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Toys... Author: Nikita
(Added on Jan 11, 2006) (This month 57309 readers) (Total 70187 readers)
Kymber violates the \'no cumming without permission\' rule laid out by Michael. The consequences are humiliating and exacting.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 14% 43% 43%
Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 28, 2009
I'm of the persuation that Nikita is a surgeon. A brainsurgeon, to be precise. Lifted many a top and peered inside. Seen how things work in that grey mass and used that knowledge to get inside everybody's brain through words.
The couple of stories from herhand I've read so far, are a pure delight. Nikita knows people. Knows how they react, how they talk, knows how in certain cases a girl means "yes" when she says "no".
But I guess that in the first place, Nikita knows herself. Because that's the first step, selfknowledge.
Nikita just became a skin surgeon, too. Cuz she just got under mine.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: Sextoymaker (Edit) Rating: Mar 29, 2008
Enjoyed it quite completely! (9/10)

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2006
Nice detailed description. Good mix of pain and pleasure. Rather realistic approach. (9/10)
Replied by: nikita (Edit) (Oct 19, 2006)
Thank you jip. It is feedback like yours that keeps me going.

Reviewer: Primus_Pilus (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2006
Lovely tale (hehe) of sex and power. Delicious! (8/10)
Replied by: nikita (Edit) (Mar 7, 2006)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the review.

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Mar 6, 2006
Another beautiful Nikita tale, mistressfully told. You tell wonderful stories, Ma'am. And as long as you write them, I'll keep reading them. (10/10)

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2006
well writen and imaginative, humiliation never felt so good both in the giving and recieving end. Think I'll change my name to Michael (10/10)
Replied by: chksng19 (Edit) (Mar 6, 2006)
**snort of laughter**

Reviewer: fantazmaster (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2006
One of the more realisticly written humiliation themes I have read over the years.Very well written and nicely detailed as the tension between the two characters builds.The author has left the door open for more...lots more,which I hope to see soon. (9/10)
Replied by: nikita (Edit) (Jan 17, 2006)
Thank you fzm. I hope your great review doesn't get lost around here. *wink And, there will be more...lots more.

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