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Little Flower Author: Still Behind Blue Eyes ( Sbbe)
(Added on Jan 17, 2006) (This month 56399 readers) (Total 70899 readers)

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 10
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) Rating: Jan 28, 2009
LOL it suprised me to see an email from here I thought everyone had forgotten my stories. I'm very glad you enjoyed them. Writing them does it for me and I don't plan on telling my shrink. Nuzzle (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 28, 2009
What did I like about this story?
Well, the fact it is extremely well written helps, of course.
But I thorougly enjoy stories where the female is made into an animal, without losing her human inner self. Where the 'pet' acts extremely thrilled, being able to nuzzle her owner, preening, mewling while rubbing herself against her owner's feet, legs, trembling with delight about her own position, revelling in her own degradation. That's what gets me to blow a fuse.
Just don't tell my shrink.
JJ (10/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jan 28, 2009)
LOL it suprised me to see an email from here I thought everyone had forgotten my stories. I'm very glad you enjoyed them. Writing them does it for me and I don't plan on telling my shrink. Nuzzle

Reviewer: Mistress M (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2006
I liked this story very much. Unusual characters and situations. I like the bisexual combinations and family style slave ownerships. I hope you continue more on this vein. It is clear you must write professionally. (10/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Sep 2, 2006)
Smiles you clearly know how to flater a sub, she says blushing. Thank you. I'm at the moment preparing to submit to agents again. Hopeful one will agree with you on my vanilla work.

Reviewer: frankee (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2006
OMG!! i absolutely LOVED this story. You had me feeling alot of emotions- anger, relief, sadness. i even cried, *sigh*.
Ok, that's all i'll say, or else i'l go on and on and spoil the story for someone else,lol.
Please, please, pleeeeeeeeease write another chapter to this great story. :) (10/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jul 13, 2006)
Giggle. Makes the writing worth it when you get feedback like this.

Reviewer: vip82004nz (Edit) Rating: Feb 19, 2006
I found the concept of pets and slaves very interesting. It was different from the normal BDSM faire. (9/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Feb 19, 2006)
Thank you very much. I strive to please. Smiling and looking down blushing. Specially a TM.

Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: Jan 26, 2006
This story was excellent. You did a great job is letting the readers know why the characters did what they did. I would have given it a 10 except for all the typos and misused words. For an example, "heal" meaning to cure is not the same as "heel" meaning to follow or the back of your foot. Also, "you're" is the contraction of you are, not "your" meaning belonging to. These may seem minor and petty to you, but they truly do distract the reader from the story. (9/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jan 27, 2006)
Glad you enjoyed the story. I will except an edited copy and give credit. Can't cause bug eye in my vanilla editor. :-)

Reviewer: Yessica (Edit) Rating: Jan 25, 2006
It was very good.. (8/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jan 25, 2006)
Thank you. Now someone tell me what they enjoyed :-)

Reviewer: petleah (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2006
Oh my god this is the most scintillating (and titillating) piece of work I've read in a very long time! Aside from writing about my favorite topics, it is extremely well written (excluding a few spelling/grammar mistakes) thoroughly thought out and the images you paint are crystal clear!
Brilliantly authored! I can only hope to see more of Little Flower and Cat soon!! (10/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jan 24, 2006)
Thank you so much!
Sorry about the errors tried to catch them but couldn't ask my 65 yr old mom to edit it. She edit's my vanilla work. I can just see her eyes as she read. LOL When I'm editing my own stuff I get to involved and forget to edit. :-)

Reviewer: chooky_104 (Edit) Rating: Jan 23, 2006
What a great story. I was captivated from the start. Well done. (10/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jan 23, 2006)
Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the other.

Reviewer: emmeylouise2006 (Edit) Rating: Jan 22, 2006
Excellent ~ Please write more, would love to read more about little flower. Keep it up ! (10/10)
Replied by: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) (Jan 22, 2006)
Thanks so much. I enjoyed writing Little Flower and Shauna. I hope more will get finished so I can post them.

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