Novice Slaveowner
Author: Marshall Wade
(Added on Apr 1, 2005)
(This month 96381 readers) (Total 128472 readers) |
You move abroad, suddenly become the owner of three fellow human beings - and then what? |
Ratings and Reviews: |
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Average (?): (8.5/10) |
Rating: (9/10) |
Rating: (10/10) |
Rating: (5/10) |
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Sep 1, 2005 |
A slave story with real life characters. People who might actually exist, given the circumstances. Beautiful! And this slavegirl, who, in competition with her own brother, lures their, presumably, gay master into her net! (10/10)
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Aug 28, 2005 |
Enjoyed this story very much, thanks to Mr. Wade. It had just the feel that I wanted at this time. Some BDSM stories have just have too much punishment for my tastes(usually!). This story had at least some feeling! Thanks again. (10/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Aug 28, 2005)
- And 'Thank you'.
If you should care to read (an)other of my stories, I would greatly appreciate reading you opinion. Yours sincerely Marshall Wade
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Jun 7, 2005 |
Gratitude! Isn't it a wonderfully heady drug? The gratitude of slaves who totally depend on your will? To produce gratitude in a story, just make sure the slaves are fully aware that their lot could be much, much worse. 'Novice Slaveowner' offers a broad spectrum. Vindictive abuse, opulent luxury of domestic service, the pragmatic and delightfully hedonistic Jane Thompson variety. The only story elements I find tiresome are those when the protagonist attempts to pretend that his slaves are not really slaves; such denial manoeuvres make him appear hypocritical. I love the sex scenes with Tim, Fred, Steve. The internal dilemmas and choices of an innately dominant, sadistic character who is offered nonconsensual submission on a plate make interesting story material. And how about introducing, in some story in the future, a male slave who is terrified of the prospects of his enslaved state? (8/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Jun 20, 2005)
- Dear Ranai,
Thank you for a serious approach to my story. I don't quite understand why you find 'the protagonist' 'hypocritical'. As you say: "The internal dilemmas and choices of an innately dominant, sadistic character who is offered nonconsensual submission on a plate make interesting story material". What I try to describe is exactly such a character: A potentially sadistic monster, who basically is a decent person and therefore torn between the demands of his guts and his upbringing. When rereading the story, I still find that the master as well as his slaves are handling a difficult situation rather well. Yours Marshall Wade
Andrea Hesel
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Apr 19, 2005 |
I simply loved the story! I had several times tears in my eyes. Well, I am a slave TV gurl myself and I would be more than happy to submitt to a master as described in this story. Kiss Andrea (10/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- Thank you very much, Andrea.
Have you read my other stories? And, in case you have, what is your opinion of the masters in 'A Favour for a Friend' and 'Treasure Island'? You may reply to marshallwade2001@yahoo.co.uk Yours Marshall Wade
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Apr 6, 2005 |
I agree with my fellow reviewer on the fact that the null characters made it difficult to read. I personally stopped reading before the end of chapter 1 because of them. (5/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- I cannot but agree with you that the technical errors were annoying, to say the least, and I complained to the webmaster as soon as I saw the first two parts of my story publsihed at the site,
These errors had been corrected when part three and four were published. You may try reading the story anew - hopefully able to direct your criticism at the actual text, not its appearance on the site - of which the webmaster - not the writer - is responsible. Yours Marshall Wade
David Taylor
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Apr 5, 2005 |
I love where the author is going with this story. The idea of slaves not enjoying punishment but somehow willing to submit is, in my mind, nearly perfect. I'm hoping to see more of the male slaves tortured. (9/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- Thank you, David.
The main theme of my stories, or fantasies, is the interaction between people, who by circumstances beyond their control are thrown into different roles, are suddenly superior or inferior, masters and slaves - and in spite of that able to retain human integrity, dignity, and decency - yet still fulfill their own fantasies, be that as masters or slaves. Yours Marshall Wade
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Apr 3, 2005 |
Really enjoyed it. Again the null character mafe it difficult to read (9/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- Thank you.
I regret, but accept no responsibility for purely technical errors. Yours Marshall Wade
Dancing Hateful Thin
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Apr 2, 2005 |
It's a great story - but yeah, the null characters throughout made it very, very difficult to read. If you could convert it an .rtf format, then put it into the submission box, then it'd be a lot more effective. (7/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- Thank you, but if it is so great why give it a lower rating because of technical errors for which solely the webmaster is responsible?
I actually did send it twice, pasting a perfectly ordinary Word format into the box, and at the same time and in the same format as an e-mail. I cannot know what went wrong when the first two parts were published initially, only note that the technical errors had been corrected at the next installment. Yours Marshall Wade
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Apr 2, 2005 |
(This review is ignored in calculating the rating of this story!) ARRGHHHHHHHH!!!!! What the heck were those odd characters throughout the story? Did you perhaps try to convert to from one word processing program to another? Or from one language to another? It was so distracting that I could not get past the first chapter. Also, paragraphs ... read up on them, there are rules about what constitutes them! (2/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- Thank you for at least trying to read the story.
Perhaps you in the future should contemplate refraining from 'reviewing' a story if you are unable to concentrate on the actual text because technical errors, of which solely the webmaster is and can be responsible, annoy you. It is of course regrettable if my paragraphing is not to your liking, but to begin every paragraph of speech with: A said: ****, or ****, said B, is so tedious for the writer - and in my opinion, for the reader as well. Yours Marshall Wade
- Replied by:
(Edit) (Jul 17, 2005)
- bisarah: The odd characters are from some technical problem. This is not the author's fault. Now the problem is fixed. If you please rewrite your review based on the story content, your review score will be counted toward the average rating of this story. Thank you.
La Toya
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Rating: |
Apr 2, 2005 |
Very well done story. I look forward to more chapters. (9/10)
- Replied by:
Marshall Wade
(Edit) (Apr 20, 2005)
- Thank you.
I do hope that the following parts - and the finished story - were not too disappointing, Yours Marshall Wade