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The Favour Author: Honda Kushimoto
(Added on Jan 14, 2004) (This month 62043 readers) (Total 77566 readers)
Susan was a shy typist working at a big company. She has fantasies about giving herself completely to her boss for any depravity he desired. One day he calls her into his office and makes her an offer she cannot resist. Susan agrees to anything he wants from her including butchering and eating her.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (4.5/10)
Average Rating: (4/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: kicksnf (Edit) Rating: Jun 15, 2011
SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! (1/10)

Reviewer: fetish101 (Edit) Rating: Jan 15, 2004
To me, this stuff didn't even work as a fantasy. I mean..she went from wanting to be her bosses girlfriend and maybe some light bondage to being slaughtered within 24 hours. Not to mention that she would not have been killed instantly with her throat cut..she would either choke on her own blood or just bleed out..either one would be painful as hell. The other girl get gutted, stuffed and stitched back up..but still able to give an amazing blowjob and have an orgasm.
I'm sorry but this story is just way too much like the goofy dolcett stuff that is just too far out of this world for me. (4/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 14, 2004
Not into cannibalism, to much of that in real life, story would have worked for me anyway much better if it was nc/humiliation ect.
the reality is no company boss is going to canabalise an employeee, even in fantasy it just didn't work... for me anyway, beside if she is willing to do anything to pease her boss and being cut up ect are included, you have already explain what is going to happen somewhere in the story, no mystry left (4/10)

Reviewer: Faibhar (Edit) Rating: Jan 14, 2004
"The Favour" lends credence to the notion that most anything can be found on the 'net. This larger-than- life story portrays in mundane ways the most perposterous of settings. A crush on the boss easily transitions to human slaughtering, with homey details richly borrowed from real life.
For those with a zany approach to twisted humour "The Favour" entertains. (7/10)

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