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Two Japanese Sisters Author: sarijak
(Added on Oct 19, 2004) (This month 63514 readers) (Total 92505 readers)
Kitty and her Mistress decide to take a break in the sun, and they run into Hanako and Ayako, in a meeting that will change the lives of the two Japanese sisters.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 9
6 Votes
6 Votes
6 Votes
6 Votes
6 Votes
6 Votes
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6 Votes 3 Votes
6 Votes 3 Votes
6 Votes 3 Votes
6 Votes 3 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 67% 33%
Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 25, 2009
Exquisit display of writing skills, with the, for sarijak, usual attention to detail and an eye for the meandering storyline.
This is Great Writing.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: Mr. Pete (Edit) Rating: Dec 31, 2006
I'm on a Sarijak kick today... another very nice story. Again (*spoiler alert*) the only problem is the avoidance of the hardest part of the story: why would the older sister submit to her younger sister? There is the interesting twist that she is actually blackmailed into submission by a third party, but the details are conveniently omitted. Is it because their is a limit to the author's imagination on this count? Given the wonderful way he describes the process of breaking a slave, I would think that is not the case. Nevertheless, that part of the story is lacking. (9/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Mar 5, 2006
amazing story tho a bit hard to read (9/10)

Reviewer: CrazyMe (Edit) Rating: Sep 8, 2005
Good story. A little sad, perhaps (I generally don't like things that make me sad), but it was also truly enjoyable. (9/10)

Reviewer: jamb (Edit) Rating: Aug 31, 2005
Utterly brilliant. One of the best stories I've seen on here. (10/10)

Reviewer: sunburststrat (Edit) Rating: Aug 20, 2005
My favorite slave story in some time. Very well done! (9/10)

Reviewer: cambridge (Edit) Rating: Dec 6, 2004
Great as an exploration of the meaning of submission and the capture of a submissive. Very hot as a sensual story of humiliation and domination. My favorite story from an author who is dependably excellent. (10/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Oct 23, 2004
An unusual sarijak story, but up to the high standards they usually provide. Story was crisp and action propels one through the story. Keeps you into it, right to the end.
Well done! (9/10)

Reviewer: BruceCC (Edit) Rating: Oct 21, 2004
Excellent story. Not as much heat as we usual see from Sarijak, but more humiliation. The story was extreamly well paced and the events described very well. Do youself a favour - read this story! (9/10)

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