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Within Clarissa Author: Dee Driscoll
(Added on Sep 13, 2003) (This month 64863 readers) (Total 83803 readers)
Boy meets girl. She is submissive. They have sex. It's set in real world and strives to sound real enough. It's reasonably believable. It's romantic, maybe. It's slow.

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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2010
Well described part of a creepy little shit's life. The most frightening however, is the fact that we're surrounded with those creepy little fuckers. Hey, I might even be one of them.
I love Dee's writing style. She has a direct way of approaching her characters; letting some part of her personality seep through --after having emphasized it-- and letting that part speak directly to us in the form of whoever the main characters are.
And although the main focus is on creepy Nick, thanks to Dee's skill we're getting a clear picture of who Clarissa is and what she's all about. It's all in her reactions to what creepy says.
And about the creepy thing, maybe that's the wrong word to use, because after all, Nick's not that much different from most people. Besides, don't we all act according to what happens to and around us? According to the circumstances?
Writing at its best. Maybe not at its most pleasant. But don't let that bother you.
Replied by Dee Driscoll (Jul 12, 2010)
Thanks Jimmy. Yeah,Nick is kinda creepy and my intention was for him to come across as less than mature but at the same time none less than human with all the bad and good things that entails.
And, uh, just to set the record straight: Dee Driscoll has testicles and the Y chromosome.
Replied by JimmyJump (Jul 12, 2010)
To say it in a Deep Purple way: "Strange Kind Of Woman"... *chuckle*...

Reviewer: Olokun (Edit) Rating: Jul 1, 2006
It was well written. But, I do have a problem with the constant indirect teasing way that events unfolded. Sure, it's a nice technique to build suspence for one or two events, but when it's used for every single thing that happens it starts to get irritating. (8/10)
Replied by: Dee Driscoll (Edit) (Jul 1, 2006)
Hmmmm... I think I understand what you mean. Now that I think about it, I do tend to use this technique quite a bit. I'll bear your review in mind. Thanks for the effort, Olokun.

Reviewer: Tim_Id (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2003
Finally, an author with a literary style beyond Penthouse Letters. This story is darker and far more disturbing than more violent and cruel tales because of the insight into the sadist's humanity. I enjoyed the pulp fiction style storytelling. It might earn a 10 with a fitting conclusion. (9/10)
Replied by: Dee Driscoll (Edit) (Nov 5, 2003)
Thank you, Tim, you are being very kind. Huh, I am not sure I find this story as disturbing as you put it, but I am flattered if it is so. The "pulp fiction style" for some reason looked to me as proper style to tell this story. Maybe I just couldn't do it any other way... Anyway, I am writing a conclusion and hopefully it will be posted soon. Whether it will be to your or anyone's liking is another question... In any case, thank you very much for taking time to read and review my stories that are, I admit, far from giving instant gratification.
Oh, another thing, non-related to this review. To the person who emailed me and signed their email with "Me": thank you for writing, I can not reply as your email address doesn't seem to exist(?)but I appreciate your comments.

Reviewer: Moggy (Edit) Rating: Oct 20, 2003
There is no doubt about this writer's ability, for which I have a high regard. However this review and rating concerns my subjective opinion as a reader. I found the character of the narrator too self-obsessed and not particularly engaging, though I appreciate the author hardly intended the reader to like him. Clarissa herself was well drawn in many ways, very sexy for sure, but she remained a cypher. A little too 'stream-of-conscientiousness' for me I guess. (7/10)
Replied by: Dee Driscoll (Edit) (Oct 21, 2003)
Thank you for your review, Moggy. I take issue with everything you say. It was intended the way it is. I guess it's a matter of taste in the end.
Replied by: Moggy (Edit) (Oct 30, 2003)
You are a capable writer and I realize that the way I saw the story was how you intended. Obviously too artsy for me.

Reviewer: Emily (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2003
Quite well written in parts. I believe knowitall should be know-it-all. It reads like a private eye story written by someone who seems bored to death. (8/10)
Replied by: Dee Driscoll (Edit) (Sep 24, 2003)
Heh. I like that bored-to-death reference even though I am not sure it's meant as a positive comment. "Knowitall" as opposed to "know-it-all" was an aesthetic decision rather than grammatical, I prefered the condensed look of the former. I am sure that, if you read the story carefully enough you will find more similar cases where proper spelling and sentence structure were sacrifised to the rhythm and cadence. I am just desperately artsy sometimes. I thank you for your effort and your rating too.

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