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The Staircase Author: Michael Alexander
(Added on Nov 9, 2004) (This month 54367 readers) (Total 71307 readers)
She wonders just what is down the forbidden staircase, imagining the worst before he comes home.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 29% 14% 57%
Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Cokera (Edit) Rating: Dec 7, 2004
I could not help but say congrats for this one. It is a outstanding short story. Dreaming taken to a nice level. (10/10)

Reviewer: Lord Thomas (Edit) Rating: Nov 27, 2004
Excellent work. That was very impressive flight of fancy
LT (10/10)

Reviewer: Frances LaGatta (Edit) Rating: Nov 12, 2004
Whew. This was not only one hot story, the writing
is superb. You've capture the heart of BDSM fiction. Hats off!
Frances (10/10)
Replied by: michaelalexande (Edit) (Nov 15, 2004)
I actually wrote this piece two years ago, when I first started doing this type of work. For some reason, it just sat in my documents file because I felt it didn't have the right dynamic. Time makes some things better. I got it out, dusted it off, corrected some minor errors, and voila! something worth while. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yours Faithfully - Michael Alexander

Reviewer: Mobius (Edit) Rating: Nov 12, 2004
Good start but way to short. (8/10)
Replied by: michaelalexande (Edit) (Nov 15, 2004)
I'll accept that as a compliment. The desire for more indicates your approval. While there is nothing more for this story, there will be other stories to tell. Yours Faithfully - Michael Alexander

Reviewer: LordVetinari (Edit) Rating: Nov 12, 2004
Amazing! Brilliant! This was erotic psychodrama of the highest order. I was quite impressed. I enjoyed this tremendously. I think reading this will prove well worth anyone's time. In short, "Wow!" (10/10)
Replied by: michaelalexande (Edit) (Nov 15, 2004)'re absolutely correct. I hadn't thought about it in that light. Thank you for the insight. Yours Faithfully - Michael Alexander

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Nov 10, 2004
Another well-written, erotic story from Mr. Alexander. You have managed well to get into the head of this young lady, and to move us with you to listen to her thoughts and to feel her sensations. That keeps the story fast-moving, and makes the audience want more.
Well-done! (9/10)
Replied by: michaelalexande (Edit) (Nov 15, 2004)
Dear Chuck,
I appreciate the words of appreciation. I had deep reservations about this story, feeling that it might have been too complicated, or that I didn't describe the situation in understandable ways. But your review, along with several others, have made me see the error in that. Enlightenment brings great pleasure. Yours Faithfully - Michael Alexander

Reviewer: Breannefun (Edit) Rating: Nov 9, 2004
I got confused for a moment at the end when the girl was back at the top of the staircase. It took a moment for me to realize that the whole thing was a dream. The author does a good job writing from the female perspective though. (8/10)
Replied by: michaelalexande (Edit) (Nov 15, 2004)
You read to fast. Slow down. Yours Faithfully - Michael Alexander

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