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Sculpinhead Rocks Author: Bobb B. Tucker
(Added on Oct 5, 2003) (This month 48693 readers) (Total 55281 readers)
The author, a young male graduate student, spends a summer studying seabirds on the Isles of Shoals, off the New Engand coast. There, he encounters the Wickett cousins, reenagers Jason and Lucas, who are in the care of their elderly grandfather. The three swim naked together and indulge in sme youthful sex play. However, matters get out of hand ad the author is raped. He gets his revenge, however, whe he sees Jason and Lucas steal lobsters from a lobster trap -- a very serious offence on the Yankee coast. The local lobstermen's association deals with the the hapless lobste thieves in an unforgettable manner.

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