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The Performers - Organization Series Author: slave ruthie
(Added on Jun 7, 2005) (This month 77206 readers) (Total 101894 readers)
This is part of the Organization Series - it follows "The House of Ali" and "V is for Victim"

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Sep 21, 2005
You must be a professional writer or a fanatic for writing an absolutely good story with all the elements, style, etc. that publishers look for.
Favorite things I like about your story
1. characters and how you make them come alive with words
2. although there was a lot of narrative, I think it was important for this novelette
3. each chapter made the reader want to continue reading, immediately, a real page turner
4. anyone who gave you less than 10 should go suck raw eggs
5. will you edit my stories?
What the hell are you waiting for. Go, girl...
Many thanks for the enjoyment you provided in the reading your work.
Your master should give you a lot of discipline for this. (wink and smile)
Song playing in the background:
Rolling Stones, "Under My Thumb"
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Sep 25, 2005)
LOL - umm, i must be a fanatic i guess! thankyou sovery much for your generous review :)
i asked my Master to play the "Under My Thumb" track and He laughed and i listened and found the lyrics...
"It's down to me, yes it is
The way she does just what she's told
Down to me, the change has come
She's under my thumb
Ah, ah, say it's alright"

Reviewer: pejanon (Edit) Rating: Aug 4, 2005
When I fond out there is a 'bridge' story between V and 2nd Chance I was delighted. It IS a good story, all the necessary ingredients are there but ...
There is distinct sense of déjà vu, of travelling down the well trodden path. I know this sort of thing is going on all the time in Org dungeons, but do we have to follow it again and again and agai I hope this will move off in more interesting direction.
09/03/05 Please do not write for anyonimuos readers sitting in the dark in front of thire monitors and, ahem, you know ...
If it does not work for you (and the people you want to please) it won't work for anybody!
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Aug 4, 2005)
i wrote this one soem time is here to bridge, yes and i confess i felt i had to post SOEMTHING for atonement because of the delay in putting more chapters in for EWD
perhaps it shows the difference i feel in writing now - i sort of avoided the emotional and tried to write more physical BDSM becasue (please don't laugh) i umm thought it would be too boring for the male readers. i really really struggle to put myself in the position of the Male Dominant in a story and without tremendous guidance from my own Beloved Master, and other wonderful r/l Doms such as Master Gary Roberts (His site is i wouldn't feel able to do much more than write Alexa's side all the time...
so i appreciate your feedback and think your 8/10 is very generous indeed!

Reviewer: Lord Douche (Edit) Rating: Jun 17, 2005
Great writing as always, Ruthie :) I don't usually like violent stories, but you have a nice mix of characters who care, and those who are just plain nasty!
I look forward to some more chapters of this. The first book was one of my favourites, and I'm interested to see how this one flows on from it!
LD (9/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 18, 2005)
WOW! You are so kind to a lowly slave, my Lord Douche! i'm hoping to weave this thread into the Tapestry that the Organization Series has become (lol - it was only supposed to be a single short story!)
i hope You are keeping the Library tidy - or shall i coem back and give it another 'clean'???
love & respect

Reviewer: rayhobby (Edit) Rating: Jun 17, 2005
Good punishments (8/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 18, 2005)
thank you very much, rayhobby :)
i had a lot of fun dreaming up the punishments too ;)
love & respect

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Jun 10, 2005
Another superb Slave Ruthie story, built on the "Organization" framework. Creative and compelling, it keeps you working your way onwards through the story, pleased with every twist and turn.
Thanks again for many pleasurable hours of reading, and for sharing your talent. (10/10)
Replied by: slave ruthie (Edit) (Jun 11, 2005)
thank You!!!
You are very kind in Your comments and it is so nice to know that R/readers take an interest in a writer's efforts :)

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