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Death wish Author: JIP
(Added on Feb 16, 2006) (This month 50625 readers) (Total 62497 readers)
So many horror stories about raped, tortured and killed girls and women. This time a serial killer will face private justice of parents who take revenge of their lost daughters. This time it is the predator who will suffer!

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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17% 0% 0% 0% 17% 0% 0% 50% 0% 17%
Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Nov 28, 2006
Not a review but a mathematical correction of a mad quote of a banned member bondage man69, who quoted nearly to everybody 1! (10/10)

Reviewer: bondage_man69 (Edit) Rating: May 12, 2006
poor attempt (1/10)

Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Apr 8, 2006
It was a very different story for me. I don't read this genre, but it was very good, kept my interest level, and a few times, surprised me with the twist. I understand the language issue. One of my writer friends has received the same critiques even though his story is very good. It is hard for the average reader to appreciate a story if they find one or two usage errors, but, most of us reviewers are writers, too. So, I wouldn't worry too much about the language crap. (8/10)
Replied by: jip (Edit) (Apr 30, 2006)
Nikita. many thanks for your review and your encouraging comments.

Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: Feb 19, 2006
This could have been a good story, but the poor grammar and typos made me stop reading about half-way through. It is possible that English is not your first language, but ... use spell check or grammar check to help you in your first draft. I think over in the forums there is a thread for people seeking editors. Look for one and redo this story properly. (5/10)
Replied by: jip (Edit) (Feb 20, 2006)
Thank you reviewing this story. Hope that the other 5212 readers did enjoy it. Fyi : Spell checker is ON in Word. So please blame Bill Gates. When I compare your reviews it seems you are an expert in "grammar". However before you throw the first stone to all who write stories here for fun, please publish first a story written by yourself in French for example.... Then we will talk later onwards.
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Feb 20, 2006)
If I HAD written a story in French using poor grammar and spelling, then anyone reading it would have the option to critisize me for doing so. However, I did not do that! And I find it odd that you would even say that.
A hint I give my students to help them with their essays is for them to read their work OUT LOUD to themselves. You would be amazed at how many errors--both in spelling and in grammer--that you can catch doing that.
Replied by: jip (Edit) (Feb 21, 2006)
Apparently you are a teacher, and you love to teach your law to everybody. The only thing you forget is that "Pour vous, les moyens dépassent le bût!". Le bût est d'écrire une histoire pour l'histoire et de ne pas participer à un concours littéraire! If I see that you were "unable" to read many other stories, I believe you should do something, because the illitrate, you pretend I am, was able to read them upto the end. I suspect that outside the English language, you do not even speak any other. I can assure you that I read, speak and write French, Dutch (our country is bilingual) and English (although your opinion) Further I speak (not without errors) and read German. I have good notions of Spanish. As I had a 2 years latin background, I can read and upto certain extend understand some Italian and Portuguese. Before you threat people as illiterates....
You know what we say in French "Le train de vos injures, roule sur les rails de mon indifférence pour s'arrêter dans la gare de mon mépris"
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Feb 22, 2006)
{{{rolls eyes and moves on}}}

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2006
An excellent story idea, well developed, and well told. However the writers skill with the English language is uneven. I suspect it isn't his native tongue. This only adds to my admiration for the effort though perhaps a review by a volunteer editor would aid the reader's enjoyment (8/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Feb 16, 2006
thanks for taking a didderent view of this subject
nice to see revenge and tables turned for a change (8/10)

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