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The Dream Author: Daniel's slave lolly
(Added on Mar 22, 2005) (This month 50355 readers) (Total 60090 readers)
A woman is kidnapped, while on the man of her dreams.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 8
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13% 13% 38% 25% 13%
Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2008
they do not cum much better, i loved the description of her enema what a turn on (10/10)

Reviewer: MasterRodsPet (Edit) Rating: Mar 29, 2005
i loved this story. Seems so much more 'realistic' then some of the other stories i have read lately. Love how strict, yet caring and compassionate He is. Hope you continue on with the story. (8/10)
Replied by: lollyfidy65 (Edit) (Mar 29, 2005)
Thank you for the comments! It is my goal to write something realistic, and I'm thrilled to know at least one person thought it was! As for continuing, Chapter 2 is well underway!

Reviewer: spandexbound (Edit) Rating: Mar 26, 2005
Good editing and pace to the story, but the aspect that stands out is how the imagery really paints the scene well for the reader.
The story is very enjoyable, especially for those who enjoy strict but affectionate bdsm. (8/10)
Replied by: lollyfidy65 (Edit) (Mar 26, 2005)
Thank you for the review! It was my hope, in writing, to capture readers using as many senses as possible. I'm very glad to know that, at least for some, it worked!

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Mar 25, 2005
Very nice. I hope that there will be more to come. (7/10)

Reviewer: Dancing Hateful Thin (Edit) Rating: Mar 24, 2005
There's a character on Macolm in the's...only - and he's always out of breath, and it takes him at least a second to get out each word. The story is good, but the ... replaces punctuation that would get across the pauses in the story much more effectively - commas, dashes, even periods. Beyond that, not bad. (6/10)
Replied by: lollyfidy65 (Edit) (Mar 25, 2005)
Thanks for the input! Working in management, I've learned that I'm never going to please everyone all the time. The beauty of writing within a free society is that each of us is able to write as we wish, a fact which becomes very apparent to anyone wandering through stories posted on this site! (And no worries...I do still have both my lungs!)

Reviewer: bisarah (Edit) Rating: Mar 24, 2005
Wow! I almost gave up on this one because it started to so slow, but it sure heated up!!! I guess I am a greedy one! Good writing. (9/10)
Replied by: lollyfidy65 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
Thanks for being patient!!...and for the positive feedback!

Reviewer: edarcy (Edit) Rating: Mar 24, 2005
I understand the deprivation sensation but why does he have to try to make it as though it was for secrecy. Seems redundant or worse yet distracting. (8/10)
Replied by: lollyfidy65 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
In this story, the woman has been (apparently) kidnapped...obviously intended to indicate a fantasy that she has. Kidnap victims are typically held secretly...that sense of isolation and helplessness being part of the thrill for the person living out the fantasy. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough in my writing.

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2005
Very well done. Thanks for sharing the fantasy. (9/10)
Replied by: lollyfidy65 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
Thank you for the feedback! I've pondered over submitting my writing for some time. Getting positive feedback to the first chapter encourages me to finish the second!

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