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Missy’s Misfortune Author: Missy & Ashtree
(Added on Feb 5, 2006) (This month 134750 readers) (Total 239461 readers)
A very shy, innocent young girl ask for help from her guidence counsellor. Instead, gets led to a unknown world of female slavery

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 11
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18% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 9% 27% 45%
Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
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Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Nov 21, 2014
(June 6 2010) I honestly wonder about the faculties of some people, like mkemske or the co-author, Ashtree, to not mention any names. I can understand they're a tad pissed-off because someone clearly has been leading them on (or so they think), but from there to rate a decent story with one point is over it. Personally, I don't give a flying fuck who or what missy is, it doesn't detract from the story. Besides, 0.1% uncertainty is, well, uncertain... although I can hardly refrain Ashtree from giving her/his own story a low rating. End rant.
"Missy's Misfortune" is an excellent tale, at least as good as PowerOne's "The Lesbian Rape Of Missy", except that PowerOne seems to have more eye for the body of a story, while Ashtree & Missy opt for a more sexual debauchery type of recounting. Works both ways, if you ask me. Even if you don't.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Dec 24, 2007
I changed my rating from 10 to a 1 due to "Missy's" arrogence in passing "Herself" off as someone she/he isn't, if they author can't be honest with her.hisrwadrrs, they are not worth my time to read, fantasy is one thing, lying and misleading readers is another (1/10)

Reviewer: subKatie69 (Edit) Rating: May 29, 2007
really do hope you guys finish this story
I think its one of the best stories of this type I have read on this site (9/10)

Reviewer: Ashtree (Edit) Rating: Jan 3, 2007
As the principal writer of this story I'd just like to make clear that I am now 99.9% certain that my co-author Missy is in fact a man rather than the female "she" pretended to be.
Accordingly I will no longer be contributing to this series, but would like to ask "Missy" just what she got out of pretending to be a young girl? (1/10)

Reviewer: azrlg17 (Edit) Rating: Nov 1, 2006
Insanely hot sex and finally an abduction that could actually work. Love how they take Missy.
But some of the other stuff the women talked about was a good way to get caught. Abduct a little girl in a mall? Smile you're on candid camera. A few years back two kids in Britain got caught like that. A mall probably has more cameras than a high security prison.
Don't report a child abuser getting to one of your pupils on a school trip? Insane risk you gamble it all on the girl never telling anyone.
I hated the part where they framed her dad. Sending him an email virus from the pta? If he is knowledgable about computers or if the defense hires a computer forensics expert that's a good way of getting caught.
And I don't understand why Missy kept quiet when the cop stopped the car. She rebelled often enough before or after. Her treatment wasn't very different whether she obeyed or not. She certainly wasn't broken (and if yes I want to read about that :->). The reasoning explained in the story doesn't sound like her to me. I think she would have jumped at every opportunity however small.
And the last scene where she obeyed the prosecuter to save her dad and sister? They told her before that her dad would get free so he could take the fall when they took her sister. That's not something you forget.
Oh and one favorite pet peeve of mine. When you pinch someone's nose shut you don't force them to open their mouth. Doesn't work. They pull their lips back and breathe happily through clenched teeth. (8/10)

Reviewer: missybeauty1985 (Edit) Rating: Oct 25, 2006
Hi all, this is a little note from the co-author of this great story, if you wanna get in touch w/ me, please contact me at my new email address those a$$holes at Yahoo deleted my account. and if Ashtree reads this, please email me!!!
Missy (10/10)

Reviewer: Aeneas (Edit) Rating: Sep 28, 2006
One of the finest stories of its' genre. Never has a young girl been so delightfully trapped and totally at the mercy of her owner and friends. The women seem to find more and more delicious ways to humiliate Missy as her training and her usefulness to her owner continue to grow. The authors firmly place us inside Missy's head to view each new surprise with "the bad dream" quality from which we know there will be no awakening. Oh, to be there and watch! Eagerly waiting for chapter 7 and beyond. (10/10)

Reviewer: mike uk reader (Edit) Rating: May 29, 2006
After just finished reading 4 amazing parts of this story about a young girls misfortune of falling into the hands of some very loverly sexually powerful women I find it almost impossible to praise this author enough.
There are now and again some gem's of thought out,well written works of erotic fiction on this story site which have the total ability of taking you for some moments into another world and having you wishing you could be there to gratify your own pleasures.
Whilst I appreciate the story may not appeal to some because there is no male involvement in Missy's plight into becoming an obedient sex slave -(NO MATTER I THINK I MIGHT HAVE BECOME A LESBIAN NOW)-
Seriously,My fingers are crossed that I can read more stories from this truly gifted author in the near future. Thanks again to you the author. (10/10)

Reviewer: Merlin99 (Edit) Rating: Mar 29, 2006
This is a GREAT story!
I'm waiting to
Please continue this exciting story!!! (10/10)
Replied by: missybeauty1985 (Edit) (May 24, 2006)
Chapter 4 just got posted. have fun!!!

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Feb 6, 2006
Great Start. I think we would all love to control a 15 yr old slave, if the law would allow it. (9/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Feb 6, 2006
A fine start. A little more view of the insides of slut's thinking would be nice. (9/10)

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