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Annie's Examination Author: rene sable
(Added on Jan 22, 2004) (This month 66801 readers) (Total 102667 readers)
Urethral torture and pleasure by a woman's master and his friend the doctor.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: May 6, 2011
i don't know why this story excited me like it did, but goodness ... it was hot! it is very well written, you can feel the girl's fear. (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Mar 10, 2009
Story wpuld have worked so much better had the author used dialogue instead of just explaining what was done.
Now, the story 'sounds' shallow, detatched.
JJ (8/10)

Reviewer: baerchen24 (Edit) Rating: Mar 3, 2005
SUPER HOT! TOTAL turn on!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: jaeangel (Edit) Rating: Nov 14, 2004
I liked it. It was very clinical, and could perhaps be improved with a little more attention to Annie's feelings/reactions throughout this little 'examination', but overall it was a good read, and it got me hot. And medical fetish isn't usually my 'thing'. I wonder if it really could be done... (8/10)

Reviewer: littleslut (Edit) Rating: Jun 18, 2004
wow i wish i was annie that story was HOT!! I hope that their is more to cum! (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jun 18, 2004
HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: LadyMencken (Edit) Rating: Feb 6, 2004
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE MORE TO THIS STORY (yes i am yelling on purpose *grins lots*) I LOVED this story. Very very sexy. Intense. Suspenseful. I could feel the heat.

Reviewer: rene197903 (Edit) Rating: Jan 29, 2004
No, passion? LOL where are you from? Alaska. (10/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Jan 29, 2004
Before reading this story I read the comments of the dueling doctors and thus accept this work as mostly fact. On the plus side, it is very obvious that the author knows the subject. In addition the author writes in a compact, easy to read style featuring simple declarative sentences which are an excellent conduit for communicating. On the down side this work is too clinical, too matter of fact, it lacks passion. Neither the Master nor Annie are particularly real,in fact his nibs is a shadow at best and poor Annie is some kind of crash test dummy. If it had been possible for the author to collaborate with someone who could translate into words her feelings and experience with this overwhelmingly personal and quite uncomfortable procedure, this could have been excellent. (5/10)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Jan 26, 2004
A truely excellent erotic medical fantasy. I would have given this a ten except there were a few grating inaccuracies. There is no such thing as a six cc Leur syringe and it would have been a Leur-slip fitting rather than a Leur-lok fitting. You don't need to use a vaginal speculum to catherize a female. A neurologically-intact woman would have experience significantly more pain while have her urethra dilated or when having a finger inserted up her urethra (that would absolutely have sent her off the table no matter how small the finger was unless she had lost sensation or her urethra had been dilated repeatedly). One of the danger to supplying graphic details to a piece in order to give color and increase realism, is that unless you are quite knowledgable in the area you will make small but telling errors. Best to have your material edited by an actual physician.<br>None-the-less a great fantasy! Do not let the nit-pickings of an old codger inhibit you from further efforts.
A convincing rebuttal! proving once again that the realities of life go well beyond my predictive fantasies. I must admitt that the little old ladies that I catherized back when I was a house officer a quarter of a century ago never seemed to enjoy the proceedure but then I was considered to be particularly clumsy intern. Digital urethral dilation without anesthesia will be added to my catalogue of torturous proceedures along with rectal redfish insertion and the extension cord whip as things that were going on in the real world long before I put them into fiction.
You earned your ten! (10/10)
Replied by: rene197903 (Edit) (Jan 26, 2004)
Actually I have had this done to me, and while painful it was also ..intense. The Luer lock was the wrong CC's, but the Collins Speculum was used, as a way to unobstruct the view per-se. This is a bi-blade speculum that opens the opposite way of a Graves. Wide, not up/down. Made the pics prettier. I myself use the Luer-loc type syringe when I give injections, so that is an understandable mistake. I am very knowledgeable about medical issues, and safety concerns, as I am in the medical profession as well as being a switch in the S/M community with a speciality in intrincate medical scenarios. I have done something similar to this to another woman and had her orgasm under my touch. Sterile gloves, dilated urethra, lots of lube in the tube, and patience, were the key elements. I do not mind nit-picking, if I did I would never post on a board like this. This is part fantasy, and a good solid helping of fact. I was not screaming in pain, and was not used to urethral insertions. It was one of the best orgasms I have ever had, in fact. I only correct mistakes that are legitimate ones, as above stated. Unless you have been in this position, you cannot know either how it feels, or how it was done. These details are absolutely accurate, except for details about the syringe, and let's just call that poetic license, shall we? Rene
Replied by: rene197903 (Edit) (Jan 27, 2004)
Thanks-- :)

Reviewer: t1220 (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2004
Very nicely written, like the idea very much!
Should be more of this!
Thomas (8/10)

Reviewer: bdsmbill (Edit) Rating: Jan 23, 2004
This was surprisingly hot, considering how clinical it is. Well done. (8/10)

Reviewer: bisarah (Edit) Rating: Jan 22, 2004
i found this story to be very good. it made me wet! (8/10)

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