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Gina Author: Tomatin
(Added on Jan 24, 2005) (This month 61042 readers) (Total 77154 readers)
In an attempt to clear her mind, a young girl tells the story of her abduction and interrogation in an undefined country.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: Rhabbi (Edit) Rating: Mar 3, 2007
Very goog torture story, worth reading for anyone with saistic tendencies. (8/10)

Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2006
A very enjoyable story (thanks for hipping me to it, Lee!). A bit of advice when deciding what codes to put up next to your story - I probably avoided reading this because of the 'consensual' tag. I can see that the 'telling' part of the story is consensual, but the interrogation part definitely isn't. Just something for others to keep in mind...
I wish more people would use the first person narrative for stories like this, even though I know how hard that can be to do well. (8/10)

Reviewer: Lee Boudine (Edit) Rating: Aug 15, 2006
Despite grammatical errors and vocabulary misuse, this story has a unique quality of reality. For that reason I am, probably, giving a higher rating than other more experienced readers. I am not disregarding the technical faults which could easily have been corrected by editing. I am rewarding the author for imagination and sensativity to the characters and accuracy in description . This is the first fictional story in with I have heard the 'parrot perch' described and used.
Most intriguing story Tomatin. (10/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Jan 29, 2005
This story has a mix in the story, almost as though it were written by two who alternated paragraphs. A large number (twenty or more) of the words did not exist; more were skipped making the sentence hard to understand, occasionally.
Alex refers to the story having a feeling as though it were the author's experience, and just being related to someone who is writing it down. I agree, and that ability in writing is something rare. It gives a very plausible story (especially in the world today), and a very real conclusion. It almost felt like a side story of "1984". (7/10)

Reviewer: Alex Bragi (Edit) Rating: Jan 28, 2005
Lex is right, this story would have benefited from having someone edit it, but honestly, I didn’t find any glaring mistakes. There are a few oddly used words, and there are a few bit of punctuation missing. (Missing apostropies were what I noticed most.) Really, though, there was nothing jarring, nothing that I couldn’t easily skim over.
The thing I found most enjoyable about this story was the realism – it’s as if the author has experienced it exactly as it's being retold here. It’s a very chilling read. I'm being more generous than Lex. I'm giving this one a rating of eight simply because, in my opinion, it is "very good in terms of internet fiction" and since I think all you sicko sadists out are going to just love it, I feel it's "recommendable" also. (8/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2005
This is the kind of story I might expect from a craftsman like Cortez. On the other hand this one has an element of reality to it. The good command of vocabulary coupled with the lack of good grammar would indicate that the author's first language is not english. Despite that handicap the story does have some impact. It's a shame that the author didn't have anyone to act as an editor, because this could have been very good if those glaring errors in grammar had been eliminated. I wonder if this author will post again, and if my advice will be taken to heart. (5/10)

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