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Björk Gudmundsdóttir fan gift day : faked IQ Author: Björk Gudmundsdóttir
(Added on Mar 6, 2004) (This month 48153 readers) (Total 56250 readers)
Björk realise that her true IQ is the lowest one that exist after taking IQ tests for fans. She end up humiliated the worst way possible.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 9
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
7 Votes
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7 Votes 1 Vote 1 Vote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
78% 11% 0% 11% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (2/10)
Average Rating: (1.5/10)
Highest Rating: (4/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Feb 2, 2006
Bad, if it something real, well the person who wrote wanted to hurt bjork. In fact I agree with another reader: such a story should not be here. (1/10)

Reviewer: Girl (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2004
I'm into the offbeat and quirky and this story is just that. But I give it such a low rating because it fails to be entertaining or sexy. If heavily revised I think it could get a higher rating from me. (2/10)

Reviewer: jeanne (Edit) Rating: Mar 17, 2004
Sounds like it was written by a truly IQ deprived fan of some Björk competitor for some brainless pop music rag. Just because the main character is kept bare ass naked at some time in the story does not make it a BDSM, or even a sexy tale. The story of Nebuchednezzar in the Bible (same content) is rather better. What comes next - Bush, Chirac, Madonna stories? (1/10)

Reviewer: jbowler65 (Edit) Rating: Mar 12, 2004
I don't even know where to begin on this story. (1/10)

Reviewer: arain (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2004
im not even sure where to begin...
should this even be here? (1/10)

Reviewer: teamster (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2004
the only thing stupider than bjork is this story. (1/10)

Reviewer: Harold (Edit) Rating: Mar 6, 2004
It took me a bit to realize what this is all about. The subject and alleged writer of this incoherent rant, Björk Gudmundsdóttir, is an actual person, an Icelandic pop singer. I doubt that she is the actual author. This brings up several problems.
1. Whoever wrote this did so under someone else's real name.
2. This doesn't really qualify as parody. It's too blunt, too incoherent. It's nothing more than a personal attack on a real person, which I don't think has any place on this site.
3. As has been pointed out, it has nothing to do with BDSM.
4. I realize the writer is probably not a native speaker of English, but even if the grammar was corrected, you still have nothing more than a page or two of random keyboarding. I disagree with E.E. Norcod that the writer might be trying to "imitate the babblings of a drug addled adolescent". He (I suspect the writer is male) is simply inept and in no position to question anyone else's IQ.
Moggy put it quite succintly. I think this diatribe should be removed from the site. (1/10)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Mar 6, 2004
I am giving this story the benefit of the doubt. I presume that the author is trying to imitate the babblings of a drug addled adolescent. Unfortunately, in my professional career and avocational volunteer work I have had to listen to the babblings of a goodly number of drug addled adolescents and I no longer find it amusing. I give the author a B- for effort and an F for execution. I suggest that they refrain from ingesting or smoking any controlled substances for recreational purposes for at least one month, and then try again. By the way, this is the Bondage & Discipline/Sado-Masochism Library Site. What this has to do with BDSM is hard to say but I suggest that the author read some of the better rated stories on the site before trying again. (4/10)

Reviewer: Moggy (Edit) Rating: Mar 6, 2004
Excuse the language, but what is this odious crap doing on this site?
Replied by: Minx (Edit) (Mar 7, 2004)
I'm in total agreement with Moggy on this one.
Seriously, can it be removed?

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