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The Director's sluts Author: Romeo
(Added on Feb 6, 2004) (This month 50901 readers) (Total 62781 readers)
Rati and Amisha become a hotshot director's sluts for his favours.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (5.5/10)
Average Rating: (5.5/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: bdsmbill (Edit) Rating: Feb 11, 2004
I liked it better than Lex, but he is a Ludite after all... The characters were not well developed, but there was motivation in the women needing favors from the top director. Perhaps it is just the first scene in a longer story -- of course, in that case, there should have been more character development. Anyway, not bad, and better than much of what we see on this site. (7/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2004
The author is certainly no Mary Jorsay Gandmar. His command of the language is acceptable, but a bit too florid for this reader. Rati and Amisha are the usual mindless blow up dolls, a mother and daughter combo, no less, who fall instantly under the spell of the director who sounds and acts much like an adolescent struggling through the challenges of puberty. Then the story lurches to a close, or does it? At this point I don't care. To generate any serious interest in his work the author has to learn to develop his characters into three dimensional creations and offer some reason for the sex that should follow. It would help if there was some kind of tension developed between the sexes, rather than a bland acceptance of their expected roles, the male dominant and powerful and the female a subservient adjunct, a mere outlet for the male's sexual uges. (4/10)

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