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Like Mother, Like Daughter Author: Dom Master
(Added on Dec 17, 2005) (This month 279062 readers) (Total 459818 readers)
Carla’s heart raced at the realization that her little baby girl was about to be forced to suck off this brutal man. In her mind’s eye, she could see her young mouth stretch open to accommodate the foul intruder. She had performed oral sex herself a couple of times, but did not care for it; there was always a musky smell that just seemed too perverted. And now her little girl was experiencing that aroma first hand.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 11
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Oct 14, 2007
i realy enjoyed the story and hope you add more, my only concern is the spacing, you have alot of "negative" open space in paragraphs and chapters, would love to see more writing and less open space
Had to make it a 10 (10/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Dec 22, 2005)
Thanks mkemse. I plan to take them through the full range of each of the 8 orders, which should expand the story immensely. I don't know what happened to the paragraph spacing, and I also noticed there aren't separate chapters - it's either the new admin or some new app they're using.

Reviewer: azrlg17 (Edit) Rating: Aug 20, 2007
Hot stuff, good sex. The author has a real gift in describing forced blowjobs :-). I would have liked a bit more fight in his victims.
And a bit more realism in the story. It went too far.
The abduction works maybe a few times but the way he does it shows him to be a rank amateur not a pro. He gives his victims chance after chance to get help and relies only on their fear to keep them in check. This may work after a couple of years or maybe months of captivity but not after a day or even less.
He has just too many people know about his business to keep it a secret.
He hunts where he lives not someplace else.
These are all mistakes you can make if you take just one or two victims but not if it's your job.
Also the part with the gang rape and the audience was too much for me. Someone of those 50 people will get in trouble with the law because of something unrelated and offer a deal.
I didn't like the last scene with Shelly at all. Neither the capture where his original slaves had the chance of a lifetime to escape nor the sex.
The story misses snuff, slavery and F/f labels.
If it would have stopped earlier (near the end of chapter 9) I would have given the story a higher rating but the author suffered from the "got to top the last scene" syndrome after that.
Good grammar and spelling (7/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Aug 25, 2007)
I think you might be expecting way too much from a fantasy story. Since I'm not an actual rapist, I felt I could take some creative liberties. byw - there is definatly no SNUFF in this story! it's also not a huge concern of mine to capture every label I could apply to it.
Thanks for the feedback.

Reviewer: Rocky (Edit) Rating: Jun 22, 2006
The writing itself is worthy of a higher score than a 7, but the fact that you're appending the original text with new chapers, rather than uploading the chapters individually, is really turning me off. I would prefer to open the latest chapter and begin reading where I left off, rather than having to scroll through an entire story and try to figure out what I haven't read. (7/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Jun 23, 2006)
Unfortunately, Rocky, that's not my doing. Please send a note to the web master. If you notice too, the number of readers per month never gets reset.
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Jul 5, 2006)
The story should be presented as separate chapters soon. Thanks for the input.

Reviewer: Sonia_Masters (Edit) Rating: Jun 10, 2006
Loved the forced blowjob while the bastard was driving...look forward to more forced incest from the mum and daughter....soooo hot! (9/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Jun 23, 2006)
I'm glad you liked the forced blowjob, Sonia, and there's alot more where that came from ,)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Jul 5, 2006)

Reviewer: Dee Driscoll (Edit) Rating: May 12, 2006
I have to praise the imagination of the author. The story so far contains a long list od different and interesting kinks, methods of rape, restraint, humiliation and all. Something for everyone I guess. The matter-of-fact description style helps render the proceedings in a pleasingly understandable way even for those among us, like me, who have to read this in a foreign language.
But a relatively low mark I am giving to the story is due to the relative neglect of other features that I tend to find essential for good reading (porn or not).
The believability and characterisation. OK, I know most people read this just because of the 'action' but it would go a long way towards reaching immersion that would turn this into a great story rather than an amusing shopping list of perversions, if there was more of a 'realistic' feel to situations and characters. As it is, the characters are paper-thin. The Joe character is almost nothing more than a vehicle to introduce different methods of torture. Psychologically/ symbolically speaking he is almost completely boring. There's nothing about him that makes him interesting outside of the fact that his name pops up in the same paragraphs as do the descriptions of some vile sexual acts. I felt somewhat disappointed as the beginning of the story suggested more depth to the character, some back story, motivation, personality etc. None of it is delivered. OK, perhaps it's just me hoping to read about a regular guy turning a sadistic monster or maybe a strong silent type turning a sadistic artist. But Joe is none of any of these things. He just happens to not have any work to do, has a cabin somewhere with CCTV and custom made stainless steel cages and has aquintances somewhere that allow him to gather a crowd of fifty to pay to see a 12-strong gangbang of a mother and a daughter. All of this is just magically pulled out of the hat and deadpanned, without consequences to the rest of the story, character or anything really. We are not talking about a real person or a real world. And sure as hell, we are not talking some Kafka-style unreal person in an unreal world because symbolicism in this story doesn't really strive for anything more ambitious than 'pissing into a young girl's mouth while her mother gives her a rimjob is kinky'. There are tiny attempts to paint Joe a bit (a tiny bit) deeper whatwith the namedropping of TV shows etc. but I'd have liked this to be more fleshed out and used better.
Likewise, the mother and daughter thing is played almost exclusively on the most obvious, um, even superficial level. I mean, the kinky symbolicism is there of course and it works but as far as believability/ psychology go, they are severely underdeveloped. I mean, the author actually has some great ideas to force his victim characters to accept what's happening to them and participate willingly, but he pays very little attention to the psychological connotations. And for me, good rape/ humiliation stories play this card with much care. Both women accept the situations and events with little to no impact on their minds/ souls. The story claims there is impact but the reader doesn't get to see it. There are mentions of 'poor girl', 'losing sanity' and 'depest humiliation' but these concepts are listed rather than communicated. I, as a reader, don't feel enough of an attachment either to the torturer or to the victims and it seriously hampers my reading experience.
Now, if it seems that I have spent MUCH more time criticising the story than praising its good points, it's because I feel it actually has great potential with its imaginative setting/ kinks, but to reach its full glory needs some serious work in the characterisation/ psychological department. The clean, simple language is nice. (7/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (May 12, 2006)
Dee - I would like to thank you for taking the time to present such a thorough review. Had this been a literature assignment, your criticisms would be taken to heart. I do appreciate that some are drawn to stories that build deep characters and extensive plots, but I don’t happen to be one of those – I just want to get into the action because I don’t have time to read a novel. For most men, the fast forward button skips past all the bullshit story line. My goal is to present interesting scenarios in as believable a context as I can, without requiring the reader to wade through pages of buildup. I realize that approach will leave some of you wanting more.

Reviewer: mmr253 (Edit) Rating: May 2, 2006
Fantastic story, total humiliation. Very imaginative scenarios. Look forward to more (9/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (May 2, 2006)
There is more to come. Thanks for reading the story, and I'm glad you liked it.

Reviewer: MasterBlue (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2006
Well written and Kinky. (9/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (May 2, 2006)
Thanks for your input. Kinky is good!

Reviewer: bigcat (Edit) Rating: Apr 17, 2006
Wow. That is a wild, wild trip. Rape and forced severe submission not usually my thing, but this is so well done, so over-the-top, it demands attention. And you got it. Look forward to whatever comes next. Can't imagine it. (9/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Apr 20, 2006)
I'm working on it. I believe Joe is about to take them much furthur into a world of submission, and they are going to learn first hand what the true meaning of being a submissive is all about; it could prove to be very painfull. Should have more soon!
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (May 12, 2006)

Reviewer: laursie (Edit) Rating: Apr 11, 2006
I really enjoyed reading this story. It is very descriptive which I love. You can feel the pain, helplessness and utter humiliation these two ladies are feeling. I can't wait to read more from you. (9/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Apr 20, 2006)
Thank you. It's nice to know there are others out there as twisted as I am. I only wish this could have been written from an actual experience, but it is fantasy after all...
Replied by: laursie (Edit) (May 4, 2006)
yes a very erotic fantasy even from the victims end if you are into that. Keep the stories coming.

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Apr 8, 2006
Good sexy story. I enjoyed it. (8/10)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Apr 20, 2006)
Thanks for reviewing my story.

Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Dec 22, 2005
Thank you for another ride through the caverns of your mind. (grin) This type of writing seems well suited for bringing out the worst of the nasty tails you tell. The beginning of the story grabbed this reader by the short hairs, (if I had any,) and away we went. By the way, I like the spacing you used between the paragraphs. It makes it easier on the eyes to read. Large blocks of text usually make me want to skip reading the story. All the words start to blurr together. Thanks for bringing that up Mkemse. It's is another thing I can give my opinion on. (ROLF)
Replied by: DomMaster (Edit) (Dec 25, 2005)
nikita - glad to have you along for the perverted ride into depravity; it's encouragement from the other twisted minds out there that make the trip so enjoyable. I hope to take these two much further in the very near future.

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