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Encounter With Destiny - Organization Series 5 Author: slave ruthie
(Added on Oct 11, 2003) (This month 131108 readers) (Total 231272 readers)
The prequel to 2nd Chance - part of the Organization Series.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 17
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Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Oct 13, 2005
Girl like you by Edwyn Collins...goes like this...
"I never met a girl like you" da da da da da dar rah....fits this story...should be Sir Stephen's theme song (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Nov 3, 2005)
thanks, nikita - cool song! :)

Reviewer: Jemmasub (Edit) Rating: Oct 9, 2005
Mistress, You are a genius. I cannot even complete one chapter without coming at least once! Such erotic writings, such pain and exquisite torture, Oh my word!
Please Please dont ever stop.
Jemma. . . (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 10, 2005)
(reaches up nervously to check her slave collar is still there...PHEW!) ;)
thank you very much Jemma - i'm so glad when people bother to write a review and yours was so nice too! the next part of the Alexa trilogy is going to be a challenge for me because i have to try and see things from a Domme's (Rosario) perspective and i'm afraid i have no experience - and Phil can't really help LOL - so i'm going to have to beg for advice and assistance from Female Dominants on this one!

Reviewer: Steele (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2005
I can't believe the quality of this story on a free site. That is without doubt one of the best bits of Slavery fiction I've read, makes Alan Aldiss seem clinical. You are a disgrace to the BDSM genre with your three dimensional characters, a logical plot and some amazingly erotic writing. I don't usually write reviews (I know I'm a bad lurker) but felt I had to pass on my compliments. My only fear is that soon I'll have to hand over my credit card details to read your work. Great stuff. I'm off to read your back catalogue. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 12, 2005)
gosh - WOW!!! thanks!!!
but pls keep Your credit card safe - i'm writing for pleasure and love, not profit :)
(umm must read Alan Aldiss - i like "clinical" too LOL)

Reviewer: pejanon (Edit) Rating: Jul 29, 2005
ORG3 & ORG4 were just beautiful. Veritable D/s action/soap opera (this is a compliment!). Following all those multicolored moths skirt the flame was a real delight (and will go on I hope?). And then there's Alexa ...
ORG5 has a different ambition. Oh, all the trademarks are here: dungeons & mansions, villains and goons, sweet slave sisters, handlers with mind of their own (Marek is interesting - hope he'll develop more), intrigue, mystery (a big one), hot and cold, good and bad ... and than there's Alexa ...
But this story is more languorous and intense at the same time. It goes deep inside main characters. One of the best chrysalis -to- butterfly stories I've read.
TWO butterflies - and they dance! One for the first time another for the last time. And that there's Alexa ...
I love the way slave ruthie's scenes just spring to life, in blazing color and full surround sound and always laced with emotions - first slave orgasm is volcanic indeed (and bisected with life-like flashback!) And then there's Alexa ...
On p. 12 - Arnaud was great - he got exactly what was coming to him - and was used to give further depth to Stephen (and to Charles in retrospect). And the second main plotline (perhaps THE plotline?) is finally starting to bear fruit.
Finally in this reader's opinion it is a good thing the prequel was written AFTER ORG3&4. More insights and thusly enforced discipline make better story.
Did I remember to mention Alexa? Archetypal but still lifelike and fragile and sooo sweet? No you do not forget Alexa ... the story perhaps, but never Alexa!
Oh you are rewriting perhaps you'd consider shotening and tightening first chapters? (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 4, 2005)
wow! You are so kind to write this, pejanon!
yes, master Arnaud was particularly vile and i thoroughly enjoyed doing that bit (please don't worry, Master!!!)
i like Marek too - He came into the story from absolutely nowhere and just sort of took over lol - i'm not sure what He's going to end up doing...
Alexa is still a mystery to me - she was supposed to be a tiny part in a short story (the first chapter of 2nd Chance) and it was actually going to end with her execution. but more words kept popping up and then i was utterly thrown by master Charles changing His mind and saving her life! what was i supposed to do now? i had no plot, no idea of how long this might continue, only bits like flashes of scenes and images and i have to join them up LOL
You were very kind about the scenes springing to life - i try to describe them becasue that's how it works for me - for example i got an intense feeling of waht it was like for Alexa kneeling naked in the back of the limo, gagged, fettered, utterly trapped and vulnerable while a man sits across from her who is enjoying a drink and barely paying her attention! i don't know how writing works for others but for me its a series of jolts as a vivid image or scene springs to life in my head
my poor Master is now used to me sitting bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night and urgently reaching for a notebook LOL
...and yes, the first few chapters may need re-writing at soem point but i think i need to put people out of their misery by completing EWD so i can continue H of T!

Reviewer: Ruby (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2005
The story just keeps getting better.
Ruthie has a wonderful talent for getting into her characters heads and sharing their thoughts and emotions with us. This "must read" series conveys a wide variety of emotions with plenty of excitement and adventure.
Welcome back Slave Ruthie! The latest chapter is fantastic. You are such a tease. Please don't make us wait too long for the next one. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Nov 20, 2004)
wow - thanks very much Ruby!
love & respect
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 4, 2005) a tease???
Replied by: Ruby (Edit) (Aug 4, 2005)
A tease, because you leave me wanting more. LOL Every chapter is satisfying in its own way, then like any great writer you leave the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next.
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 12, 2005)
umm i want to know what happens too! i haveto wait for THEM (the characters) to tell ME!!!
Replied by: Ruby (Edit) (Sep 19, 2005)
Ruthie, you've done it again. Another brilliant chapter in the series. I admire how you move from scene to scene, getting us into the characters minds and emotions. It flows so smoothly and yet, it's an emotional rollercoaster, a thrill ride of a plot. Thanks for keeping this one going.
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 2, 2005)
you are very kind! thank you for your support :)
well, that's the first and second tale of little Alexa complete - now for the third and final part...writing more for Harvest of Tears starts soon!

Reviewer: Mistress PJ (Edit) Rating: Feb 15, 2005
Amazing work...Alexa is just so endearing i can't get enough of your work...Please keep it up and Thank you so much for this story! (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 27, 2004)
thanks very much, Mistress PJ! i realise i should have written this story before 2nd Chance but was forced to backtrack so i could complete Harvest of Tears, the 3rd part of the Alexa trilogy - it also means a major overhaul of 2nd Chance (which i'm doing) because of soem inconsistencies and things that need to be connected...
thank you again :)

Reviewer: longrover (Edit) Rating: Nov 22, 2004
I fell into OS5 first and liked it. Then I read 1 - 4, and my response varied. Alexa's story is clearly the main thread, and it is well-told. Congratulations! I tried to read the first four as if I hadn't read OS5, and found two things hard to figure out. Most important, except for the synopsis for OS1, I think the Organization's purpose is stated straight out only once, and not in OS1. That purpose pushes the story toward the potentially publishable from the well-written SM pot, so making it clear in the early going would be worthwhile. The other point I had a hard time with was the conflict between what Stephen was in a position to require and many of the guards' behavior. An operation like the Organization would have to have more alert supervision and more effective discipline than the guards' behavior suggests, or it could not survive. My only other comment is that I had a hard time connecting some of the sub-plots to Alexa's story. So, the rating is for the series. Overall, I liked it. Thanks! (8/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Dec 1, 2004)
i realise more and more how difficult it is to write a complicated storyline without soemtimes giving more explanations and working to a clear structure - i never dreamed i'd be writing this much, let alone ahving to go back and write a story earlier than 2nd Chance but i found i HAD to if the Harvest of Tears was going to make anysense at all. i should ahve made it clearer waht was going on in the London station of the Organization - that the master in charge was seriously ill recovering from a bypass, that the staff discipline was poor and that master Charles (Alexa's future master) was coming over to get things back into shape. i also wanted to show how master Stephen was able to control his staff despite their questioning his judgement. perhaps i need to re-write the early parts of EWD to show this. waht i hoped to show was that the Organization is made up of individuals with their own flaws and wasn't soem kind of robotic, slick "dominance machine" lol (omg i'm going to suffer when Phil reads this!)
anyway thank you very very much for your comments and contructive review :)
love & respect

Reviewer: Wildcard (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2004
I love these stories and the characters. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jul 29, 2004)
You are very kind, Wildcard :)

Reviewer: DemonLady (Edit) Rating: Jul 4, 2004
As always, ruthie has written another wonderful chapter. All of her works are worth reading again and again. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jul 5, 2004)
ohh miLady! Your imp is so happy You have found her efforts pleasing :) thankYou and koYc!

Reviewer: BrazenBitch (Edit) Rating: Apr 17, 2004
the piercings were especially enjoyable, and i'm very much looking forward to when he begins his training of her. (7/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (May 18, 2004)
thank you for your kind comments - sorry the next chapter took so long but it was kind of umm 'complicated' and had alot of details to thread together - hope it works okies!

Reviewer: cyndylu (Edit) Rating: Apr 16, 2004
Like the rest of your stories, well written, impeccable grammar and a joy to read. As always I am waiting impatiently for the next chapter! (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Apr 17, 2004)
ohh cyndylu sis - you are too kind and too generous! the thing i discovered when trying to write a sequel to 2nd Chance was that there was a beginning (Encounter With Destiny) that just HAD to be written before i could connect to the end of Harvest of Tears...and the maddening thing is that i actually have the last chapter of H of T worked out and i even have the last sentence! i'm in the hands of the characters, i'm afraid - i'm just the typist and they tell me in their own good time lol (sigh)
love & respect

Reviewer: mlbryant (Edit) Rating: Jan 9, 2004
There is an intense personal dialogue being explored by Alexa that is strongly reminiscent of "The Story of O". As I am very fond of Reage's work, I am also happy to discover it here as well. The characters are much more that mono-dimensional 'whipping' machines - they have not only actions but also very human motives and not-completely understood goals (even to the characters themselves). (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jan 11, 2004)
gosh! if i can get anywhere NEAR Pauline Reage's standards then i'm incredibly fortunate - thank You very much indeed for the kind comparison in Your review, mlbryant!
love & respect
slave ruthie

Reviewer: Faibhar (Edit) Rating: Dec 19, 2003
From the taste of real rubber, to encology, to medical exams, to old castles replete with modern video, this continuation reads like a B or even C movie - certainly is not a perjorative - just as it should here. The writer's imagination is very gifted and continues to promise to entertain readers. (8/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Nov 24, 2003)
wow! thank You VERY much for Your kind review, Faibhar :)
love & respect

Reviewer: smiley010 (Edit) Rating: Oct 16, 2003
All the stories in this series are well written and most enjoyable. Keep up the good work (9/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 18, 2003)
thanks for encouraging me!

Reviewer: julise (Edit) Rating: Oct 13, 2003
As a fervent reader of slave ruthie's organization series, it was wonderful to read about the origins of slave alexa. What a wonderful prequel slave ruthie. I enjoyed it very much, thank you. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 18, 2003)
julise, thank you (and every reader) for taking the time to read my efforts - the overall synopsis for the Organization Series is still evolving and i found i couldn't go further with Harvest of Tears without explaining more about Alexa's origins (and about soem other characters)
Replied by: julise (Edit) (Oct 21, 2003)
I think that a prequel as opposed to exposition is a great approach. I look forward to the coming chapters!
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 2, 2005)
i hope the complete prequel meets your expectations :)

Reviewer: Sui Lerua (Edit) Rating: Oct 12, 2003
Excellent. A highly readable story, or rather the beginning of one, that I hope will continue. Unlike many on the site, this is the kind of writing to be savoured rather than just skimmed through. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 18, 2003)
there will be at least another chapter of this one - thanks for being so kind in Your review!

Reviewer: Engineer (Edit) Rating: Oct 11, 2003
Some of the rare stories combining a touching development of personal feelings with a very promising environment of professional slavery. All in an appropiate, skilled language. Hope to read more from this talented writer! (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Oct 18, 2003)
omg - thanks!

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