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Julie Author: Lord Douche
(Added on Sep 1, 2003) (This month 200028 readers) (Total 330741 readers)
Julie is an average teenage girl in the orphanage, with no idea of her unusual past. When a twisted criminal begins kidnapping her friends, she begins to experience a world she never knew existed and learns of the strange abilities she possesses.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 20
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: springbok7 (Edit) Rating: Mar 11, 2010
OMFG Kandora is SO correct. I have now had 2 and a half hours of sleep thanks to this fabulously developed and well written novel. (I do mean novel. 110k words = novel!) I started yesterday afternoon and finally forced myself to put it away at 5 o'clock this morning. Needless to say I sneaked a copy into work with me and finished it off since I was dying to know the end. It's very well written, has a marvelous plot, and wonderfully engaging and interesting characters. I get so sick of stories that are really just sex, sex, sex, or smack, smack, smack, and this one is wonderful in the way that it has enough of those aspects to satisfy without getting gratuitous. I would pay money for material like this, I loved it that much. Great work, Lord Douche, redEva, and slavelucy! (Hey, I ~know~ how hard work it is to proofread and provide editing assistance, you two have my gratitude for your contributions as well!)
Oh heck, now I have all of J2 to read... hope I get SOME sleep tonight >:D (10/10)

Reviewer: Prpackaged (Edit) Rating: Jan 26, 2006
I loved this story. For once a story line that could be followed, a story line that was not all sex but a sequence of logical steps that led me from the intro to the point wheere I want more. (9/10)

Reviewer: Kandora (Edit) Rating: Sep 10, 2004
This story is my favourite story.
"This is a truly magnificent story" - faust82
i don't recommend it though, unless you want to be kept up all night reading it while masterbating, laughing, drooling, or feeling scared. I recommend you start reading it early in the day. (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Sep 14, 2004)
Wow... I don't really know what to say to that! Thanks so much Kandora, and please tell me what you think of the continuation, J2 :)

Reviewer: faust82 (Edit) Rating: Jun 29, 2004
This is a truly magnificent story. It's part bdsm, part sci-fi, and the author excels in every aspect of it. This is a must-read if you like one of the genres, or both. (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 30, 2004)
Thanks for the positive review, Faust82. :) Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: MistressKali (Edit) Rating: Jun 25, 2004
What a wonderful story line. I read it in its entirety instead of being strung along waiting for new chapters as I do not like being made to wait ;) Perfect mix of all the elements and well developed plot and characters makes it deserve a 10. Well done! I'll have to keep My eye on You and your talent when I need a good distraction ~grins~ (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 30, 2004)
Thanks for the review, MistressKali :) Glad I can distract you!

Reviewer: Gemna (Edit) Rating: Jun 24, 2004
One of the best stories I have read so far, I just hope you will continue the storyline sometime, as there are enough loose threads to explore.
Either way, great work, keep it up! (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 25, 2004)
Thanks for the review, Gemna. :)
There are a lot of loose threads, I agree. Unfortunately, I can't continue all of them in the next book :( Sorry

Reviewer: littleslut (Edit) Rating: Jun 18, 2004
one of my favoritve storys that just keeps getting better and better as it progreses. well what more can i say other than i love it!! (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 18, 2004)
Thanks, littleslut, I really needed that today. :D
I've finally submitted the last two chapters. Thanks for all the reviews, emails and support, everyone. It's been a pleasure and a pain at times to write, but then that's not unusual around here ;)
Hope you all like the ending.
Replied by: littleslut (Edit) (Jun 20, 2004)
glad i could be of some use :P !!
i feel that if a writer takes the time and effort to produce a high quality peice such as this then at the very least the writer deserves a review for taking the time to write edit and post it. well that what the offical line is the truth perhaps is if a story get's my juice's flowing then i'll write a review :p!!
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 22, 2004)
Hope you enjoy the last of it, littleslut :) Not really anything to get your "juices flowing" ;) in the end there, but it finishes up this part of the storyline.

Reviewer: mistresscandy (Edit) Rating: May 14, 2004
all i can say is... HOLY CRAP!! This is the best story i have ever read on this site!! :D very well written, you actually made me feel sorry for Susan in hostile take over!! hehe, I hope the bad people in this story get whats comin to em in the end! keep on going! I can't wait for the rest! :D (NOTE, THIS IS SO GOOD, THAT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I GAVE AN UNCOMPLETE STORY A 10! WAY TO GO!) (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (May 15, 2004)
It's actually complete! I just haven't posted it, because I want to finalise the storyline for the s... err... nothing!
Anyway, I'll post the last three chapters very soon. Thanks for the great review, MistressCandy!

Reviewer: Wmnwholves (Edit) Rating: Apr 23, 2004
Thsi story was amazing... Great character development, good story line, and I am a huge sc-fi fan, and love the involvement. Keep up the good work and I hope to read more soon. (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 22, 2004)
Thanks for the review, wmnwholves. I really appreciate it :)

Reviewer: zzzbdsm (Edit) Rating: Mar 10, 2004
A story line, character development, great action. Waiting for more. I do have to say I perfer the heroine to win over the evil.. :) (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Mar 11, 2004)
:) Thanks for the feedback. I'll submit the next chapter tonight. As for triumph over evil... well, you'll just have to wait! ;D
Edit: Bonus: two chapters instead of one! *grins*

Reviewer: tormented (Edit) Rating: Dec 26, 2003
10 out of 10, cant wait for the finale! (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jan 20, 2004)
First of all, Thank You for your review, and sorry for the delay with updates. These things can't be rushed though :)
I would have had Chapter 14 up a while ago, but the submission disappeared into the ether and it never came up. So it's up, and I just put in Chapter 15 for everyone.
Enjoy :)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Nov 20, 2003
Everything a good story should have (10/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Nov 20, 2003)
...except the next two chapters, which I have submitted. Should be up in a few days, along with an updated Synopsis :)
Thanks for your reviews, people.
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Nov 26, 2003)
Well, apparently it DIDN'T update the synopsis. I'll e-mail Jinn about it :(
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Dec 22, 2003)
Well, I've submitted Chapter 12 and 13, and submitted the new Synopsis again.
SO sorry for the delay, people. It's been nearly a month, but I've been busy and haven't had much chance to write.
Hope everyone enjoys.

Reviewer: RubbrSpatula (Edit) Rating: Oct 30, 2003
There are stories that make me weep that an artist doesn't illustrate them; this is one of those stories. (8/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 22, 2004)
Thanks for the review, Gary. You're STILL the only person who's given an 8/10! *grins*

Reviewer: XtremeInk (Edit) Rating: Oct 28, 2003
This is a great story. Well written, great plot, lots of things (aside from the sex) to keep you hooked. Can't WAIT for more of it. (hint hint) (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Oct 29, 2003)
Everyone votes 9! :) Thanks for the review, Xtreme.
I submitted Chapter 9 several days ago, still waiting for it to come up. I'm having trouble getting inspiration for Chapter 11, so you'll be waiting for 10 until I finish it. Sorry.
I'm also going to update the Synopsis with Chapter 10.

Reviewer: Minx (Edit) Rating: Oct 13, 2003
Love it.. great ideas and plotlines, well researched details, gorgeously thought out and written and it certainly keeps you wanting for more more more!
Sitting on my fingers trying to avoid clicker happy syndrome, looking forward to the next installments ;) (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Oct 13, 2003)
Thanks for the review, Minx. :)
Chapter 8 and 9 should be coming soon. Not sure if I'll release them together. Maybe, maybe not.
Sorry about the delay, but I've been taking things slowly.

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2003
So far this is very good. The heroine, Julie, is a cut above average with respect to being interesting. The medical examination is excellently done with just the right amount of detail and a good description of the teens' humiliation. I am looking forward to more of Julie's adventures. If the rest of the story matches this opening my rating will certainly go up a notch or so.
Based on what I've read to date this story has an excellent chance to become more than just a good piece of work. Accordingly my rating goes up a notch,as originally promised. (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Sep 2, 2003) can edit your rating? Thanks for the support.
Just finished writing part 4 of this, but you'll all just have to wait. Each part seems to be getting slightly longer. ARG
I got an e-mail saying I screwed something up in it. Can you find it? :D Thx to the sender, it slipped through post editing. I need someone to proof-read this a second time.
I'll post Part 3 in a few days along with updating Chapter 1.
Also, I'm glad there's been a few readings. I wasn't too sure about putting SciFi, simply because some people don't like them.
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Sep 3, 2003)
Of course one can. Most people are just too lazy or disinterested to bother.
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Oct 16, 2003)
Just noticed you upped the rating :) Thanks for the support, Lex

Reviewer: Scharat (Edit) Rating: Sep 23, 2003
Now that I read the last two chapters, I can only agree: very nice humilation ideas, detailed but not to long description of clothing, torture toys etc. Nice an enjoyable charayters, I would like to read the next chapter soon! (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Jun 22, 2004)
Thanks for the review, Scharat. I should have done this earlier, now you're probably not going to read this.

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Sep 15, 2003
OK, Part IV forced me to review! This is developing into a great story. You are establishing "feel" and "color" and character is developing. "Julie" is developing into one of the finest young ladies to ever grace this site. Throw in some c.p. (my favorite topic) and I will gladly revise my review to a ten! I love long stories that gradually build and you are doing a great job of it. Do any better and I will have to put on some Tom Lehrer records. (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Sep 16, 2003)
You have NO IDEA how close that is! I got an e-mail this morning mentioning the "bare bottom spankings" at the orphanage. I did think that I needed to put a bit of that in :D
Although I think I'm missing something with Tom Lehrer. Maybe I'm too young? :)
Chapter 5 and 6 are coming along, but I think it needs some more work, so you'll have to wait a bit. Sorry :)

Reviewer: burger_01 (Edit) Rating: Sep 8, 2003
i've got to say i'm enjoying it so far! (9/10)
Replied by: Lord Douche (Edit) (Sep 8, 2003)
Chapter 4 is in editing at the moment. Should be up for the next update. I've done a page or so of Chapter 5 as well.

Reviewer: smiley010 (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2003
Very enjoyable. A really good start. More please. (9/10)

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