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Toying With Tiffany Author: Dr. Wu
(Added on May 10, 2004) (This month 273302 readers) (Total 402214 readers)
Tiffany Daniels is the prettiest, most popular girl in high school, but suffers a series of humiliations and abuse by her teachers.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 18
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: savage48 (Edit) Rating: Jul 30, 2014
Brilliant story. I'd love to find out how I can find more stories by Dr. Wu (9/10)

Reviewer: saskatchewanslut (Edit) Rating: Jan 28, 2012
An excellent story, with some great inventive scenes. There are too few stories with real meat around here so I am always glad to find one that takes longer to read than the back of a cereal box.
The real strength here is in the small details. The overarching story is strong, but I felt not developed as well as it could have been. When you have characters and a setting with such potential, it is a little disappointing to see them not fully realised. This perhaps could be more about personal preference than anything else, but I am constantly frustrated by an enjoyable story ending just when they were getting interesting.
The tendency in bdsm writing seems to be to rush from scene to scene and I was gratified to find that the author was confident and enjoying his story enough, to linger over details, conversations and emotions. It is critical in stories dealing with humiliation to really let the emotional turmoil of the subject come through, and something that is really done poorly so very often. Not so here.
I found it easy to put myself in Tiffany’s position, to feel her uncertainty and fear. As outlandish as the premise is, the use of every-day things to cause the humiliation really worked exceptionally well to ground the action and make it very relatable. An excellent story, simply written but exciting and enjoyable. There are too few around so I cherish them when I find them.

Reviewer: Riptide (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2011
Very good! Quite entertaining. (9/10)

Reviewer: street0 (Edit) Rating: Jan 9, 2009
Ants, and drugs, and skimpy clothes, and humiliation, and degradation, and oh my! Excellent story, well written, very hot. (10/10)

Reviewer: 25toLife (Edit) Rating: Oct 2, 2006
what really seperates this piece from the rest is the ending. sure, i like to see women humiliated, tortured (mildly), and especially tied up, but i think causing long term emotional scars is a bit too scary for me. (10/10)

Reviewer: Zubisco (Edit) Rating: Sep 11, 2005
Excellent. The humiliations, degradations and tortures are terrific. The mind fuck Tiffany gets is just superb. The ending was slightly weak, but good nonetheless. (9/10)

Reviewer: BigCat (Edit) Rating: Jun 15, 2005
Terrific erotica. Want to see more from Dr. Wu. (10/10)

Reviewer: cc_local (Edit) Rating: May 5, 2005
Great story. I particularly enjoyed the look into Tiffany's mind as she experiences the degradations. The ending left me a little disappointed though. (9/10)

Reviewer: Kalluss (Edit) Rating: Jul 11, 2004
Loved the musical references thrown in... will read it again soon. HIghly reccommended (9/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jun 20, 2004
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: Johnny (Edit) Rating: May 31, 2004
I enjoyed this story great stuff (10/10)

Reviewer: Laila (Edit) Rating: May 30, 2004
Hi there!
I really really enjoyed the story even though blackmail normaly is not my thing. But this was really great. The end maybe aslight bit too sudden, but superb none the less! :) (9/10)

Reviewer: Sunrise (Edit) Rating: May 22, 2004
A classic; one of my all time favourites. Hope there are new chapters coming :) (10/10)

Reviewer: dcdutt (Edit) Rating: May 20, 2004
A little bit of bukkake action, with a happy ending. Very relieved for the girl... (10/10)

Reviewer: Backmike (Edit) Rating: May 12, 2004
Great stuff! Can't wait for more! (10/10)

Reviewer: Xaphan45 (Edit) Rating: May 11, 2004
The first of what should several stories in the same theme and characters. Tiff's humiliation and forced submission is delicious in it's structure and searing in it's execution. A marvelous bedtime story. (10/10) (10/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: May 10, 2004
This classic was originally posted back in 1999, and forms part of the Tiffany series. This work is rather lengthy and I am surprised that the poster didn't offer more. It is well worth reading if you are into a humorous treatment of teenage humiliation with plenty of sex. (10/10)
Replied by: doktorwu (Edit) (May 11, 2004)
Lex: Yes, Toying with Tiffany was written in 1999, and the whole Tiffany Daniels saga was quite lengthy. Although it's available elsewhere on the Net, I like this site and wanted to contribute something and thought it might find some new readers. I have already posted more chapters, and the whole thing will be up soon. Thanks for the kind words.
Replied by: michael.conroy8@btin (Edit) (Sep 17, 2004)
Great Story where can get the rest of the tiffany seris

Reviewer: I1985 (Edit) Rating: May 10, 2004
Very nice story, and I hope you continu it soon. Because I would love to read them. (9/10)

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