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The Daddy Room Author: FurryFury
(Added on Jan 14, 2006) (This month 51412 readers) (Total 68559 readers)

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: fantazmaster (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2006
A very well written work indeed as the writer is finally able to put her most inner thoughts in writing.
The dominants in this story are "faceless" by virtue of the masks and this makes for a very powerful theme of omnipotent,but anonymous contrl.A control in which the author has no means of redress to escape or alter.Her only certainty in this enviroment is the uncertainty of what is next and that whatever is demanded of her she must comply.
Furryfury,I hope there are more rooms coming in this series! (9/10)
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 20, 2006)
Thank you Fantazmaster!
You and others "made" me submit this story and I'm so glad! *smiles*
Oh and there are more rooms!
I think one reason why they are faceless is because this was about my desire to submit but I had no one person in mind to submit to. It's about the struggle to do that which I deeply desire. I find that part of it fascinating.
When I wrote this I was perhaps in a "sub frenzy" and had been for a while obsessed with spanking but had never experienced it or anal.
Now that I have I can say both are better in reality to me than they were in this fantasy.
Thanks for your encouragement and review!

Reviewer: esp_166 (Edit) Rating: Jan 19, 2006
You man not be able to visualise the man but from someone who's fantasies tend to the dark and brutal you hit the spot. Initially a bit wary because of the title. Neither incest nor underage sex particularly interest me. However a very good story and amazingly good for a 1st one. Caught the tension and internal conflicts of the slave very well, especially as she adjusts to her new environment. Hope to see many more.
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 19, 2006)
Thanks Dave!
I am so glad you enjoyed the story. It was a very strong fantasy of mine helping me come for many years.
To me the very best part of most BDSM stories is that internal conflict. I just really love that part. I'm glad you think I captured it well.

Reviewer: LittleRedhead (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2006
Wonderful. Very hot!
I love that it is only your point of view and the man is just a masked figure. Nameless yet completely dominant.
Please tell us more of your fantasies, even the dark ones. ;-)
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 17, 2006)
Thanks Mandy!
I can't write the male. You know why? I don't know him, or understand what drives him well enough.
For me the "whole show," is the girl and she is me.
I have already submitted another story and hopefully it will be accepted soon.
Thanks for writing!

Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2006
Great first story. It is very hard to write in first person and you did this very well. This reader lived it in her mind. Cathartic. (8/10)
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 17, 2006)
Thank you Nikita!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. *smiles* It makes me very happy when you do.

Reviewer: Rabbit1 (Edit) Rating: Jan 16, 2006
Great start for a first story ---I am looking forward to reading many more in the furture .
I highly recomend this story (9/10)
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 16, 2006)
Thank you Rabbit1!
I'm happy to be here sharing stories with anyone who wishes to read them.

Reviewer: FurryFury (Edit) Rating: Jan 15, 2006
Hi Romy!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! If I remember correctly you do like darker and rougher things. *smiles* This is my first "story" to be put into a story site.
Thanks for taking the time to review it and so generously!
Fury (8/10)
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 16, 2006)
Dang it I should not have done this to simply reply. I didn't understand that till now.

Reviewer: Romy (Edit) Rating: Jan 14, 2006
Hey FurryFury. I see you posting on Lit. I read there but rarely post now. I really liked your story. It was very sweet and sexy. To be honest I only read it because it was you and I love your posts on Lit but I'm glad I did. My taste is rather more heavy in content.
Romy x (10/10)
Replied by: FurryFury (Edit) (Jan 16, 2006)
I just figured out the right way to reply to a review, silly me.
*hugs to you Romy!*

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