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American Adventure Author: Loki
(Added on Oct 7, 2003) (This month 52794 readers) (Total 65516 readers)
Gabby and Kate, two British teachers, are caught speeding on holiday in America. A handspanking leads to a public flogging during which Gabby wtes herself.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2004
good story, just not my genere (7/10)

Reviewer: frenchgus (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2003
good (7/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2003
This is a reasonably good effort, but this particular plot has been done, redone and done again. This particular version pales in comparison to "Pillory for Two Rich Slackettes" written many years ago by Mr Spraycan, which to me is the standard against which this story must be judged. (6/10)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Oct 8, 2003
Well, loki has made an excellent start in writing c.p. fiction. Only a few hilarious anachronisms and lapses in spelling keep this from a ten rating on the part of this reviewer. Keep it up, I personally look forward to more stories from you.
Now for the fun part. It is really interesting to read a 'brit' trying to write about the American south. I have spent two+ decades of my life in the region where the "South" runs up against the "Southwest" studying the mores and more bizarre customs of the natives. I can now appreciate the wry smiles that must cross the faces of my British friends when Americans try and write c.p. fiction in UK settings. 'Bubba, yu got a lot to larn about the way usin's do things here in the soud'.
Although there is a lot of hand spanking that goes on down here it is almost entirely domestic. A county sheriff would never hand spank a law-breaker. His wife, his daughter, his secretary, yes. As a matter of fact, a county sheriff probably hasn't done traffic patrol since the late 1950's, his deputy does. For front line discipline the sheriff's department would use a belt. 'Son, we are not talking about any namby, pamby yankee-style thin plastic belt like yu use for holding up yur imported, italian-styled faggot pants, but a real honest-to-god American two and a half inch wide, fifty inch long leather cre-a-shun big enough to hold up a belly designed by Pearl Brewing Company'. To have ever seen a full bull moose Southern law enforcement officer to to truly understand the relationship between beer, belly's, and belts.
Now for serious discipline. Paddles are only for scholastic use. In the American South (which extends up to the Brazos River in Texas) the paddle is still used in schools. Really. The paddle is to the 'Southern' school room what the tawse and the cane are to the English school of three generations past. No self respecting Southern sheriff would waste his time with a paddle.
The only thing that approximates the rattan cane is the American switch, freshly prepared and often stripped of bark. For its literary antecedents consult Mark Twain. This was a fearsome implement. The only place its modern equivalent can be observed is in some of the videos coming out of Eastern Europe. This would probably have been the implement wielded by the sheriff and his deputy.
Up until forty to fifty years ago (and in some cases, thirty years) inmates of state prisons were punished by flogging with a "strap" which was a meter-long piece of leather wielded by a 'trustee' inmate. These beatings were sometimes severe enough to send an inmate to the prison hospital for several days.
Of course, the classic implement of terror of the South was the horse whip or bull whip, a single tailed braided leather whip five to eight feet long. This was only used on men and then only in the context of racial (black) or religious (Cathholic) conflict. People died from bullwhippings.
Well I hope that these musings on 'Southern' hospitality are entertaining. Keep up the writing. (9/10)
Replied by: Loki31 (Edit) (Oct 8, 2003)
Thanks for all the information and also praise for my story. I'm not sure why I submitted this story first. It was written a long time ago when I was even more ignorant of American customs than I am now! The internet is certainly the place to pick up unusual information!
The story was written as a (slighty) futuristic fantasy.
Please look out for more stories set in situations I know a lot more about

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