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Anne and Alicia Author: scifitales
(Added on Apr 14, 2001) (This month 104334 readers) (Total 162575 readers)
Mother and daughter join a female dominated corporation as willing slaves.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: Nov 17, 2010
1. There is no mention of Anne of ever being interested in boys while at school. We are told she knew Elizabeth from school days and was Her sub/slave at uni. This seems to indicate that Anne was definately a lesbian, yet within a year of leaving uni (and three years of subbing/slavery to Elizabeth) she meets and marries a male. Ok but not very beleiveable.
2. Why did Elizabeth not persue/persuade Anne to continue the slavery and at least put her off marrying a male?
3. Anne is a sub/slave at uni and now willingly enters a very strict slave contract, but was dominant in her marriage. Ok so she is a switch, but surely any switch would not agree to entering such a slave contract.
4. Both Anne and Alicia are given white collars and we are told that that colour collar white is "for new sorority slaves like you". Yet Alicia has not yet gone to to uni and so is not a sorority slave.
5. The second most puzzling aspect of this story is why keep on about something that did not happen? We are constantly told how the year 2000 bug has brought about economic collapse, but it didn't. The only conclusion i can come up with is, this story is happening in an alternative universe, in which case i would expect to see "S/F" in the description codes. Oh by the way i like the idea that France gets some of its ex-colonies back. Does that mean if the USA had collapsed financially good old Great Britain would have got its original American colonies back? No did not think so.
6. The most puzzling part of the story for me is why has Elizabeth waited 20+ years to re-enslave Anne, was she waiting for Anne's husband to die .... if so she could have had to wait 80+ years and then had Anne die first? Where are her other slaves? Does she have any other slaves, if not why not? .... Surely not waiting for Anne's husband to die - oops been there already.
Basically deep down i liked this story otherwise i would not have continued reading it to the end and would not have bothered rating it. So resolve the above popints and i will be happy to upgrade my rating. Also it is about time Elizabeth, Anne and Alicia got to the island. (5/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 5, 2009
There's an awkward light-heartedness about the people in this tale. Nobody seems to ask themselves any questions. Mom was a Lesbian subbie at school? Cool! But what about the tattoo?
The moral questions, sweet little daughter should ask herself, aren't coming, not even a hint of those. On the contrary. Instead of digging deeper to find the psychological answers to how, what and why, mum's old 'mistress' is invited over to fill a void left by dead daddy... you've got to be kidding me.
On top of that, there's way to many errors to be totally healthy. Too bad, because the story could have been made into an erotic firefest. Now, it just feels tedious.
JJ (6/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2008
very nicely written and layed out (9/10)

Reviewer: RiverOtter (Edit) Rating: Jun 1, 2007
Enjoyable, fun story. (9/10)

Reviewer: joyfull8nl (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2004
You are my hero scifitales. Why don't you provide us with follow ups to this story? I enjoyed and reviewed "Dawn's story" as well and I know that has more of an ending. Pleae keep me posted of what you do or have done in the past in this field. (
Kind regards,

Reviewer: ron8nl (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2004
You are my hero scifitales. Why don't you provide us with follow ups to this story? I enjoyed and reviewed "Dawn's story" as well and I know that has more of an ending. Pleae keep me posted of what you do or have done in the past in this field. (
Kind regards,

Reviewer: ownedgirl (Edit) Rating: Aug 28, 2001
Well written with a good plotline and the author
seemed to bring the characters to life very well.The story screams for more chapters to be written (8/10)

Reviewer: Tanray (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2001
It's probably just because women serving dominant women is my greatest turn- on, that I enjoyed this story so much.
Generally I found the story well written and composed, mainly with just some spelling and grammar errors to point to in order to be critical. I agree, however, that the story is far from completed, and that sequels describing the life at the island, and still beyond could be added.
But the idea is excellent, and the story deserves top marks! (9/10)

Reviewer: Engineer (Edit) Rating: Apr 22, 2001
Nice idea, well-written, entertaining. Unfortunately, it seems like never been completed. There is room for quite a number of sequels. (8/10)

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