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Mind Games Author: Daphne
(Added on Oct 21, 2003) (This month 50209 readers) (Total 58391 readers)
A Master enjoys giving His submissive what she craves...the only problem is, she has no idea she craves it.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: deepbluemm (Edit) Rating: Apr 11, 2004
Daphne does it again. Superb writing that plays mind games with the reader which have me craving for more of her. Beautiful, reality inside this story "Yes, indeed,princess, your mind begs to be fucked almost as much as your body does..." Isn't that so true? Keep'em coming princess : ) (9/10)

Reviewer: pure evil {f} (Edit) Rating: Oct 28, 2003
Daphne very yummmmmmmmmmie story, thank You ~eg~ (9/10)
Replied by: Daphne (Edit) (Oct 28, 2003)
~*efg*~ Most welcome, Evil....I look forward to adding to my list of stories soon...I hope you enjoy those as well..
Replied by: pure evil {f} (Edit) (Oct 29, 2003)
~slowly melts to her hands and knees, her skirt barely covering the roundness of her smooth ass, crawling on all fours towards You, deep dark brown eyes twinkling with mischief as she looks up at You, tongue darting out to moisten her suddenly dry full ruby red lips as she approaches.... this lil one will be waiting with anticipation for the next story and just for the reply You just scored another point..efg~

Reviewer: jbowler65 (Edit) Rating: Oct 27, 2003
I agree with the previous reviewer that this is a steamy story. You do a great job in getting into the subs head.
As a side note, I do prefer the English system of measurement. Converting the metric system in my head gives me a brain cramp :) (9/10)
Replied by: Daphne (Edit) (Oct 27, 2003)
Thank you, Jbowler65....I am so very glad that others are enjoying reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it....I use the American version of measurement because i am from Florida, but for Our friends in Europe will add the metric measuremenets also....
Again, Thank you..

Reviewer: Alex Bragi (Edit) Rating: Oct 23, 2003
Woh! Daphne, this one really sizzles from start to finish doesn’t it? There are a several descriptions in particular that I found very erotic, but it wouldn’t be fair to mention them here. Those wanting to know exactly what I'm referring to will just have to read your story.
You have chosen to write in the present tense. Oh boy, that’s a hard one to pull off. You need to be gamer than Ned Kelly to try it. Re-read your story and you will see there are several places where you have slipped back into past tense, but don’t worry we’re not going to shoot you down for it. :)
On the really nit picky side – remember you are writing for people worldwide. I live in Australia, where like in most European countries, we use the metric system. I have no idea what 6‘1 is, or 130lb. I’m guessing 6’ 1 is tall since she had to crane her neck to look at his face, so that was a good indication.
You seem to have a very good feel for the submissive, perhaps a little at the expense of the dom’s character, but that’s really just my personal opinion. (7/10)

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