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Chiara in Hell Author: SMartie57
(Added on Sep 7, 2003) (This month 131901 readers) (Total 168784 readers)
Chiara, a young slavegirl, is serving a 12-year sentence in a very private and exclusive torture camp, where survival is a matter of chance, rather than the rule. The story follows Chiara's plight, as wealthy men and women make use of her body in every way they can think of. For the hapless slavegirl, Dante's unforgettable mot becomes cruel reality.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jun 4, 2006
everything grabbed me about the story but the story itself, i just wish you had folled your own codes a bit more the story seemd rushed to finish and post it (5/10)

Reviewer: Emily (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2003
I can feel the heat in this story and the passion that went into writing it, although the eroticism seems to fall way short for me, and I must admit this is not my cup of tea. (7/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Sep 11, 2003
Disappointing for me, too. I love the name (Chiara) and the synopsis drew me in, and several times the story seemed about to catch fire but each time we seemed en route to an exciting scene the author passed over an episode that I might have found erotic very quickly and moved on to other things (tooth-pulling, scat, etc) that rained on my parade. Also -- and one of my pet peeves -- the author uses the phrase 'her nipples were literally on fire' {or something similar}. Her nipples were figuratively on fire. There are some passages in this story that are very good, showing that the author has a way with words, but for me, too often, he or she chose to emphasize the wrong aspects of the story. (6/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Sep 8, 2003
What a disappointment this is turning out to be! The concept is good even though it depends on the existence of "wonder" drugs. However the execution lacks heat of any kind. The heroine is beaten to within an inch of her life, over and over and over. So what? How does she react to it, where are the details? The ability to communicate this separates the men from the boys so to speak. I get the feeling that the author's heart is really in the bondage and not the tortures that the girl endures. (5/10)
Replied by: SMartie57 (Edit) (Sep 8, 2003)
OK, fair enough, I guess.
I have been contemplating adding some chapters that tell the story from Chiara's angle, so bear with me. And as to details, what is it that you are missing? Close-ups of what she looks like? Endless sequences of "yyeeeeooooowwwww" or the like? Not much point in that or am I missing something here?
As to my fixation on bondage, I concur, that is indeed a source of endless pleasure to me.

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