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Communications Skills 4: Lip Service Author: subtle
(Added on Dec 11, 2004) (This month 58501 readers) (Total 82977 readers)
Dana Finally Learns What True Submission is All About.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2009
As an in-depth first hand experience from the vantage point of an intelligent, strong submissive, this is most excellent, both on the descriptive as on the prose front.
Terrific work.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Dec 26, 2004
Having read this story first of all you have posted here, I feel certain I will be busy tomorrow, reading everything you have posted. Jumping, so to speak, into the middle of things, it became obvious the story could stand alone, without the others, on its own merit.
You get into the heart of her sub-space experience, and flesh out what for a Dom might never be experienced personally, but what can be given to a worthy sub or slave.
While the method may be out of my reach, the spirit of it is communicated richly in your words.
This story, and likely its predecessors, should be required reading for everyone who is uncertain, or who feels sub tendencies.
I stand in awe of your talent, subtle. Be assured; I will recommend your writing to others. Anxious to read more of your work. The two years this one took will, hopefully, not be typical. ;-) (10/10)

Reviewer: Lord Douche (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2004
Great story-telling ability, subtle :) I really enjoyed the story, now I'm curious about your other works! Keep up the good work.
I have my own story to finish, and I've been delaying on it too long. I admire you for your commitment.
LD (10/10)

Reviewer: Barbara Anne (Edit) Rating: Dec 14, 2004
A well crafted journey, in believable eroticism, reflecting ALL of the necessary elements. This writer has a great future and should be properly encouraged to reach her full potential! (10/10)
Replied by: subtle (Edit) (Dec 14, 2004)
Thanks...that story was two years in the making (didn't feel inspired but forced myself to finish it) and didn't know if some parts would come across as authentic. Appreciate the support!!!

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