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Monarch of the Glen Author: Eve Adorer
(Added on Jan 4, 2006) (This month 52567 readers) (Total 63185 readers)
In this short story, Scot’s lassie Rein McCervidae, returns to nature at a hidden behest, wandering free till she finds herself on the boundary where nature and civilisation meet.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: rilawild (Edit) Rating: Dec 30, 2006
I was disappointed when I'd read through the story only to find an unpleasant ending. The story codes should include 'snuff' and 'violent'.
Eve's style is unique and interesting though difficult to read through at times.
It had enough erotic potential to keep me reading but it was never fulfilled. After a long long build up the finale seemed to be extremely rushed (and completely not to my liking). I would have expected a longer chase. (5/10)

Reviewer: C_Lakewood (Edit) Rating: Jan 10, 2006
In contrast to the previous reviewer, I found
this story to be unbearably pretentious and
jittery, excruciatingly long, and, ultimately,
pointless. Its phrasing is particularly
annoying, sacrificing clarity (indeed, basic
readability) for what I suppose is some New Age
notion of high style. (4/10)
Replied by: JimmyJump (Edit) (Apr 6, 2006)
I'm not quite sure we're reviewing the same story here...
I fear we caught you on a bad day, my good C_Lakewood...
About the pointlessness of the story; aren't they all pointless..?
The only point a story has, is to entertain those who read it...
Or did you mean "pointe"..?
Replied by: Eve Adorer (Edit) (Apr 11, 2007)
I have just discovered this Lakewood review, and it has proved the final straw. (See my review of Lakewood’s story: ‘A Dog’s Life’).
One thing Lakewood’s insulting responses to my stories has probably achieved, is to make me appear unable to take a bad review. However, that I have, so far, refrained from responding to more than one of Lakewood’s stories in kind, will, I hope, have redressed that point. As further redress, it can also be noted that I have only ever objected to one reviewer. And, if I am on the receiving end of any more of Lakewood’s arrogance, I will exact an eye for an eye on more of Lakewood’s stories.
If you are going to indulge the infuriating presumption of a Lakewood review, you are wise to have a sound foundation. But the strength of the ivory tower from which Lakewood condescends to preach the gospel of good writing to everyone on this site, exists only in Lakewood’s imagination.
I have just wasted 20-minutes of my life reading Lakewood’s highest rated story: ‘A Dog’s Life’. Mercifully, it is as brief as it is pedestrian predictable and tedious. If ‘A Dog’s Life’ is the best of Lakewood, and a source of Lakewood’s self-righteous self-centred insufferability, then Lakewood has a problem I fear. The ‘medicine’ for that can only be an honest assessment of Lakewood’s stories. I presently owe Lakewood two further ‘doses’ of that ‘cure’, and am ready to deliver the next at any time Lakewood again asks for it.…
[PS:- Some who would also wish to respond to Lakewood’s misplaced arrogance, have found a problem locating his entries on this site. The tip is to do an ‘Author’ search for C_Lakewood remembering to include the quirky underlining only between the ‘C’ and ‘L’. Tallyho!! Good luck and good hunting!!]

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 8, 2006
Another fine example of Erotic Literature at its best... A combination of a wickedly vivid imagination, a use of Shakespeare's language in such a deliciously twisted way, together with the profuse use of metaphores, aliterations and meaningless words that mean all the world and give the story meaning (you know what I mean), make for some flabbergasting reading...
I sure am glad I stumbled accross the undisputable talents of Eve Adorer..
My sincere thanks for your contribution(s) and let my wish you a fruitfull and imaginative 2006
JJ (10/10)

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