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On the Table Author: Benfan
(Added on Jan 31, 2006) (This month 373477 readers) (Total 566349 readers)
A young woman wakes up in a strange clinic, where she learns she is to be converted into a living sex toy. Inspired by the art of Simon Benson.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: Denkira (Edit) Rating: Dec 23, 2014
very nice.The extreme mental conditioning seemed plausible the way the story progressed.The helplessness was very convinsing too (10/10)

Reviewer: MarginallyTruePig (Edit) Rating: May 9, 2012
Excellent story, I especially enjoyed the cold superiority of the doctor and the terrific images of the nurse slave and Deborah's slowly revealed transformations; the latter is what makes your story great, along with the inner struggle of Deborah. The fact that her (future) owner is never seen is a plus, I would have been fine with an ending of Jasmine going through the doors of the clinic, ultimately transformed and superficially content of her fate. I was less fond of the (currently) final chapter, with the appearance of a stereotypical violent bitch. I would have liked a bit more view of the crazy menagerie of transformed women which we only briefly saw in one chapter. And of course, I would have loved if you had furthered the story. (9/10)

Reviewer: delish (Edit) Rating: Apr 16, 2011
I read this story with fascination. It's not my fetish at all, and yet I had to know how it ended. That's a mark of a truly high quality composition. The attention to detail without becoming tedious is rare. The subject matter may not suit everyone, but it's pretty hard to deny that this is well written. (9/10)

Reviewer: SamCurious (Edit) Rating: Apr 6, 2011
Absolutely gripping. Shame it hasn't been updated in a while. (7/10)

Reviewer: redEva (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2011
Absolutely perfect, from the imagination in mods, to capturing the tortures of mind ... all i can say : MORE!!!!!!!!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: grinner666 (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2010
This is an amazing story. Though I'm not usually much into body modifications, the humiliations and mental torment "Jasmine" goes through make this story well worth the effort for ANYBODY who likes n/c and humiliation stories. I just hope the author continues it at some point; it's been three years now since it was last updated. (10/10)

Reviewer: bmtphoenix (Edit) Rating: Aug 10, 2007
AWESOME! More more please! :) (10/10)

Reviewer: dennisthmn (Edit) Rating: Nov 8, 2006
an excellent story, just what I like, are writting more chapters? please do. (10/10)

Reviewer: slaveanita (Edit) Rating: Oct 26, 2006
Just LOVED this! Possibly the most imaginative and extreme bodymod story I have read. You must finish her off ( and I'm not necessarliy talking snuff here! )
I'm giving you a 9/10 to encourage you to keep writing ;) (9/10)

Reviewer: cala (Edit) Rating: Sep 19, 2006
There's nothing left to say.. Every other reviewer has already commented on all the wonderful elements that make this story such an enjoyable read!
I dearly hope it will be continued. (9/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Oct 13, 2006)
Thanks for your very kind words, I'm glad you (and the other commentors) are enjoying the story. Unfortunately I've hit a bit of a writer's block with the next chapter - I still hope to finish the story eventually but am moving on to other projects for the moment.

Reviewer: Lady`Sapphire (Edit) Rating: Aug 14, 2006
Very impressive writing. I loved how Deborah came back after the second round of surgeries, and then how she was replaced once again with Jasmine. The characterizations are fabulous, and I'm desperately curious to know more about N and what he plans to do with Jasmine. Also, I feel so sorry for Jasmine, trying so hard to please Feng. The pacing is excellent. Everything about this story is incredible. I can't wait to read more. (10/10)

Reviewer: sac (Edit) Rating: Aug 8, 2006
The first chapters are amazing. Perfectly medically researched and realistic. In chapter 9 and 10 does not as much happen as in the earlier chapters. Please don´t continue like these cheapy I-stuff-the-cock-in-your-fuckhole-stories.
What about a few chapters about her daily routine within her masters house (and maybe a return to the clinic for warranty)?
However top story. (9/10)

Reviewer: littleone_ (Edit) Rating: Jul 23, 2006
I rarely give an author rating but Benfan has is on the verge of equaling professional writers and I had to give him a solid nine. He earned it in spades. As a real life female submissive and slave my focus is on how well an author can capture the mind of the female slave/submissive. Benfan as done that as well as any author I’ve read except for the famous Ann Rice in her Sleeping Beauty Trilogy. When jasmine said, “My name was Deborah” and her doctor said, “Yes, I know” I could feel her sorrow and despair. Her shock, her despair, her surrender but with still that lingering speck of longing for the girl who used be “Deborah” were so real it hurt at times to read this story.
The author also has the knack of ending one chapter in a way that makes you have to move right into the next one. His use semantics is almost equal to that of authors like Tom Wolf.
As the story line develops Benfan could work this way up a rating of a full ten depending on how he ties up a few lose ends like the purpose of some of the more destructive elements of body modification jasmine has endured such as the expansion of her vaginal cavity. But more importantly is that this story needs to continue. As a reader I need to find out what finally happens to her. What will her new life be like with her owner? What use will she be put to? How will she react to it? The story needs a finality for Deborah. Will she go totally insane? What is her future life to be and how will that effect her already precarious state of mind? I would even say it should continue until we know her end. Will Benfan’s foreshadowing of a short life for her be correct? More then most stories here this one both begs for and demands to be continued.
The pace is perfect and I am hoping the author has many more chapters to write before it does end as jasmines journey of body, mind, sprit and emotions should not be denied to those of us who can see themselves becoming Benfan fans.

Reviewer: Lydia (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2006
eine wirklich tolle Geschichte!
really a great story with many details and i´m curious what will happen next to Yasmine - a wonderful name for her! What will happen in the next operation? Will she die? I don´t hope so! But i´m in fear about her! sometimes I believed her new master may be horse? Or does her new master has horses and he wants to make a new creature: (10/10)

Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: Mar 17, 2006
My hand is over my mouth covering it!!! That poor girl! So far, so good ... interested to see where you take it though. And please, don't let her arms be gone!!!
Had to edit this to raise my score to a 10! This story just keeps getting better and better. You need to continue it. I want to know who her new Master is! (10/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Feb 10, 2006)
Thanks for the review! Sounds like you're enjoying OtT at least partly as a "horror" story, which is what's intended. Check out Pt 4 - our subject still has her arms. Kind of. ;)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Mar 17, 2006
A fine, believable start to a story about a large, well-financed organization. Good development, fine character responses, and just a whisper of mystery as to which direction the story is going.
Good work so far; please keep more coming! (9/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Feb 10, 2006)
Thanks for the encouragement!

Reviewer: Good_Grip (Edit) Rating: Mar 16, 2006
Great story BenFan. It was a little slow at the beginning, but the last few chapters were somkin'. I'm a Benson fan also so I kind of knew where it was going. I have hundreds of his drawings on my HD. Looking forward to more chapters. (9/10)

Reviewer: kimmi (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2006
Excellent story...can't wait for the next release. Combines horror with sexuality. It is fiction but the medical procedures seem possible. (10/10)

Reviewer: H Dean (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2006
So far, an excellent tale of unwilling modification. Well written and well thought out, the author has taken a tale of unlikely possibility and brought it into the realm of believability. I heartily look forward to his next installments.
**Not for Suspension - Decorative - that pushed it right over the edge. Not what I would have chosen to do but quite in line with the story. What a terrible turn of events. So, what's next?
**Edit:Well, I can't increase my review rating any higher but I can tell you that I am still enjoying this thoroughly. The ending of part 9 was quite good and I am looking forward to more. (10/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Feb 16, 2006)
Thanks for the comment. This is my first fully executed story so I'm glad to hear that it's getting better as the chapters go by. Sorry about the typo; I'll be more careful.
EDIT: The girl's voice uses "boobies," the narrator and doctor usually use "breasts" or "tit(tie)s." At least that's what I'm trying to do...will look at keeping it simpler.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Feb 16, 2006)
I attempted to send an e-mail before but it wouldn't go through. I reread your story, to see where the "titties" and "boobies" came into play. The "titties" was, in fact, her own musing. Though, it followed the doctor's comments and wasn't quite as clear as it could have been. Still, I should have seen that. The "boobies" came into play when she was watching the video and was a narative to what she was seeing.
Incidentally, I certainly do not wish to rain on your parade here. It is quite a good story and I am enjoying it thoroughly. It is similar to one that I have been trying (failing) to construct for about a year. As such, your tale is quite intriguing to me and I may be far more critical than intended. Forgive me if I am too "nitpicky" and please continue on, even if it means ignoring my comments.
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Mar 2, 2006)
I enjoy all comments, Dean. I never expected this story to grow as large as it has, or to get - wow - 36,000 readers. If I'd known I'd have tuned it up more carefully before posting. Now I'll just forge ahead, being more careful about details as I go forward, and maybe go back and improve the consistency of the early chapters later. Keep the comments coming, so far you've been 100% constructive and I enjoy it.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 17, 2006)
I am glad to see this story up and running again. It looks like you read my mind for one of your ideas - how I will get over it, I will never know. Keep it up, Benfan, I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: gideon (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2006

Reviewer: Thorn (Edit) Rating: Mar 14, 2006
I've been following this story, and I must say, it's very well done. Not hard to follow, very creative, and few errors. I'm enjoying reading the updates - just wanted to add my encouragement! (10/10)

Reviewer: CaCentralCoast (Edit) Rating: Mar 10, 2006
Wow! What a fantastic story! From nurse 12's alienlike mirrored eye coverings to the 'no support' on the arms I have been lead by the hand to actually be in the room...when I came across this site yesterday, and read your story, I thought it was too long...7 parts! After reading it through a 2nd time in the same day, I can only ask 'where is part 8?' I am glued to the screen. FANTASTIC! (9/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Mar 12, 2006)
Thanks! But, what do I have to do to earn a 10/10? Finish, I guess... ;)
Part 8 to be posted shortly. I try to get one chapter out per week.
Replied by: CaCentralCoast (Edit) (Mar 17, 2006)
Unfortunately, a 10/10 will come upon compleation...I want this story to end, and yet, at the same time, want it to go on forever...job well done!
Replied by: CaCentralCoast (Edit) (Apr 4, 2006)
How goes the writing?
Replied by: CaCentralCoast (Edit) (Apr 28, 2006)
Please! We need another chapter!

Reviewer: hoohah (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2006
Shivers & shudders galore. A true tale of horror and terror. Not my usual cup o' tea, but I have found it strangely compelling -- I simply MUST keep reading. Allow me to add my soto voce request that you keep climbing the stairs and story to the top of the tower, where that may be. (8/10)

Reviewer: Tasha (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2006
Excellent series...looking forward to future installments. (9/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Mar 8, 2006)
Thanks for your encouragement! If you have the time I'd enjoy hearing what in particular you enjoy most about the story.

Reviewer: teamster (Edit) Rating: Feb 27, 2006
interesting beginning... i wonder what they have planned for her nether regions. surely with your imagination you can come up with something unusual. (9/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Mar 8, 2006)
Glad you're enjoying it. Hope future installments satisfy. ;)

Reviewer: J's blu (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2006
i was recommended this story by H.Dean, and i must say i agree with Him. this story is developing nicely. the medical procedures are, to a non professional, beleivable (within the bounds of BDSM fantasy) the characters are developing, the emotion is there, the possability of many different story lines.
i like it. write on Sir. (8/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Mar 8, 2006)
Thanks for the encouragement. You're right, the medical procedures and jargon are made to fit the fantasy, not intended as a textbook. :) Hope you enjoy future installments as our heroine continues her transformation.
Replied by: J's blu (Edit) (Jul 16, 2006)
welcome return Sir, most welcome. i really like the way You keep her coming back to herself, only to have to become jasmine again. and i must say i am really hanging out to meet the Owner! Twisted man he is.

Reviewer: laursie (Edit) Rating: Feb 13, 2006
Very strange story but interesting none the less. I liked it. A very good imagination behind it. I cant wait to read more from you. (8/10)

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Feb 6, 2006
not quite sure, but a 6 to start with (6/10)

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Feb 1, 2006
I will wait to see were you go with this story before I increase my rating (7/10)

Reviewer: Dick the Slaver (Edit) Rating: Feb 1, 2006
A very good read. Please post more chapters in the near future (7/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 31, 2006
not bady, a tiny bt unrealistic but a good story and good read (8/10)

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