Celeste's Pacific Downfall
Author: Lex Ludite
(Added on Jan 11, 2005)
(This month 187071 readers) (Total 356130 readers) |
Celeste, the news anchor, comes a cropper when she is kidnapped, assaulted and humiliated by a band of serial rapists who threaten to ruin her career if she reveals what happened. She obeys, taking the first step that leads to her ultimate demise as the star of a snuff film shot on a remote Pacific island. |
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Average (?): (9.5/10) |
Rating: (9.5/10) |
Rating: (10/10) |
Rating: (7/10) |
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Feb 1, 2012 |
very well written and gripping to the last word. (9/10)
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Jan 25, 2009 |
One of Ludite's best efforts, or at least, the one I enjoyed the most so far. JJ (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Jan 26, 2009)
- Your generous rating is appreciated. Celeste, including her occupation, is based on a real person who has badgered a number of authors such as myself to write brutal, violent stories featuring her. Unlike many of my stories that seem never to end, this one is in its death agonies if you get my drift. Be advised I do not consider it to be my best by far.
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Feb 12, 2006 |
Excuse the language, but DAMN you are good When will you be adding more?? 2/12/06 Lex, It is nice to see writer poststories to entertain readers consistantly like you do and not post astory just to see their work on the net or their name as an author posted (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Jan 19, 2005)
- This review certainly makes my day. There are a few more nasty twists and turns before Celeste departs this "mortal coil".
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Feb 14, 2006)
- The new approach of daily postings works to the disadvantage of anyone who cannot produce daily updates. This coupled with the "ability" of many of the new authors to churn out new chapters on a daily basis, (how is this possible?) puts me at a further disadvantage as far as retaining my readership. So until this madness calms down don't expect anything new from me on this site.
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Feb 2, 2006 |
What can I say? Violent, extreme, torture... as promised. For folks who like them harsh, you do the job. Excellent! Each update keeps the story to your usual highest standard. I just keep coming back for more. (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Feb 14, 2006)
- Since you are a hard, but fair critic, I appreciate your rating and review a bit more than some of the others I have received over the years. In light of the rapid turnover of stories in this site, I cannot promise timely updates since they seem to get lost in the avalanche of "new" authors that have appeared like dragons teeth in recent weeks.
La Toya
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Feb 1, 2006 |
Very well done story 2/1/06-changed rating to 10/10 Lex, while it has been a while since you updated this story, Its good to see it. It is understandable, seeing as you have a couple storys going at the same time. Please keep up the great work! (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Apr 28, 2005)
- My thanks for your generous review and rating. I hope I can keep up the pace that I've set for myself with this nasty little effort.
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Aug 23, 2005 |
In my opinion, "blows to the mouth, broke teeth, among others" have nothing to do with BDSM blood spot nor any co-relation to any BDSM type fantasies. (7/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Aug 26, 2005)
- I have some real problems with your review, but it's a free country and you are entitled to be heard. It's very apparent that you are not at all familiar with the genesis of the Celeste stories which have been produced by a number of writers on this site. By the way, Celeste's front teeth were loosened not broken by the patriot's blow, and he was immediately removed from the room for his lack of discipline. I'm afraid your mind is playing tricks on you.
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Aug 18, 2005 |
Good work, Lex, as usual. I particularly enjoy dental torture (among other things ...), and the 'dentist' is someone I hope we see a lot of in the coming chapters. Can't wait for the continuation. (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Aug 18, 2005)
- Glad to hear that you are enjoying this little exercise in torture, rape, violence, humiliation and ultimately snuff. I'll see what I can do about getting more time for the dentist, who prefers to be called the periodontist. You have to realize he is in competition for Celeste's free time with many others such as the electrician, mr. clean, the carpenter and the executioner to name but a few.
- Replied by:
(Edit) (Jun 2, 2008)
- I was sure that this story was dead, but it's great to see it back in action, and as wonderful as ever!
H Dean
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Aug 17, 2005 |
Simply brutal! Always a good read, even when I have to close my eyes. What can I say that has not been said before? (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Aug 17, 2005)
- Your review and generous rating is much appreciated. Brutal, that's putting this one mildly, even for me. The reason for the higher than normal level of ugliness can be found by reading my response to Ruby's review of this story.
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Aug 12, 2005 |
Very well written.It was nice to read a good story for once. So few on here these days.I look forward to the rest of the story. (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Aug 12, 2005)
- Thanks for your most generous rating and kind words. Another chapter should be posted within the next week or so.
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Jun 17, 2005 |
excellent,can't wait for more!!!! (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Jun 18, 2005)
- Many thanks for the kind words. More is definitely on the way; stay tuned for further developments
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Jun 15, 2005 |
I really enjoyed it. One of the best Storys I've been reading by now. (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Jun 15, 2005)
- Welcome to the site and thank you for your extremely generous rating. Celeste has a way to go and things will only get more dismal for her prospects to survive this ordeal.
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Jun 6, 2005 |
how did i ever miss this one? more, more and more! (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Jun 10, 2005)
- Thank you very much for your enthusiastic review of my effort. This one is about to turn very dark as our heroine begins the descent that has but one ending. Be advised that it will take some time for this to occur.
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May 11, 2005 |
I give this a nine because it is a very well written study in cruelty and violence. It's a rather dark piece that not everyone will find enjoyable. The visual images are very clear and the story can be quite disturbing. Dare I hope for Celeste? (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (May 12, 2005)
- My thanks for your cogent review.Guilty on all counts! Celeste, who by the way is a real person who challenges people like myself to do our worst, is doomed to suffer a terrible but most deserved fate, which is her desire. I am but the instrument of her demise, nothing personal.
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Apr 28, 2005 |
Great job. Delivered the content as promised in spades...... (10/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Apr 28, 2005)
- What can I say except thank you for your encouraging review and rating. Writing this little horror story isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination.
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Feb 26, 2005 |
poor celeste ... she was a bad girl! very nice writing ... you made me wet!!! (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Feb 27, 2005)
- Thank you for your generous review, it is most appreciated. Always glad to make a reader happy and wet at the same time.
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Feb 20, 2005 |
Poor Celeste. I suppose she'll never be the same, will she? (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Feb 21, 2005)
- You are right on that count; it's all downhill from now on for our feckless heroine. Glad you are enjoying this little exercise in sex and violence, there's lots more on tap.
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Jan 13, 2005 |
Very Good! Recommend to everyone... Want to see the end. (9/10)
- Replied by:
lex ludite
(Edit) (Jan 21, 2005)
- Thank you for your generous review. This story has a ways to go before Celeste takes leave of this plane of existence. Another chapter is about a week from being submitted.