excellent story based on a some kind of "historical" background. The ordeals were interesting and not the same as ususal. Up to half the story read I would like to add some more to find some more animal torture (ants, bees,...) e.g. tolinos3 (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Nov 8, 2003)
Thanks! It’s quite funny that you ask for animals including bees and I had already included bees in part 7 before you wrote your review. Hope it reflect some of your suggestions. I'm happy you write that the ordeals are not as usual as both Janet and I have tried making it something special.

Reviewer: nfs123us (Edit) Rating: Oct 20, 2003
THis was an excellent storry, the ordeals were awesome. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 29, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your review. I'm happy you think the different ordeals are awesome. We try to make them as different as possible. Janet has been quite good introducing new and unpredictable aspects into the story. Sometimes it has been quite a challenge coping with her ideas but this is what makes it fun writing it.
We have almost finished part 7 meaning Janet is presently correcting my part as well as she is writing the last pages on her add to this part. I did promise you both some from the filthy slut area and about a new training cage.
In order to give you something as soon as possible we have decided to upload the part with the filthy slut area first and finish part 8 later. As we have written quite a lot for part 8 I think it will be there within 14 days. All this means that it is worth checking the next days as part 7 will soon be uploaded and you then won’t have to wait that long for part 8.

Reviewer: Rch_ (Edit) Rating: Oct 19, 2003
I think it is a good story (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 29, 2003)
Thanks for your review. It's really great with all these reviews no matter if they are short or long. We do of course love to receive ln reviews but sometimes a short one can tell almost the same. Hope we can continue to meet the expectations.

Reviewer: scummbar (Edit) Rating: Oct 16, 2003
simply the best! nothing comes close. hope that it never ends. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 16, 2003)
A ten vote! Combined with a short review putting the story on the top!!! Thanks a lot. We will continue as long as possible but you must all still accept that one day it must stop. I have still planned some more chapters but Janet and I must still think on all these nice reviews and try not to disappoint you and the other readers who love this story. Therefore I might decide to stop when it is still highly votes as it might be that Janet and I begin to find it difficult keeping the standard and we are beginning to feel it is difficult to add new aspects to the story. But don’t worry; we have already been thinking on a new role-play and I will of course tell about this play in the last part of this story. We do of course hope to see all of you again when we start up the new role-play. Right now we have planned to combine it with a group as well but this time I think we will wait a little longer with uploading the first part and spend some more time making the group as we want it. It is still just plans than can be changed if we feel for it.
But don’t worry yet. We will upload at least one more part for this role-play and as I still have some ideas I think we will make it two and then reconsider again.
Once again thanks for your review!!!

Reviewer: Kira (Edit) Rating: Oct 14, 2003
I love this story very much. The style to write also from the position of the women, is my favorite. Nothing is better then, to write from Bodymodification and here fealings in this moment. Think about to write a book, PDF-Files are easy to publish. I hope this will be a long story, and there will come more in future. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 13, 2003)
It's almost more than Janet and I can take!! One ten vote more and all these kind words!!! In accordance to some of the bad reviews I don't think I will give the suggestion concerning writing a book But thanks a lot for the kind words!!!

Reviewer: Engineer (Edit) Rating: Oct 11, 2003
Very entertaining and arousing to read, and rarely boring, in contrast to many other epics of this genre. So it's very recommandable to read. But I would wish the authors undertake some editing to eliminate the lapses in case of speech (personal/impersonal), grammar, spelling and formatting. The one thing I really dislike is the Nazi environment. It's just silly. The methods and technologies applied are sometimes too advanced for the times of World War II. And the Nazis had other, much less resurce-consuming and sexual-oriented ways to interrogate prisoners. This setup too obviously just serves as an excuse for extensive application of cruelty. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 12, 2003)
Thanks for your review. I’m happy you like it. I do somehow agree with you concerning the choice of the environment and now that I have discovered how far we have gone with this story I sometimes regret the choice. I don’t hope it upset too many as it is really not meant like this. I still think that what happened during WW II was cruel and despicable and it must never happen again. The major difference in our story compared to these dark years of the history is that no killings is allowed but save for this there are no limits.
As it is fiction we sometimes use equipment that is more sophisticated than during WW II. We do it in order to make it more interesting and excited. We are always careful not making it too unrealistic and when reading all the nice reviews I still think we are on the right track.
Concerning the grammar, spelling, formatting and so on I really thought we were over this. Please read some of the first reviews as well as the introductions for the first parts. In the first parts of the story I have explained why it is like this, I have asked for help as I can’t do it better because English isn’t my native language. Nobody has offered me some help for correcting it and then I have concluded that the story must be most important. I still hope someone will help with these corrections but as it is quite long I actually don’t think I will succeed. But I still think my English has improved during this writing.
Replied by: Engineer (Edit) (Oct 14, 2003)
Dear Master Mick, thank you for your thoughtful reply. It lead to another point of view regarding the setting, an I'm glad you recognized and emphasized it: Yes, what happened during and by the Nazis was too terrible to allow it becoming the source of nowadays reading pleasure. Reworking the story by putting it in another environment would solve this problem a well as the anachronisms. I'm willing to participate, also helping to debug it. But since I'm not a native English speaker, too, I couldn't guarantee anything.

Reviewer: nyanimaldoc (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2003
I enjoyed the first parts of the story very much. It reminded me a bit of Anne Rice. I am awaiting to read more. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 11, 2003)
Thanks for your review and a nice vote!!! We are happy to receive ten-votes but we both agree that 8 is and excellent overall vote for the story as it is in the best third of the votes.
I haven’t read the story about Anna Rice you are mentioned and I just can’t find it. Please tell me where to find it. My email address is in the story.
Concerning part 7 I have planned to introduce a new type of slave training cage especially made to train the slaves to keep the body still in exhausting positions. It is quite a cage with a lot of 'interesting' equipment for the slaves in training who have the 'furtune' to be trapped inside Furthermore I’m quite sure you will learn more about the filthy slut block as ‘poor’ Mistress Olga has to be there each morning the next 14 days for the 5AM inspection. Who knows; they might have planned a nice surprise for her? I can assure that the sluts kept this place don’t enjoy their stay in this block and area that much…smile. They are just the lowest ranking human beings kept in this prison and they are reminded about it all the time. I don’t think our sweet Janet will be ready for severe training in this part. The former treatment and torture under the hands of Mistress Olga really did cause her troubles and it might take her some time to be ready to continue the training again but I’m sure she will be ‘fit for fight’ in part 8 again. But I’m sure part 7 will contain some information how they make her ready for continuing the training. They all know that the Commandant will be very disappointed if she isn’t ready within schedule but he will be much more disappointed if they claim her ready before she is proper trained ready to serve no matter what is expected of her.
I guess all this has made it clear to all of you that you just have to check for updates regularly…

Reviewer: Gee09 (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2003
This is a great story...
I cant stop reading it... Cant wait to see what happens next.. Good imaginative punishments!!!
Great story (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 11, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your kind words!!! It's really nice to have all these reviews, which are relatively highly voted meaning you really like the story. I hope we will still be able to meet these great expectations for future parts. Read the comment for the review above this on to find out what is in story when the next part is uploaded.

Reviewer: slim (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2003
There are few stories that i keep looking for new chapters but this is definately one of them! i find myself imagining that it is me going through janets perils...MMMMMMMMMMMMM
Thank You Master Mick (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 8, 2003)
Thanks a lot slim... it's always nice when submissive women loves it and like to imagine themselves into Janet's condition. I really makes me happy as I then know that it is not only the ones with sadistic desire who reads it but also women like you with the masochistic desire… it’s just lovely…mmmmmmm….smile. I suggest that the submissive women who imagine themselves in some of the ordeals write me a letter as it might be possible to include some of you in future chapters. I already have included a few who did want to be a part of it. I can not promise to do it but I will do my very best to make all of you interested a part of our story. Part 7 will include some more inmates put into the initial slave training meaning in this chapter it will be possible to include some female submissive readers who are interested.

Reviewer: chiccojp (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2003
I find this story so good
nice description of the punishment
Great job 9/10 (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 8, 2003)
Thanks..... I'm happy you like the description and the punishment we have included. We continously try to improve it and find new ideas for humiliation and punishment as well as we try to surprise all of you from time to you probably noticed in part It was Janet's idea to let Mistress Olga be punished as well

Reviewer: jack81151 (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2003
I found the story to be intriguing and to pursue particularly interesting twists in her punishments . The descriptions and depictions were easy to envision, and kept my interst high. WEll done. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 8, 2003)
Thanks a lot. It's really nice to receive so many nice reviews telling us that we are on the right 'track'!!!

Reviewer: ru4funtoo (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2003
Good stoy line. rather long in getting to the point in places but very good story. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 6, 2003)
A 9 vote!! Thanks a lot. It is like told before...some like it detailed some do not! We try to make it detailed but not to detailed. I'm happy you like it and that you vote 9 as this in my opinion indicates it is working.

Reviewer: bmaster1fr (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2003
very good POW and i like her (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 6, 2003)
One more ten vote!! Thanks a lot, it's just great!! Please read the comments for the review below as this tells about the progress of the story and what we might have in store for the next parts.

Reviewer: chuckola69 (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2003
excellent story ,I enjoyed every minute of it!! now that Olga is getting her just desserts it gets even more exciting , thanks for all the juicy details (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 6, 2003)
A ten vote!!! It really is amazing and nice that we do receive all these nice reviews for our story. I have written a few pages of part seven and I know that Janet is thinking on her part of this as well. I’m quite proud of Janet’s idea concerning Olga as well. She just knows how to make it exciting and how to challenge me making it necessary to fine new and even more sophisticated means of treatment. It’s simply a pleasure to write this story with her!! In the next part Janet will still be weak due to the accident with her program. I don’t know if she will be ‘fit for fight’ again before part 8 but you will surely hear about her condition. Mistress Olga just finds it so humiliating and embarrassing that she is together with the filthy sluts during their morning inspection. Maybe the Commandant has a surprise ready for her concerning her punishment, who knows? and I’m sure duty nurse Heike is looking forward to have her under her command in this condition. Will Mistress Olga ever be able to regain command after this punishment and will she ever be able to forget that she had been inspected together with the filthy sluts? Is duty nurse Heike meaner and perverted than Mistress Olga and Mistress Ilsa? There are a lot of questions but no answers….yet!!! Just make sure you visit the site from time to time because suddenly there will be more!!!! Take care..Mick

Reviewer: en_slaved2003 (Edit) Rating: Oct 5, 2003
i have to say that i love reading these stories...i am a masochist owned slave & love all the interesting ideas, that you all have presented in these stories. thank you very much for having such interesting stories. i look forward to reading many more of them. thanks to Janet & Master Mick (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 5, 2003)
Thanks a lot. It’s just great to read about female masochists who really love this story. We have received a lot of positive feedback for it and we really appreciate it. We will do our best to continue it and as I have some great ideas concerning new chapters and I’m sure Janet has some ideas as well it will still be possible to write more chapters for it. Furthermore we have got some new ideas from the feedback. I really think this story is loved be some females as well because we don’t accept snuff. I’m extremely cruel to these ‘poor’ inmates in the story but sometimes pushing them as far as they can go but they will still be kept a live and in a good health. There is always a ‘sweet’ and ‘kind’ nurse to take care of this as well…

Reviewer: Sir Kai (Edit) Rating: Oct 3, 2003
First and most important i really like this story, specially as it gives the chance to observe the "progress" of Janet and all involved with her.
The latest twist with her tormentor getting into trouble is a perfect addition to the storyline. I look forward to read more.
As allreday mentioned in a mail to mick i would really like to read something about the total shaving of janet or someone else?
Keep it going Janet and Mick (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 3, 2003)
Thanks a lot!! Its reviews like this one that keeps us going. This story is originally meant as a role-play for Janet and me meaning that we did actually not plan to upload it in the beginning. We are truly happy that we did as the interest has been overwhelming. I’m happy that you like the tormentors being involved in some of the ‘kind’ treatment as well though I have my concerns as the idea is Janet’s! Maybe she is planning an escape… But don’t worry; she is in a maximum security prison meaning she will be ‘ready’ to all this ‘nice’ treatment as long as we can keep it going. I still have your mail concerning shaving in mind. I actually have some plans, which do involve totally shaven inmates but you will have to be patience as it will take some time before this part will be uploaded.

Reviewer: coyote3k (Edit) Rating: Oct 2, 2003
This is a great story. I loved the part with the treadmill. Keep writing. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 3, 2003)
Thanks a lot, a 10-vote more!! We do our best to keep it going and all these nice reviews certainly make it worth continuing

Reviewer: Nesgivdul (Edit) Rating: Sep 29, 2003
I simply love this story, especially the part of force feeding and enemas. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 1, 2003)
A 9-vote!! Thanks a lot. Your vote did put Janet’s Ordeal on the first place of the most voted stories this site. To make you all happy I can tell that I have just uploaded part 6. In this part I really think Janet has done a great job. I just loved to read her add for this part of the story. I hope you all agree. I do of course hope you will love my part of it as well. Please write us some feedback about it in order to improve future parts.

Reviewer: OBleedingMe999 (Edit) Rating: Sep 25, 2003
I love the creative tortures used in this story. The electrified cage was especially cruel, and how she was forced to dance from foot to foot on the electrified floor. Great stuff. :) (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 28, 2003)
A nine vote! Thanks a lot. It really makes it worth continuing. We are presently writing on part 6. I have written about twelve pages and Janet is presently writing on her part of it. I too think the electrified cage was really cruel. Just to think about being trapped inside it with no place to run and a bladder filled to the point of bursting knowing that any relief of the bladder means current…ouch. Must be terrible for the victim. But I really think that this is just a part of all the cruel treatment Janet has to go through as this only was the beginning of a long stay in this prison of pain and humiliation.

Reviewer: iderich (Edit) Rating: Sep 22, 2003
Nice story, good ideas! In some parts less detailed descriptions of the situation, but too long talking. In some situations too unrealistic. (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 28, 2003)
Thanks!! I know that some think it is too detailed and some don't. But when reading the reviews for the story I have the feeling that most of the readers like it to be detailed. Furthermore it is possible for readers who don't like details just to 'scroll' down these parts and move on to what they like. If it wasn't detailed it wasn't possible for the readers who like it this way to get what they want. I know some of it isn't that realistic but this is the authors’ freedom when writing stories like these. You can make it harder than it would be possible for real in order to make it more exciting. I know we have to be careful not making it too unrealistic.

Reviewer: DSMaster62 (Edit) Rating: Sep 17, 2003
"Janet's Ordeal" is imaginative and entertaining. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys the WWII woman-taken-prisoner genre. Overall, it is a well written piece of prose that will stimulate its readers. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 28, 2003)
Thanks for your review. I'm happy you like the 'overall view' of the story meaning you like all we have written though I of course know you have your favourites.

Reviewer: andre_lamo (Edit) Rating: Sep 8, 2003
I loved every word of this story and I recommend it greatly to anyone who like bdsm (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 8, 2003)
It's just music in our ears... absolutely great!!! We are busy writing on the next part... hope we can still meet these huge

Reviewer: shie99 (Edit) Rating: Sep 5, 2003
Very well written, one of the best stories on the net. I must admit I don't particularly enjoy the scatology part, but the rests are very good. I like the the creative torture, especially one that involves endurance. I hope there are more long term endurance bondage in the coming chapters :) (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 8, 2003)
Thanks a lot....all these nice highly voted reviews really makes it worth continuing...... it must mean that we are still on the right track...thanks again.

Reviewer: olvoyl (Edit) Rating: Sep 5, 2003
I love the content and the few slips fall well within the range of suspension of belief. I find myself drawn to reading it - can't wait for more! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 8, 2003)
Thanks!! We do what we can to keep it are not the only one awaiting more to

Reviewer: esbuck (Edit) Rating: Sep 4, 2003
Some of the things are incredible. Nazis wouldn't have color TV,titanium,etc. and the scatologiccal parts are medically improbable. My main concern is that stories should have a beginnning, a middle, and an end. This is all middle and endless. (6/10)
Replied by: mistresn (Edit) (Sep 5, 2003)
I hope that this storie never gets an end.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 5, 2003)
Thanks for your review and thanks to Mistresn for her kind words as well. I think the story has a beginning as I have told a little about Janet’s background for being put in this terrible prison. I didn’t write much about it as I had the feeling that a lot of readers would think this reading is boring. It doesn’t have an ending yet as we have planned to let it go on as long as possible. I know there is some high tech that wasn’t available during WW II. I actually don’t think we did mention colour TV but only TV meaning it is B&W but never mind it is still not realistic. You are the second person who has mentioned it and if I had known that this would be a problem for some readers I wouldn’t have done it. I just thought that this is pure fiction and therefore I took the freedom to use some ‘high tech’ equipment. In my opinion it isn’t that important when thinking on the main purpose of this story. If you want a story with a beginning, middle and an end I suggest you look for stories, which has been completed and not for role-plays and other stories still going on.

Reviewer: jbowler65 (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2003
Very well written and interesting. We couldn't wait to read more and find out what other tortures and humiliations awaited Janet. We can't wait for the next part to see what awaits poor Janet. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 3, 2003)
One more ten vote!! Thanks a lot; it’s quite overwhelming with all these nice reviews we have recently received. I have uploaded part 5 meaning it will soon be there. Both Janet and I are quite excited to read what you all think about this add as we have tried to introduce some new thinking in order not to make the story too predictable. The ‘poor’ slut Janet must still suffer a lot before she is trained well. What scares her more is that she knows it might not be that different when she has finished this training as the only change will be that she is taken as a personal slave ‘ready’ to do whatever her owner wants her to do. She still desperately tries to find a way out of this horrible treatment but right now it all seems quite hopeless for her.

Reviewer: moonmaker2001 (Edit) Rating: Aug 30, 2003
I thought the story was most interesting. It sure kept me wanting to read on and on. If I had a suggestion to make I thought it might be intersting to put in some of the old fashion tortures such as the Rack , handing her from her tits etc Keep the good writing up and enjoying it . (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 31, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your nice review and your suggestions!! We have actually planned to use medieval torture devices such as yokes, pillories, scavengers daughter, scolds brank and bridle, spiked chairs and other old fashion torture devices in future chapters. I think that sometimes the combination of old fashion devices combined with high tech is just perfect and exciting. We are almost finished with part 5 meaning it will be uploaded soon. We have tried to include some new aspect in order to make it a dynamic and unpredictable story. We are very excited to read some feedback for it and hopefully to read the reviews for it as well. Furthermore I think I have found some pics just perfect for this chapter to upload in the group.

Reviewer: psychoDemon (Edit) Rating: Aug 28, 2003
I enjoyed reading this story. Considering that English is not the writers first language, the story is very expressive and descriptive and far better than many home grown writers
He heroine of the piece is given no quarter as she struggles to survive the ordeal she finds herself undergoing. One can sence the suffering and humiliation she undergoes.
Terrific story (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 28, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your nice vote. I really means a lot to Janet and I as it encouarage us to do our very best with the suture chapters. For you info I can ell that I have finished my next part and that Janet is presently writing on her part meaning it wont take long before part 5 will be uploaded. We have both tried to add something new in our adds and hope you all love it like you have loved the other parts of this role-play.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 28, 2003)
Failure reply
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 28, 2003)
Failure reply

Reviewer: gamma (Edit) Rating: Aug 27, 2003
Well I must say that this is maybe the best story I ever read. It's about the life of Janet, a resistant that has been caught by nazis. Because they want her to speak about the secrets of resistancy, she is led to Mistress Ilsa who enjoys torturing her in oreder to hear her confession. But janet resists, and Mistress Ilsa has to use many fine treatments.
Janet thinks it is finished when some other resistants gave the secrets to nazis, but in fact she is led to be a novice to the slave sluts block.
The poor slut Janet suffers so much, but still staying "entire" (no permanent dammages) ... It seems it will be an eternity before her story finishes, and her perverse and extremely rafinated and highly sadistic masters and mistresses finally let her take a rest. God, this story is so exciting !!!! (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 27, 2003)
A ten vote more!!!!! Thanks a lot. We really appreciate all these nice reviews we have got but yours certainly is one of the better ones. I’m happy that you accentuate “no permanent damages” because I really think this is important. Cutting off limps and flesh is in my opinion not exciting and it is really a turn off for me and I know it is for Janet as well. I adore women and want to keep them intact and as sexy as I think a female slave is. Stripes from the whip and a little blood from a needle is OK as it is just some ‘kind’ and ‘caring’ educational punishment…smile. She will heal afterwards and be like she was before ready for some new sophisticated punishment. I think you are right that it will take some time before the Mistress Olga, Mistress Ilsa, the Commandant and the rest of the crew in this prison think that Janet is trained so well that they can call her a true slave. I just hope she will be able to go through all this educational training and Your review leaves no doubt concerning what you think about the story and that you think we are on the right track. I just hope we will still be able to meet the expectations but we will do our very best. We are busy working with part 5!!

Reviewer: laxplyr0 (Edit) Rating: Aug 25, 2003
One of the better story's on the the internet can't wait for more (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 27, 2003)
Thanks for your review. We do our best to get the next chapter ready. I have sent my add for Janet who is presently working on her add. We are both happy that you like the story.

Reviewer: gorky (Edit) Rating: Aug 25, 2003
Good Story.
I found the staple gun sequence interesting.
I think you need to scare her with a fem circ! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 27, 2003)
Thanks for your review... I think Janet found the staple gun interesting as You might be right that I need to scare her to make her obey orders and do as she is told.

Reviewer: Mastery1 (Edit) Rating: Aug 24, 2003
Great story, could use a little more reality, but a true masterspiece.
Would like to see more ponytraining for excercize (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 25, 2003)
Thanks for your ten vote!!! I'll try to put in more reality but as it is fiction I sometimes can't help I actually have been thinking on incorporating ponytraining as well....I think it will do Janet

Reviewer: tallman_2848 (Edit) Rating: Aug 23, 2003
I am not particularly a fan of shit/piss stories, though I am sure that others are. beyond that, I liked the story...found it very hot. The writing was good and the descriptions were detailed and exciting. Looking forward to more chapters (5/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 25, 2003)
Thanks for your review. I understand your reasons for voting it relatively low but I’m happy that you like the other part of it. I miss examples of the parts you really like. I know that piss and shit might seem a bit predominant. As Janet is a slave in training the first part is humiliate her in all manners and make her lose all dignity in order to make her obey orders. A part of this is to make her realise that she has no rights at all meaning even controlling her natural body functions. In the next chapters she will be put into some really severe and humiliating training, which will cause her at lot of troubles and pain. Body control will still be used as a mean of punishment but it might not be in an extent as until now. I have been thinking about writing a chapter about the filthy slut block, which has been mentioned in the story. In this area the inmates are of course soiled and dirty and treated like shit. This will of course not be a place preferable for any woman unless she is very special. If I decide to write it I will try to make it a combination of this kind of humiliation and some real and cruel punishment for the breaking the rules this place.

Reviewer: mistresn (Edit) Rating: Aug 22, 2003
nice storie,very good. Let here have more torture.let her throt for a day on a horse carousel and a nice piercing through the nose. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 22, 2003)
A ten vote more.....thanks a lot!!!!! I think Janet will get what she deserve....just wait and see!!!!

Reviewer: thedoc (Edit) Rating: Aug 21, 2003
rather long but good (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 3, 2003)
Thanks for your vote... I know it is is meant to be. I have received a lot of feedback telling that they like that it is detailed and therefore we will continue lie this. Personally I really think details make a story better than the ones with describing the torture and then move on to next step describing this torture and so on. In my opinion it is like reading small snap shots when it is like this. I like when the story 'flows' in a continously stream of words and you really feel how it is and how the 'poor' victim feels about it all.

Reviewer: rothur (Edit) Rating: Aug 18, 2003
You did a wonderful job here. The sotry was a very good length and you keps things interesting. I would say I liked the second one the msot, but that is just me. I can see that work and thoughts was put into this and it makes the story very fun to read. Once again good job... the only thing I could ever find wrong is I wanted to see some of the punishments go further at the time I was reading it (as in the harp :) )
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 18, 2003)
Thanks for you kind words!! It really makes it worth continuing. I will think about making the punishment goes further. Sometimes Janet and I make it stop because we are afraid that continuing it will mean some repeating of what have already been told. I’m not an experienced author as you probably already have noticed….smile.

Reviewer: jake_t42 (Edit) Rating: Aug 17, 2003
Loving it so far. I must be honest, the 3rd chapter wasn't as appealing to me as the others, but it makes no difference. This story is great! Obviously it is recieving the recognition it deserves. If I could make one suggestion is to try newer things every chapter. Shes already recieved an enema, lets see some great new tortures! I think letting the 2 women torturing her becomeing her permanent masters and taking her home to their own dungeon and bedroom would be highly enjoyable. Just imagine her walking into there "playroom".
Great work! More pain!Mwhhahaha (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 17, 2003)
Thanks for your kind review and high vote! You might be right or I will even tell that you are right concerning using 'old' torture in new chapters. I will think about it! Sometimes I don't think it matters if new torture is combined with some of the old well known. You must accept that Mistress Olga might have her own favourites that she just uses in different ways. I'm quite sure that Mistress Olga will take Janet to her living quarter with one or two of her true friends in order to have some fun and check if Janet has learned to be a submissive slave ready to do what they want her to do. Furthermore I'm sure that her living quarter is most likely the training

Reviewer: Toy-Maker (Edit) Rating: Aug 16, 2003
LOVE the toys! Very well written. Loved the parts using electro torment to motivate Janet's behavior. Like the piss activated electro cage. LOVED that part.
Good work!
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 17, 2003)
Thanks a lot. The electric cage was an excellent way to motivate Janet to do as she was told but we all were lucky that she despite this horrible construction refused to talk making her need further 'kind' and 'caring' treatment.

Reviewer: testncut (Edit) Rating: Aug 16, 2003
I have read many stories here on and I must honestly say that your story, mickni2000, is the most detailed story I have had the pleasure of reading and now reviewing. I haven't found anything in it that I disliked in the 4 chapters that you have written so far. I really have a love for machines so I really enjoyed where she is penetraded by the dildos and the diaper part is great too. It really kept me reading on and on and I hope the future chapters will be just as juicy and amazing as the 4 you have written so far. Good work, mickni2000, you and Janet really deserve all the 10s you have been given so far. oh and one last thing...Keep on writing Mickni, keep up the good work. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 17, 2003)
Thanks a lot!!! One ten vote more. It really encourages Janet and me to do our very best. It’s just great to read that you didn’t find anything in the story you did dislike. Your reviews helps keeping the story ‘juicy and amazing’.

Reviewer: hoodla2000 (Edit) Rating: Aug 15, 2003
wow, this really is a very good story
although some scenes weren't really my taste (some of the electricity things in part1) and i more than one time thought of stop reading on
i just couldnt. ;&
this story is so well written and so detailed on the descriptions of whats happening to janet i just had to read on to find out what's happening next to her ...
so i give this story a 9/10 rating coz its one of the best stories if ever read, would be a 10/10 if some parts part1 would be a bit more creative in the ways janet is tortuted and not repeat the electricity-torture in various ways over and over again. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 15, 2003)
Thanks a lot!!! I'm happy that we 'forced' you to continue though some of it isn't exactly your style. It is like told before some just love the electro torture part of the story and some don't, some love the diapers and some don't, some love the solitary confinement boxes and some don’t and I could continue. I think it is great as this really indicates that there are parts in the story for almost every desire concerning this relative hard treatment of female prisoners. I'm happy it is pure fiction!! If I had a slave who really wanted to try to be trained as extreme and hard as this I think I would be the one most afraid as there would be a great danger to do permanent damage to her if you are not careful. I don’t think I would have much rest because it would be necessary to check her condition almost continuously.

Reviewer: AaA1 (Edit) Rating: Aug 13, 2003
it was really one of the better storys i have read here.
looking for the next chapters to came (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 15, 2003)
Thanks for the kind words...... it make it worth continue the story!!

Reviewer: buck_69_69 (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2003
well written and very imaginative please continue (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 15, 2003)
Thanks for your review, Janet and I will do our very best to continue the story.

Reviewer: avatar307 (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2003
Very creative compared to most stories you'll find on-line. However, the page long introduction that had nothing to do with the story was quick scrolled through. I think the length of the parts could be broken down much more, say into 10 parts instead of 3. (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 15, 2003)
Thanks.... I know about the length of the parts. In the beginning we weren't even sure if anybody would like it. Therefore I just uploaded part 1 in one part.
Part 4 isn’t that long as you will see when it is uploaded.
Concerning the introduction it is my only chance to talk to the readers. They still don’t understand it all as a lot of readers apply for the group without writing a review.

Reviewer: Moggy (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2003
I hadn't intended to review this story, but after reading Master Mick's petulant replies to anybody who didn't like (or rather, couldn't read) the story, I felt compelled to check out the latest chapter. If Equalizer won't give an example, I will. Chapter 3 starts:
"Hi there and welcome!" called out a male voice behind us. Heike turned around the cage and I could see a tall, thick man coming towards us...
Mick writes in the preamble to chapter 3:
"If all of you pending members of the group do write a review for joining the group this story will actually be the most voted story so PLEASE DO IT!"
OK. I've made my review. Sign me up! (2/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 12, 2003)
Thanks for your review! First I want to make clear to all readers that joining the group have nothing to do with value of the vote as I accept everyone interested. But when reading your review I have the feeling that you are more an enemy than a friend of Janet’s Ordeal. Therefore I will ask you to send me an email telling me about your intentions if I do approve you for the group. I want the group to be a nice place to visit in which all members can talk about everything and receive support if they think life is hard to them due to their ‘dark’ desire and really need to talk to somebody who knows how it is and who cares. I don’t think telling them that they have a poor language will be of any help as I think members who haven’t English as native language already know about it. I do of course want it to be an exciting and enjoyable place to visit as well. Concerning your review I again have the feeling that your only reason for voting it that low is poor language and nothing more. In my opinion a fair vote would be to value more aspects, for example voting for both language and content and value it 50/50 meaning if you think Janet’s and my language is worth a 2 vote and the content is worth a 10 vote as it really reflect your desires containing all what make you aroused. The average vote would then be 6. An evaluation like this would in my opinion be fairer to the author. When reading your example of poor language used in the story I don’t see your suggestion telling me how it should have been written meaning it is of no help to me. I assume it is because you know that it would be analyzed by about 90 percent of the readers trying to find grammatical faults in it? I have asked for help making the story more reader friendly but until now I have had no luck. I know it will be hard work and therefore I have asked for more readers interested in helping me. I will end my comments with telling you that I think that reviews like yours will make this site loose a lot of promising stories because the authors don’t dare to upload it due to the risk of receiving these negative reviews. It is in my opinion a shame because a lot of excellent stories with extremely exciting contents will disappear. I think I will suggest the owner of this excellent site to give readers like you the possibility to avoid these stories by adding a bullet for marking that you only want stories written by authors with English as their native language. Finally I can tell that the commercial site actually asked me if I would allow them to upload “Janet’s ordeal” on their site and that I have been asked for permission to upload the story “Janet’s extreme slave training” on another commercial site. I take this as an indication that the grammar and sentence construction in the stories aren’t that bad or maybe they just value the content of the story higher than the language used in it.
Replied by: Moggy (Edit) (Aug 12, 2003)
The irony you showed in your previous petulant reply appears to have deserted you. I don't want to join the group. I was being ironic!
You wrote: "I think I will suggest the owner of this excellent site to give readers like you the possibility to avoid these stories by adding a bullet for marking that you only want stories written by authors with English as their native language."
That's not necessary. I gave a high rating to a 'non-native' story in the last couple of days. However, a warning of BAD writing would be very useful.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 12, 2003)
Continuing this conversation will just be a meaningless fight on words. I have nothing more to say save for wishing you all the best for the future!
Replied by: Compurunner (Edit) (Aug 13, 2003)
I think it's of no use to apologise yourselve over and over again to readers who have problems with the language.
You've explained that English isn't your native language (it isn't mine either). You've asked for help. And that's all you can do.
I think that de content of the story is the most important thing. Sure, real foults in the text should be corrected, but that is only possible when english readers offer their help.
Those readers who can't accept the problems with the language (which i think are not that big) should not read the (rest of the) story.
Don't appologise yourselve again. I think you'de better be proud of the high average rating of the story.
And now shoot me for my poor language.

Reviewer: BuckeyeBM (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2003
Wow...aside from the fact that the author is not a native english speaker, it was a very well written, sadistic, descriptive and enjoyable. I'm new to this site and the BDSM community...but I enjoyed these stories. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 15, 2003)
Thanks a lot......... It's nice to read that you can find the story exciting though I'm not a native English writer... I'm glad you like the way it is written.

Reviewer: RojesDK (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2003
The best story about BDSM I have ever read.
I will be happy to read the story as it continues on.
Keep up the good work. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
We have presently written about 4 pages for the next chapter.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
Thank you so much. This is really nice words and 'food' for Janet and I to continue on the 'track'. Thanks a lot!!!! We will do what we can to keep it going. We really hope that readers who have already joined the group will do what they can to give us ideas and suggestions for new chapters.

Reviewer: Compurunner (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2003
I love this story. Look forward to next chapters.
The only critic i have is that you discribe equipement that didn't exist in WO II.
But i don't mind as long as the story is good.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
Thanks a lot!!! I fully understand your critic but as it is fiction I took the freedom to use some 'new' equipment as well. When the story is going on I hope you don't mind? As long as you love it I guess it is all We will upload the next chapter as quickly as possible.

Reviewer: strip03 (Edit) Rating: Aug 9, 2003
I love the story It's just great (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
What can I say save for THANKS A LOT!!! I really love all these nice reviews!

Reviewer: mstrger (Edit) Rating: Aug 9, 2003
Love the story so far. Hope there are many more chapters. Athough the medical torture chapter wasn't my favourite, I can't wait for more. I love these prison stories and this is one of the best I've read. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 11, 2003)
Thanks a lot... it's just overwhelming with all these kind reviews.

Reviewer: andym1115 (Edit) Rating: Aug 8, 2003
Great Story Look Foward to next chapter!!!!I am editting my review because now that I've read all 3 partss, it makes me want more, keep up the good work!!!! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks, we are working 'high speed' to complete next part!

Reviewer: allen (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2003
love this story....looking forward to the medical torture...please have female nurses involved ....keep the detailed descriptions too...makes it more real...keep it going! (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2003)
A 10 ten vote more!!! Thank you very much. It’s just great with all these kind reviews. <br>There are nurses treating the ‘poor’ women in the next part. My Cyber friend Janet is presently reading my part and when she is through it will be uploaded. It’s about 14 pages!!

Reviewer: newwmember (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2003
I always enjoy fiction with females in prison where cruel men/women handle them harshly and are "enjoying" their helpless situation.
I hope you continue this story for a long while and i am eagerly waiting the third part in the medical block, which would be very embarrassing for her. Continue your writing. even if it is not easy if english is not your native language (I'm not english speaking too. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2003)
Thanks a lot!! Women in prison is one of my favourites as well! If we continue receiving these nice reviews I'm sure we will do what is possible to keep it going. You just have to accept waiting longer for some parts due to work and so on. I hope the group members in Friends_of_Janets_Ordeal can be helpful with ideas as well.

Reviewer: tom_ltx_bnd (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2003
nice story - sometimes the scene is described too lengthy, but still worth further reading.<br>personally i dislike the idea of forced lactation..<br>thanks to the authors! (6/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2003)
Thanks.... it always difficult to make everyone satisfied as some member like the scenes to be as detailed as possible, which makes them lenghty as well. I really try to keep it as exciting as possible without making it too lenghty but still with respect to the request from some readers concerning details. Hope this is understandable. I'm not sure concerning forced lactation yet but it is still in my mind.

Reviewer: katie_nz (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2003
Nice to see some more what i call 'hardcore' BDSM fiction for a change as opposed to what i call 'lovey dovey' D/s Thanks, i look forward to more of your stories. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 5, 2003)
Thanks a lot Katie...... I love 'hardcore' BDSM fiction a lot more than I love 'lovey dovey' D/s fiction. You just know how to say it.

Reviewer: Carolina Master (Edit) Rating: Aug 4, 2003
One of the best stories I have read. Exciting and very interesting. The attention to detail is great and the author certainly is good with the subjevt material. I would recommend this story to anyone.
Carolina_Master (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 4, 2003)
Thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it! It makes it worth continuing!!!

Reviewer: ng52110 (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
I enjoyed the plot line and the harsh treatment of Janet but it is a lit hard to follow going back and forth (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 4, 2003)
Thank! I know that the story (role-play) sometimes might seems difficult to follow... I think it is caused by the fact that I'm Danish meaning that though I try to think English the best I can while writing the story I still make a lot of faults...sorry! Janet is used to speak English meaning it is easier for her.

Reviewer: Treogen (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
Although I usually prefer the medieval historic context or imprisonment stories, I love plots where a rather innocent female has to endure harsh, humilating treatment, especially strict solitary confiment like Janet got it in the second part. Reminds me a little bit of "Kim in China" from P4W - which determines the rating as "only" 8... (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 4, 2003)
Thanks a lot...I know the story about Kim and I really love it!

Reviewer: SirTea (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
While I do think that the author managed to get a rather good plot and stick to it, the writing style drags down the rating. But does it really hurt to make sure the story is proofed? (5/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
I have already answered this in another review. I have tried to find readers who would help me making it more reader friendly but I haven't got any yet. I'm from Denmark meaning English isn't my native language. I'm doing my very best and I try to do it better during the writing. Thanks for your review.

Reviewer: slvcw (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
This story is one of the best I have read. I especially enjoy the unending torture Janet receives, especially when she is eating/sleeping(when she can)! I hope this story continues. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks a lot... one more 10-vote. It really means a lot!! We will do what we can to keep it going. I'm busy working with the next chapter. Janet has completed her part.<br>

Reviewer: funboy600 (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
I would love to see Janet forced to undergo very severe medical torture, such as having her cervex and the inside of her uterus tortured. And forcing her to get pregnant and then torture her each month while she's pregnant. Then, when she gets into her 8th or 9th month she could be forced to have a torture aboration. Also I'd like to see her body, including her face, covered in dirty tatoos. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks for your review! I will think about the medical torture. Part 3 will include the medical block with some of this torture. As anything concerning child porn is a turn of for me I will not include pregnancy in the story. I might decide to use hormons for making her produce milk but then I won't go any further with this! The tatoos might be an idea in future chapters.

Reviewer: stekske51 (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
it really gets me off, i hope that the story will continue, it's the best (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks a lot! These reviews really means a lot to Janet and I. It helps keeping the role-play going and the high votes indicates that we are still on the right 'track'. I still need to write a few more pages for part 3. I will do it as quickly as possible! I hope a lot of you will join the Yahoo-group Friends_of_Janets_Ordeal. All you need for joining is to write a review for the story. Send me an email if some of you who have written a review haven't been approved. Send your review name and the name and email address used for apply for joining the group to

Reviewer: pddlured (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2003
I wil be looking forward to additional chapters. Keep going! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks a lot! we will do our very best to keep it going!

Reviewer: Zadom (Edit) Rating: Aug 2, 2003
I do realise that the author is not writing in his mother tongue and all credit to him for what he has achieved, but frankly, the story would be so much sweeter if the writing style was kept simple. Interesting and innovative torments and tortures make this an enjoyable read despite the somewhat fractured English. I am sure that any sub reading this will be made nearvously wet, while the Doms, myself included, will be aroused, inspired and motivated. (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
You might be right concerning simple style.I'll do what I can as well as doing my best concerning my English. Thanks for your reviev!

Reviewer: tina58_2002 (Edit) Rating: Aug 2, 2003
it's really a cool story. it gives new ideas of torment. i m sure that using this ideas more women will be put to suffer (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks Tina58! Please remember to use the ideas in a much scaled down version as a lot of them are extremely dangerous, which might mean permanent damage or worse for the slave. You always have to remember that it must be done with respect to the agreement and the limits and that it must include respect and care for the slave. Furthermore I hope you always have agreed a safe-word or safe-sigh to make it stop when doing it!

Reviewer: paulopost (Edit) Rating: Aug 2, 2003
It's a quite promising story. I'm sure that the slave status of Janet will bring many new torments for the poor girl.
I'm not sure that during WWII there are
"the television set in the relaxing room "!
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
You are right concerning But as it is fiction we can do what we want to do. In the next chapter I tell a little about this new equipment. Thanks for the review! I'm happy you like it.

Reviewer: Strange 55 (Edit) Rating: Aug 1, 2003
So far so good, it is very interesting (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks! I bet you will like the next parts as well.

Reviewer: johnwwill (Edit) Rating: Aug 1, 2003
very good, very explicit and original! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks for your kind vote! It's really nice to recieve this feed-back!

Reviewer: Jane DeLong (Edit) Rating: Jul 31, 2003
This is an awsome story, My sister and I were wet all the way through it. We really like the way electricity is used in combination with controling Janets bodily functions. The treadmill part was a blast as well. Keep up the good work (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
I bet you sisters will love the next parts as well! The 'poor' victims will just be tested in a lot of cruel, humiliating and painful ways. Just wait and see! We will do what we can to keep it going!

Reviewer: humilator2010 (Edit) Rating: Jul 15, 2003
very inspiring - I look forward to learn more of the life of the trained girls. Maybe there should occur (female) relatives as well? (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
A ten-vote!!! Thanks... I hope the next parts will include some of your suggestion. I bet you will love the training of 'poor' Janet!

Reviewer: davidcarnival (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2003
The basic story was good, but would have been better by using a German name for the commandant, and maybe a French name for the agent. I think that further parts should be published, as there is a lot of potential there for a good story (5/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Jul 13, 2003)
Hi this is Mick who writes this story with janet.
It’s my first story this place and I really hope it’s possible to learn something concerning writing stories from the feedback you have all written. As the interest for the role-play or story if you want has been great (more than 4400 readers the first two days) I think we will leave it in the library and upload the next chapters. I thank all of you for the reviews uploaded. I know the English used in the story isn’t the best as it isn’t my native language (I'm from Denmark as told before). Should there among this huge amount of readers be one interested in doing some work correcting it and prepare if for a new upload in a more reader friendly version I would be grateful. I will try to reward the one who will do it with exciting BDSM-stuff if wanted. Furthermore I would be happy if some of you dislike it due to the poor language would be kind sending me some examples. First copy the bad part from the story and then write it as you think it must be written. This would be a great help as well. Send your exmples to <br>I know about the names but as it is a role-play we do use our names in order to make it more exciting for the both of us. I will think about it. If you all think it will be more enjoyable I think janet and I are ready to change it and make a new upload with French and German names used for all participating in the story.

Reviewer: akrawut (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2003
I loved this story.I'm agree with mistresscyn.Because i'm from Thailand meaning English isn't my native lanquage.But i think this story very exciting and interesting.Methods of interrogation and humilation is very exciting and interresting. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
A ten-vote!!! Thanks a lot. Janet and I extremely happy you like it! And from Thailand...execellent!

Reviewer: mickni2000 (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2003
This is Mick. I write this role-play with janet. I made a fault when uploading it. I did forget to tell that I’m from Denmark meaning English isn’t my native language. We did upload this role-play in some groups and some group members did advice us to upload it here making it possible for more interested to read it. I’m of course sorry that the main reason for the negative feedback is the language and I’m terrible sorry that it is so bad that it causes headache for some readers. As it is a free story I really think the most important part of it must be the contents and not the language. Janet and I have done our best to make it as exciting and enjoyable as possible. When knowing I’m from Denmark I hope you will apology the grammar faults. If this negative feedback continues I might consider to have it removed again. (I only did vote because it is only possible uploading this feedback if you vote for the story!) (5/10)
Replied by: Moggy (Edit) (Jul 13, 2003)
Mick. If I performed for you a song I had written - even though I can't sing in tune or play the piano - you would not enjoy it, no matter how good the song was!
Many visitors to this site appreciate not only the BDSM subject matter but also a writers' talent with the English language. Should the reviewers here be criticized because they expect a reasonable standard of English literacy?
(By the way, you don't need to vote in order to reply, you can just click on 'write a reply to this review' like I have done.)

Reviewer: mistresscyn (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2003
This is a wonderfully thought out piece of SM fiction set in Nazi occupied France. Janet is a carrier for the allies who is captured by the Gestapo. She endures endless, humiliating and painful interrogation and torture with the men. She is finally transferred to a special punishment sectiion with a very cruel mistress. I
I loved this story. It is so hard to find fiction dealing with this subject and that also involves many vast and varied methods of interrogation and humiliation.
The author is Danish and is writing in English, a second language. I applaud his efforts. How many of us could write something this long and detailed in another language not our own?
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
Thanks a lot for your kind review! It really did help during the hard times in the beginning receiving all these negative reviews due to the language!! You are just the best!!

Reviewer: Lady Lance (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2003
I have to agree with the others--it's just too difficult to read. I am willing to forgive grammatical errors when the story is compelling--but in this case it was so poorly written that I couldn't force myself to keep reading to see if there was an interesting story or not.
If you want your story to reach a larger audience, then you are going to have to find someone to clean up the English and make it something much more legible. No matter how great the story is, people have got to be able to read it without a headahce. As long as it's diffcult to read...people won't read it.
Good luck in the future and if it does get revised maybe I'll give this a second chance. (2/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 15, 2003)
I'm doing my best and I still try to find someone ready to help making it more reader friendly but until now I have had no luck! I have had a friend of mine correcting the worst faults in part two but I don't think she can take the time needed for correcting it all. I hope to find more ready to do it as I know it might be quite time consuming.

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2003
I gave it my best shot based on the goodies that the author promised, but was soundly defeated by the almost unintelligible english that the female author was delivering. It also is pretty obvious from the introduction that the other member of this dynamic duo does seem to be capable of writing a coherent sentence. I lay the blame for this exercise in reader torture squarely on him! In the future don't depend on some fairy or other magic creature to turn your garbage into something worth reading, that is your responsibility! (1/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Aug 3, 2003)
I'm happy that you just can delete the story!! Have you ever tried to write a kind letter? When reading the other reviews I don't think all readers agree with you!
Replied by: e.e. norcod (Edit) (Nov 24, 2003)
For once I have to come to the defense of lex. The luddite is a fairly accomplished writer and perceptive reviewer. High ratings do not readily drop from lex's pen but when one does come your way you take a lot of pride in your work. However, lex does have the courage to do what few of us muster the guts for. If the work is sub par he will pan. And in this case I fear that lex is correct.

Reviewer: Powerone (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2003
I have to agree, while I tried to read it, the poor sentence structure made it difficult, if not impossible to enjoy the story. (2/10)

Reviewer: BruceBoxer (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2003
No doubt fun to write with a partner and, while we were warned up front this was so, very disjointed--like a draft script. Poor sentence syntax made it difficult to read as did the shifting from tenses. Stucture of the paragraphs also without reason. All these mechancal flaws prevented me from getting any enjoyment from the story that looked to have a good premise. (2/10)

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