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Memories Of Long Tall Mary Author: Long Tall Mary
(Added on Oct 10, 2004) (This month 367498 readers) (Total 500362 readers)
A 50 year old dominatrix reminisces on her long career in Central New York and describes some of her more memorable encounters.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
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Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 19, 2009
Finally gotten to read this, thanks to the addition of a new chapter which brought these "Memories" back under my attention.
Although I must agree with a lot of what azrig17 brings to the fore, I still find the overall quality high enough to warrant a nice niner.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: jethro jodhpur (Edit) Rating: Aug 27, 2007
Accordng to his step son, Rabbit 1 died on Saturday. Why no one has bothered to make any comment on this is beyond me. (8/10)

Reviewer: azrlg17 (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2006
I don't believe this is a realistic depiction of commercialized BDSM, if it were there would be a raid every few days. It is simply unrealistic how many people are raped, no safewords,... A commercial dominatrix wouldn't touch an underage girl with a ten foot pole. She forces homophobic male subs to have gay sex and they never get even? I would have expected revenge ranging from at least anonymous tips to the police, charges pressed, sued for damages up to some very violent behaviour. Especially the way she treated Troy and a lot of other doms. They all simply leave the area and don't even try to get revenge? She does this to a lot of dominatrixes and they ALL just leave? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase. These are doms and still they all slink away with their tails between their legs? Not a one of them has a pair of balls? I'm sorry but that's simply unbelievable.
And don't the neighbors notice that pretty often Vans stop and load or unload bound victims? I know this is the BDSM-library and rape victims almost never go to the police but she does it so often it is simply ridiculous. They know who she is. They know where she lives. They know where she works. They do nothing? Especially the fellow dominatrixes she takes? Unrealistic. Especially because at another place in the story she worries about being sued by willing customers (all this while she has an unwilling "customer" in her dungeon).
The reason why Kristen for example wouldn't go to the police is not very sound. She could sue her for physical and emotional damages and get a lot more than her wages. But even if she couldn't there are a lot of people who are willing to suffer to fuck someone else over.
Her disdain for the clients is also strange. Many subs are in fact pretty powerfull successful people who could make the lives of the dominatrixes hell if they were treated like in the story.
The story contradicts itself numerous times. She says that white slavery exists only in fiction. Then a couple of chapters later she does it (but it is not described, I would have liked to read about it). Later she sells Lori to a lesbian biker gang (and could we get more cliche then that?) gives Kevin away to a cult,...
And a school (where she met John) hires a dominatrix?? In order to prevent a scandal?? ROTFL. I simply can't take a story serious with stuff like this in it. And then there's the school she takes ove as Headmistress for Discipline. That's so ridiculous I won't even comment on it.
Why was she so pissed at Jeanine? She didn't try to escape. Still she punished her much more harshly then Sara. Even after she realized that Sara had lied to her.
The story about the probation officer is simply pathetic. Why didn't she simply return with a firearm? If she wanted to fuck Felicia she could just as well have taken her when she lived with Mary Joe.
Also I find Mary herself is very dislikable. She basically lies to herself about raping people. She punishes people for normal human behaviour. She's arrogant and has a real problem with rejection and is a borderline psychopath.
The author should add M/m, F/m, toys, teens and maybe slavery codes. (5/10)

Reviewer: Mistress M (Edit) Rating: Sep 5, 2006
This is one of the few stories with female dommes tales that's appealed to me. Straight forward, almost like a novel in the telling of a personal history. The commercialization aspect of bdsm is pretty accurate depiction on the whole. Look forward to reading more, Mary. (10/10)

Reviewer: Rabbit1 (Edit) Rating: Sep 3, 2006
this story has really grown on me ---I find myself waiting for the next chapter ---well done (9/10)

Reviewer: jbowler65 (Edit) Rating: Jun 14, 2005
This was quite an interesting story. We enjoyed the journey through her reflections even if some were quite detatched and unemotional. Still, we look forward to future chapters, if any are forthcoming. (8/10)

Reviewer: emmacd (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2005
I have read the first two chapters for this review.I loved reading this as person with knowledge of what she was doing. LIKE MICHNER in creating a first person writing. It is difficult to do, butt the author has done it well. I will read the other chapters and give a update of my opinions. Well done Mary. emmacd (10/10)

Reviewer: pippa (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2004
I wanted very much to read this story as I love reading about Dommes and female subs. I did enjoy it- thank you- it was very well written I did hope though to see some passion and emotion. It was very clinical-I know it was a financial thing- but I hoped that the Domme would show some feelings. Do people
just become Dommatrixes for money?- sorry if thats naive. I wnat to read more though as its a different perspective on D/s. (7/10)
Replied by: LONG TALL MARY (Edit) (Oct 10, 2004)
I appreciate your review. The story is fictional but a realistic depiction of commercialized BDSM. My experience has been most such dominatrixes are motivated primarily by financial considerations however you will find that Mary did show some benevolent feelings towards Jackie, Mary tends to be more viscerally cruel than many other dominatrixes.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2004
i was an intresting story, well worth reading (7/10)
Replied by: LONG TALL MARY (Edit) (Oct 10, 2004)
I appreciate your review and realize it was not a "sizzler" type of story but rather a realistic depiction of commercialized BDSM and hopefully you found the various scenarios plausible.

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