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Taming Sayali Author: Lex Ludite
(Added on Jul 27, 2004) (This month 244005 readers) (Total 429333 readers)
Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather then to please her mother, who also has designs on him.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 10
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: H Dean (Edit) Rating: Mar 31, 2008
You know, I have been reading this story, off and on, for a long time. I thought I had offered a review but I see I had not. Very thoughtless of me. So, here it is: Excellent story telling, as usual. Few people combine humor, eroticism and stark cruelty better. How you manage such consistency is beyond me. Just keep it up.
Dean (10/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Apr 1, 2008)
Your review has made my day and then some! To be honest, the older I get,the more difficult it becomes. However I'll soldier on until some reviewer I trust tells me it's time to go bye-bye as a scribbler. My sincere thanks for your most generous rating and kind words, they are greatly appreciated.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Dec 22, 2007
you very rarely disappoint (9/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Dec 23, 2007)
Thanks for your generous rating and words of encouragement. I hope the subsequent chapters will not disappoint you.

Reviewer: kirstensmart (Edit) Rating: Nov 16, 2007
I'm enjoying this story very much, especially for its unashamed descriptions of flesh and aromas and sweat - beautiful! And you're one of a very, very few authors willing to relish the armpits as targets of torture, one of my favourites!
From time to time I find you neglect the humanity of your victims, they become objects to which violence is done - and that takes away any emotional (and thus erotic) connection with them, but it is a beautifully told story all the same.
Kirsten (10/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Nov 17, 2007)
It's rather difficult to say anything except "thank you for a most generous review and rating." As for what may seem like mindless violence, remember Kanan is a story teller, and what is truth and what is fiction remains to be determined.

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2007
Easily one of your best ever. The flavor of the Sub-Continent washes over the whole story, making it believable, and as always, the action is rich and varied. An outstanding effort! (10/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Nov 13, 2007)
Your most generous review has made this writer's day and then some! There was a considerable amount of research that went into the background of this story to give it some authenticity, glad you saw it. Be advised that the struggle has now boiled down to Kanan versus the protagonist, with Sayali reduced to just a pawn. There are a number of chapters that will be forthcoming in the very near future, hope you enjoy them.

Reviewer: Masterdesire (Edit) Rating: Jun 4, 2005
Excellent characters , hanging on ever increasing plot twists. Can't wait to see how the discipline is doled out. What's more to say . Another place, another time, another great story. Couldn't be more interesting . Worthy of an Emmy.(10/10) (10/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Jun 5, 2005)
Many thanks for your most generous rating of this story. This was a type of stretching exercise to work on character dynamics and try to create a more exotic background for the story.You have come upon it just when things are getting rather nasty for Sayali, and they will continue to become progressively worse until all is finally revealed. However I fear that the content would prevent this one from ever seeing the light of a video tube or a plasma screen.

Reviewer: urban71 (Edit) Rating: Mar 13, 2005
Very very good story. I like the way story is developing. the relation between the character is very exciting. I will be good if the auther can add more humilation fact. I eagerly waiting for new update... (10/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Mar 14, 2005)
My thanks for taking the time to provide your very generous rating and review of this story. The next couple of chapters should provide much of what you seek.

Reviewer: LoKi Kat (Edit) Rating: Aug 20, 2004
I very much enjoyed this story, though nearly passed by the following chapters simply because I do not often check the updates. A pity they don't move the full stories with additions to the top.
Anyway, I enjoyed, keep writing! I'll check back. (9/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Sep 27, 2004)
Thank you for your generous review. Be advised that a new installment of this story will be posted within the next two weeks.

Reviewer: Mobius (Edit) Rating: Jul 31, 2004
Interesting style. I like it has an eastern flavor. Keep going. Make the mother more of a coconsperitor. So far I like where this is going.
What is next for our little imprisend harlot. (8/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Aug 2, 2004)
Thanks for your generous review and suggestion; be advised that the scaffolding is not yet finished, let along the building. Stay with this one and you will be richly rewarded

Reviewer: maskhalid (Edit) Rating: Jul 30, 2004
I wish you could continue the story more. I like to request that you add a more harsher disipline to Sayali and her mother Neelam. Better still more torture. (10/10)
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Jul 30, 2004)
Your rating is very much appreciated and perhaps undeserved at this point. Be advised that Sayali will face a great deal of harsh treatment in future chapters.

Reviewer: Rusty Bedpost (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2004
Good start to a story. Maybe a little more charatcer development but the setup is good and a higher standard than I have seen lately.
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Aug 2, 2004)
I agree that character development is important to the success of this story. Subsequent chapters will provide more information to support the actions of all the main characters, some of whom have yet to be introduced. Many thanks for your feedback.

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