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My Anaconda Author: counterparts199
(Added on Jul 7, 2005) (This month 54606 readers) (Total 69776 readers)
A female scientist is on an Amazon search for the world's largest anaconda, employing a male guide.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: Tavy (Edit) Rating: Oct 25, 2011
I was a bit put off at the start by some apparent typo errors, But the rest of the story wasn‘t as bad. Very unusual story which I found quite fascinating. I don‘t like stories told go the first person as the victim dies but I'm this case the apparent incongrugity is to some extent resolved at the end.

Reviewer: Spitman (Edit) Rating: May 18, 2006
This story was originally posted by joannak several years ago. I acquired it in early 1999. Sometimes an author will change his/her pen name, but otherwise this is pure plagiary. (4/10)
Replied by: Rabbit1 (Edit) (May 23, 2006)
As a matter of fact this author did post under that name ---so I would be careful when I talked about plagiary ----so if you think a story was stolen please send me the complain do not accuse someone unless you know what the devil you are talking about
I do check all complaints of stolen work ---and I did check this one out ----and the author proved to me he posted under several names ----

Reviewer: Samantha (Edit) Rating: Jul 23, 2005
Although I didn't find the story concept erotic, I did find it extremely fascinating. I would never have guessed the outcome. I thought the detail given with regards to the biololgical side of things was extremely well done. Although the story line was not in itself my thing, I do believe it would be an enjoyable read for those who are. One element that did break my concentration while reading was the typing errors. If this was meant to be a first draft, then OK. Sorry to have raised the issue. Do you have plans for a follow on from the ending of this story? I am sure that would be a great read also. Well done and thank you for sharing your creativity.

Reviewer: Dododecapod (Edit) Rating: Jul 22, 2005
Odd one, this. Not so hugely erotic, but interesting, well crafted, and a pleasure to read. I have to admit I was hoping for her gambit with the hose to succeed, but this ending is just as good, and probably more realistic.
A couple of places where you could have used better editing. Am I correct in believeing you used a computer spellchecker? Those won't get cases of using the wrong word, or a homonym. You do need to manually edit.
A good piece. (9/10)

Reviewer: kinkiminx (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2005
A very unusual story. Although the idea of being eaten by an anaconda probably wouldn't be my thing (!) LOL I have to give this one a 9 because I don't think I've read very many that match up to this in originality. The way that the story unfolds is excellent, when I'm reading something I always get an idea about what might happen next but this time I was completely wrong every time, which is something that always helps to make a great story. You seem to know a lot about anacondas! I also like the realism in the character as she's eaten, as rob.wilson's review explained! ...of course she isn't having screaming orgasms, but what about Paulo? :) (9/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Jul 8, 2005
I can only recall one story that can come even close to this as far as the method for snuffing the heroine, which impresses me no end. This reader found the writing to be very good and exceptionally descriptive. I am however disappointed the author has joined the ranks of those addicted to spell check and all its inanities. Gaffes such as "horse" for "hoarse" and the like, stand out even more horribly when the background is such excellent writing. I found the ending to be quite satisfactory, but that is one reviwer's opinion, nothing more. (9/10)

Reviewer: rob.wilson (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2005
Very nice story, often these type of stories are filled with the woman screaming as orgasm after orgasm racks her body. LOL, nice to see a story where she is fighting for her life and is the unwilling victem.
You either know your snakes or did some serious research for the story.
The ending however seemed a bit tacked on to me, and was the only reason this story did not earn a higher ranking.

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